
Created a year ago
Maintained by ngompa
Unified high level interface for common actions with the OBS  |  https://gitlab.com/datto/engineering/DevOps/obsctl
Members 1
Tomas Tomecek committed a year ago


build result

obsctl is a unified high level interface for common actions with Open Build Service systems.

First and foremost, it is designed as a tool to simplify doing basic actions for automation purposes, including continuous integration and delivery schemes.

It is inspired by Fedora's fedpkg tool, which provides a comprehensive interface to working with various parts of Fedora's software delivery infrastructure, as well as enabling CI and local development of packages, modules, and containers.

It is the hope that obsctl will eventually evolve to provide a similar interface for those who use Open Build Service instances in the same way that rpkg and fedpkg do for Koji instances.

These commands are provided by obsctl right now:

$ obsctl --help
Usage: obsctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  An OBS command line interface.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  dscimport     Push packaging dsc sources to an OBS instance.
  getbinaries   Downloads binaries to a local directory
  scratchbuild  Executes local OBS scratch build
  setup         Set up configuration for the obsctl tool
  specimport    Push packaging spec sources to an OBS instance.
  tarimport     Push tarball of sources to an OBS instance.

If you want to learn more about how Datto uses obsctl and the Open Build Service, check out our blog post on the subject.


obsctl is an overlay on top of osc, the openSUSE (Build) Commander. Thus, you need osc installed.

Note that osc is only available as a system package, so you will need to install it from your distribution's package manager.

Similarly, obsctl depends on the Python bindings for RPM, which is also only available as a system package.

This is usually available in your distribution as python3-rpm/rpm-python3 (for Python 3). Please install it from your distribution package manager.

For some functionality to work correctly (e.g. scratch builds), it's highly recommended to use an RPM-based Linux distribution, such as Fedora or openSUSE.

In addition, obsctl has a few other Python dependencies:

  • click
  • setuptools
  • lxml
  • pathlib (when using Python < 3.4)

On Fedora, the following will install everything you need to run obsctl for your current system:

$ sudo dnf builddep dist/obsctl.spec


The preferred way to do development is to leverage Podman/Docker to build and test as it would be used.


The instructions below will use the podman command, but you can easily substitute for docker and it should easily just work the same.

First, pull down the container of the target environment.

For Python 3 development, Fedora 30 or newer is recommended currently (as osc is Python 3 there).

For the instructions below, we'll work with Fedora 30.

$ sudo podman pull fedora:30

Assuming you're in the root directory of the Git checkout of obsctl, set up the container:

$ sudo podman run --privileged --rm -it -v $PWD:/code fedora:30 /bin/bash

Once in the container environment, set up your build and development environment:

# Change to the code location
[]$ cd /code
# Install build and test dependencies
[]$ dnf --assumeyes install make which rpm-build "dnf-command(builddep)" "python3dist(black)" "python3dist(pylint)" "python3dist(pytest)" "python3dist(pytest-cov)"
# Install build dependencies
[]$ dnf --assumeyes builddep ./dist/obsctl.spec

You're now set to do work on the code!

Testing the code

There are two ways to test the changes you've made. The preferred way is by building and installing the RPM. Alternatively, you can set up a Python virtual environment that will reuse system dependencies.

Finally, you will need to populate /etc/obsctl/obsauth.json, which you can do so by copying the obsauth.json.dist file into the target location and editing accordingly.

There are a number of tests used against the code during development, and they can be run through various targets in the Makefile.

# Run the code format check
[]$ make style
# Run the code lint check
[]$ make lint
# Run the unit test check
[]$ make test

These can assist in development.

Building and installing a development RPM
# Make the rpm
[]$ make rpm
# Install the rpm
[]$ dnf install ./pkgbuild/RPMS/noarch/obsctl*.rpm
Building and testing via a Python virtual environment

For Python 3, it's just as simple as running the command below:

[]$ make venv

The above approach will also make obsctl available to you, but you will need to install osc and the required OBS source services by hand, like so:

[]$ dnf --assumeyes install osc obs-service-download_files obs-service-extract_file obs-service-set_version