#10111 EPEL8 s390x buildroot missing libuv-devel
Closed: upstream 2 years ago by rebus. Opened 3 years ago by rebus.

  • Describe the issue
    Hello, there are some issues in the RHEL8 about availability of the libuv-devel package (resp. pkgconfig(libuv)) in the standard repositories. This issue already has been solved on majority of EPEL8 platforms, but seems to be still the case in the s390x build root. Please can you have a look?

Build of radare2 failing because of this:

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    Nothing major, I will have to exclude the s390x from the spec of the package, but it would be pity as fix should be quite straightforward.

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

3 years ago

The libuv-devel is provided from CentOS-8 packages which do not have a s390x port. I think this means you will need to exclude s390x from the list.

To racap if I understand the situation right:
- EPEL8 is not providing its own libuv because the RHEL8 is already providing libuv in AppStream
(libuv-1.23.1-1, libuv-1.38.0)
- problem is that RedHat (by unexplained reason) is not distributing the libuv-devel subpackage
with the libuv package from appstream
- to solve the situation for EPEL8 builds we use the libuv package actually from CentOS8 and not RHEL8. CentOS8 libuv package provides the libuv-devel subpackade ( libuv-1.38.0 currently).
- but the CentOS8 libuv package is built for all but not the s390x architecture for which EPEL8 is building packages

I still do not undestand why EPEL is not having its own rebuild of the same libuv-1.38.0-1.src.rpm for s390x?

Because EPEL is a volunteer group and no one has volunteered to do the work to make a libuv package which will work but not break other builds. [Not doing this correctly can break updates to the package in RHEL from being used in other architectures.]

I don't think this is specific to s390x, it's covered in: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1759510

I don't think this is specific to s390x, it's covered in: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1759510

yes it is now specific to s390x. The CL8 package libuv-devel-1.38.0-2.el8 seems to be available to all other architectures for building the EPEL8

See this build in koji - successfull for all architectures, but s390x.

closed buildSRPMFromSCM (/rpms/radare2.git:fd5bf8653748de73c48d082da0b05447bfa11f1d)
closed buildArch (radare2-5.2.1-2.el8.src.rpm, aarch64)
closed buildArch (radare2-5.2.1-2.el8.src.rpm, ppc64le)
failed buildArch (radare2-5.2.1-2.el8.src.rpm, s390x)
closed buildArch (radare2-5.2.1-2.el8.src.rpm, x86_64)

Because EPEL is a volunteer group and no one has volunteered to do the work to make a libuv package which will work but not break other builds. [Not doing this correctly can break updates to the package in RHEL from being used in other architectures.]

I have tried to rebuild the same src.rpm as used in Centos8 / EPEL8 (http://vault.centos.org/8.3.2011/AppStream/Source/SPackages/libuv-1.38.0-2.el8.src.rpm).
Unfortunately it fails on some network tests.

EPEL, by policy, does not override RHEL.

I suppose you could make a separate parallel installable package called something else... but that's really it. I think it would be easier to just exclude s390x. ;(

I really don't think releng can do anything here that isn't already done.

As I've stated in bug 1759510 and bug 1923783, libuv-devel will be added to the CRB repository in RHEL 8.4, including for the s390x architecture. RHEL 8.4 has already been announced, and was promised to arrive in the "coming weeks".

That sounds promising - thank you.

Hi @rebus, RHEL 8.4 is available for a couple of weeks now. Is this issue resolved can we close it?

Hello ... it worked with 8.4 , thx.

Metadata Update from @rebus:
- Issue close_status updated to: upstream
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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