
Created 6 years ago
Maintained by pingou
3rd party plugin to integrate pagure with a taiga instance
Members 1
Pierre-Yves Chibon committed 6 years ago


Pagure is a git-centered forge, python based using pygit2.

With pagure you can host your project with its documentation, let your users report issues or request enhancements using the ticketing system and build your community of contributors by allowing them to fork your projects and contribute to it via the now-popular pull-request mechanism.

pagure-taiga is a plugin for pagure allowing to integrate pagure with taiga.

It currently supports:

  • syncing new tickets from pagure to issue (scrum projects) or user-stories (kanban projects) in taiga and from taiga to pagure
  • syncing new comments made on a ticket in pagure to taiga and from taiga to pagure
  • syncing issue/user-stories status update to pagure as tags and syncing tag update in pagure as status change in taiga if the tag correspond to one of the status in taiga

Get it running

Run a taiga instance:

We advice to run taiga using docker using the project benhutchins/docker-taiga-example.

  • Clone the docker-taiga-example repo:

    git clone
  • Adjust the docker-compose.yml file a little

    • Un-comment the events, rabbit and redis pods around line 12
    • Un-comment the lines about the following pods around line 54: rabbit, redis, celery and events
  • If you are already running a process on port 80 on your host you may want to change in the docker-compose.yml file``- 80:80`` to - 8080:80 under ports around line 7

  • Adjust taiga-conf/ by adding the following two lines:

    DEBUG = True  # Not necessary per say but can be useful
  • Build the containers:

    sudo docker-compose build
  • Run the containers:

    sudo docker-compose up

Get pagure-taiga running

Documentation to come