| |
@@ -25,44 +25,65 @@
| |
| |
# TODO: this should probably get cleaned up?
| |
__all__ = (
| |
- 'weeknum', 'parse_logtime', 'parse_querydict',
| |
| |
- 'ItemWriter', 'CSVWriter', 'JSONWriter', 'AWKWriter', 'SQLiteWriter',
| |
- 'ItemReader', 'CSVReader', 'SQLiteReader',
| |
| |
- 'make_writer', 'guessreader', 'autoreader',
| |
| |
- 'LogItem', 'MirrorItem', 'CountmeItem',
| |
- 'LogMatcher', 'MirrorMatcher', 'CountmeMatcher',
| |
+ "weeknum",
| |
+ "parse_logtime",
| |
+ "parse_querydict",
| |
+ "ItemWriter",
| |
+ "CSVWriter",
| |
+ "JSONWriter",
| |
+ "AWKWriter",
| |
+ "SQLiteWriter",
| |
+ "ItemReader",
| |
+ "CSVReader",
| |
+ "SQLiteReader",
| |
+ "make_writer",
| |
+ "guessreader",
| |
+ "autoreader",
| |
+ "LogItem",
| |
+ "MirrorItem",
| |
+ "CountmeItem",
| |
+ "LogMatcher",
| |
+ "MirrorMatcher",
| |
+ "CountmeMatcher",
| |
| |
| |
- import os
| |
- import re
| |
- from datetime import date, time, datetime, timezone, timedelta
| |
+ from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
| |
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
| |
- from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
| |
+ from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Type, Union
| |
| |
from .regex import COUNTME_LOG_RE, MIRRORS_LOG_RE
| |
- from .version import __version__, __version_info__
| |
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
# ====== Output item definitions and helpers ================================
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
| |
- DAY_LEN = 24*60*60
| |
| |
+ DAY_LEN = 24 * 60 * 60
| |
| |
COUNTME_EPOCH = 345600 # =00:00:00 Mon Jan 5 00:00:00 1970 (UTC)
| |
| |
- 'Jan':1, 'Feb':2, 'Mar':3, 'Apr':4, 'May':5, 'Jun':6,
| |
- 'Jul':7, 'Aug':8, 'Sep':9, 'Oct':10, 'Nov':11, 'Dec':12
| |
+ "Jan": 1,
| |
+ "Feb": 2,
| |
+ "Mar": 3,
| |
+ "Apr": 4,
| |
+ "May": 5,
| |
+ "Jun": 6,
| |
+ "Jul": 7,
| |
+ "Aug": 8,
| |
+ "Sep": 9,
| |
+ "Oct": 10,
| |
+ "Nov": 11,
| |
+ "Dec": 12,
| |
| |
| |
| |
def weeknum(timestamp):
| |
return (int(timestamp) - COUNTME_EPOCH) // WEEK_LEN
| |
| |
| |
def strptime_logtime(logtime):
| |
return datetime.strptime(logtime, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")
| |
| |
| |
def logtime_to_isoformat(logtime):
| |
# logtime: '29/Mar/2020:16:04:28 +0000'
| |
# ISO8601: '2020-03-29T16:04:28+00:00'
| |
@@ -74,13 +95,15 @@
| |
offm = logtime[24:26]
| |
return f"{y}-{m:02}-{d}T{time}{offh}:{offm}"
| |
| |
| |
def offset_to_timezone(offset):
| |
- '''Convert a UTC offset like -0400 to a datetime.timezone instance'''
| |
- offmin = 60*int(offset[1:3]) + int(offset[3:5])
| |
- if offset[0] == '-':
| |
+ """Convert a UTC offset like -0400 to a datetime.timezone instance"""
| |
+ offmin = 60 * int(offset[1:3]) + int(offset[3:5])
| |
+ if offset[0] == "-":
| |
offmin = -offmin
| |
return timezone(timedelta(minutes=offmin))
| |
| |
| |
def parse_logtime(logtime):
