#427 Action needed: abstract for submission to INCF ineuroinformatics assembly (due 31st March!)
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 3 years ago by ankursinha.

The INCF NeuroInformatics Assembly is coming up:


This is where lots of folks that use and develop tools for neuroscience meet, so it'll be great to have something here. Perhaps a poster.

Registration is not open yet, so let's wait for that to happen and see if we can do something here.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue tagged with: T: Outreach and dissemination

3 years ago

List of members for whom I could see some activity related to NeuroFedora on Pagure.

Other users with non-NeuroFedora related activity (I have just grazed through their activity, there could be something more)

If anyone else feels like they have contributed and I have missed them, please add yourself to the list. :smile:

Here's what I've come up with for the abstract submission. Comments welcome! (Deadline is on 31st, so I've managed to leave it till the last minute: sorry!)

NeuroFedora: Free Software for Free Neuroscience

NeuroFedora is a community driven initiative to provide a ready to use Fedora Linux based Free/Open source Software (FOSS) platform for neuroscience. We believe that similar to Free software, science should be free for all to use, share, modify, and study. By making the tools used in the scientific process easier to use, NeuroFedora aims to help the neuroscience research community take another step towards this ideal.

The use of Free software in science is necessary for reproducibility, data sharing, and collaboration in the research community. While more and more tools are being developed using modern FOSS driven methods to ensure free (as in freedom, and thus also free of cost) access to all, the complexity of these domain specific tools can make their use by the multi-disciplinary target audience---individuals hailing from different, sometimes non-computing, disciplines---difficult.

With help from its parent FOSS Fedora community, NeuroFedora volunteers collect, build, test, and package FOSS neuroscience software to make them available on Fedora Linux based installations. The NeuroFedora community currently maintains ~170 packages for neuroscience software tools, either installable directly using the default system package manager (dnf) on Fedora Linux installations, or via container images. Furthermore, for computational neuroscience, the NeuroFedora community also provides a ready-to-use and install Fedora Linux based Operating System where commonly used computational neuroscience tools are bundled with the well integrated and modern Gnome desktop environment and software suite. Users also continue to retain access to the thousands of software tools in the standard Fedora repositories. The Comp-NeuroFedora OS can be downloaded from https://labs.fedoraproject.org

With the computational neuroscience domain being provided for, the NeuroFedora community is now prepared to work on other domains in neuroscience, such as neuro-imaging and data-analysis. For this purpose, we invite members of the neuroscience community to join the initiative. No knowledge of software development is necessary---the community strongly focuses on knowledge exchange and “learning by doing” to ensure continuous community development.

Documentation on the NeuroFedora community, its processes and communication channels, and the software it maintains can be found here: https://neuro.fedoraproject.org

Thanks @ankursinha for an excellent preparation of an abstract. I am reading it now.

I totally agree with this abstract.

Thanks @iztokf : could everyone else please take a quick look and let us know if they don't want to mentioned in the author list?

The abstract looks good to me. Do we have a maximum or a minimum number of words as a requirement for this abstract?

The abstract looks good to me. Do we have a maximum or a minimum number of words as a requirement for this abstract?

I didn't see that in the submission form, so I don't think so.

Ok, +1 for this abstract

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Hi folks,

Happy to report that our abstract was accepted. We'll work on the poster etc. as soon as we receive information on that bit.

Thanks everyone for all your work. :)

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