#1022 Add "Smallest compressed archive" note to sourceurl page
Merged 2 years ago by tibbs. Opened 3 years ago by ankursinha.
ankursinha/packaging-committee fix/1021  into  master

@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ 

  Source0: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-common/2.12/gnome-common-2.12.0.tar.bz2



+ [NOTE]

+ .Smallest Compressed Archive

+ ======

+ If the upstream source archive is available in multiple compressed formats that our tools can decompress it's best to use the one that is smallest in size.

+ This ensures the smallest source rpm to save space on the mirrors and downloads of source RPM packages.

+ ======



  There are several cases where upstream is not providing the source to you in an upstream tarball. In these cases you must document how to generate the tarball used in the rpm either through a spec file comment or a script included as a separate SourceX:.


  Here are some specific examples:

rebased onto 90f2a65c03b809d3b824e9fe443ce199defb0343

3 years ago

rebased onto 2cb0fca

2 years ago

Not sure why this was never merged, but it is now.

Pull-Request has been merged by tibbs

2 years ago

rebased onto 2cb0fca

2 years ago