#172 atomic installer: move from arch-template to template
Merged 7 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by dustymabe.
dustymabe/pungi-fedora dusty-f26-fix-atomic  into  f26

file modified
+3 -7
@@ -677,17 +677,13 @@ 

              "release": None,

              "rootfs_size": "3",

              "installpkgs": ["fedora-productimg-atomic"],

-             "add_template": ["atomic-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl"],

+             "add_template": ["atomic-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl",

+                              "atomic-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl"],

              "add_template_var": [

-                 "ostree_osname=fedora-atomic",

-                 "ostree_ref=fedora/26/x86_64/atomic-host",

-             ],

-             "add_arch_template": ["atomic-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl"],

-             "add_arch_template_var": [




-             ]

+             ],

i thought we were supposed to have commas - is that not right?

ausil commented 7 years ago

we should. make sure it all validates with pungi-config-validate

[root@f26vanilla pungi-fedora]# pungi-config-validate ./fedora.conf 
CREATEREPO: Can not generate deltas without old compose


ausil commented 7 years ago

that is expected.

              'template_repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git',

              'template_branch': 'f26',

              'failable': ['*'],

Otherwise I don't get access to the "root" variable we are trying to
use here [1].

[1] https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates/pull-request/16#_2,7

Signed-off-by: Dusty Mabe dusty@dustymabe.com

i thought we were supposed to have commas - is that not right?

we should. make sure it all validates with pungi-config-validate

[root@f26vanilla pungi-fedora]# pungi-config-validate ./fedora.conf 
CREATEREPO: Can not generate deltas without old compose


that is expected.

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

7 years ago