| |
# Equivalent to - but faster than - strptime_logtime.
| |
# It's like ~1.5usec vs 11usec, which might seem trivial but in my tests
| |
@@ -89,21 +112,25 @@
| |
# (btw, slicing logtime by hand and using re.split are both marginally
| |
# slower. datetime.fromisoformat is slightly faster but not available
| |
# in Python 3.6 or earlier.)
| |
- dt, off = logtime.split(' ',1)
| |
- date, hour, minute, second = dt.split(':',3)
| |
- day, month, year = date.split('/',2)
| |
- tz = timezone.utc if off in {"+0000","-0000"} else offset_to_timezone(off)
| |
- return datetime(int(year), MONTHIDX[month], int(day),
| |
- int(hour), int(minute), int(second), 0, tz)
| |
+ dt, off = logtime.split(" ", 1)
| |
+ date, hour, minute, second = dt.split(":", 3)
| |
+ day, month, year = date.split("/", 2)
| |
+ tz = timezone.utc if off in {"+0000", "-0000"} else offset_to_timezone(off)
| |
+ return datetime(
| |
+ int(year), MONTHIDX[month], int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second), 0, tz
| |
+ )
| |
| |
| |
def parse_querydict(querystr):
| |
- '''Parse request query the way mirrormanager does (last value wins)'''
| |
+ """Parse request query the way mirrormanager does (last value wins)"""
| |
return dict(parse_qsl(querystr))
| |
| |
| |
class LogItem(NamedTuple):
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
Generic access.log data holder.
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
| |
host: str
| |
identity: str
| |
time: str
| |
@@ -128,26 +155,30 @@
| |
def querydict(self):
| |
return parse_querydict(self.query)
| |
| |
| |
# TODO: would be kinda nice if there was a clear subclass / translation
| |
# between item classes... or if compile_log_regex made the class for you?
| |
# Or something? It feels like these things should be more closely bound.
| |
| |
| |
class MirrorItem(NamedTuple):
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
A basic mirrorlist/metalink metadata item.
| |
Each item has a timestamp, IP, and the requested repo= and arch= values.
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
| |
timestamp: int
| |
host: str
| |
repo_tag: Optional[str]
| |
repo_arch: Optional[str]
| |
| |
| |
class CountmeItem(NamedTuple):
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
A "countme" match item.
| |
Includes the countme value and libdnf User-Agent fields.
| |
- '''
| |
+ """
| |
| |
timestamp: int
| |
host: str
| |
os_name: str
| |
@@ -160,11 +191,14 @@
| |
| |
| |
class LogMatcher:
| |
- '''Base class for a LogMatcher, which iterates through a log file'''
| |
+ """Base class for a LogMatcher, which iterates through a log file"""
| |
| |
regex = NotImplemented
| |
- itemtuple = NotImplemented
| |
+ itemtuple: Union[Type[MirrorItem], Type[CountmeItem]]
| |
| |
def __init__(self, fileobj):
| |
self.fileobj = fileobj
| |
| |
def iteritems(self):
| |
# TODO: at this point we're single-threaded and CPU-bound;
| |
# multithreading would speed things up here.
| |
@@ -172,94 +206,126 @@
| |
match = self.regex.match(line)
| |
if match:
| |
yield self.make_item(match)
| |
| |
__iter__ = iteritems
| |
| |
| |
def make_item(cls, match):
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
| |
class MirrorMatcher(LogMatcher):
| |
- '''Match all mirrorlist/metalink items, like mirrorlist.py does.'''
| |
+ """Match all mirrorlist/metalink items, like mirrorlist.py does."""
| |
| |
| |
itemtuple = MirrorItem
| |
| |
| |
def make_item(cls, match):
| |
- timestamp = parse_logtime(match['time']).timestamp()
| |
- query = parse_querydict(match['query'])
| |
- return cls.itemtuple(timestamp = int(timestamp),
| |
- host = match['host'],
| |
- repo_tag = query.get('repo'),
| |
- repo_arch = query.get('arch'))
| |
+ timestamp = parse_logtime(match["time"]).timestamp()
| |
+ query = parse_querydict(match["query"])
| |
+ return cls.itemtuple(
| |
+ timestamp=int(timestamp),
| |
+ host=match["host"],
| |
+ repo_tag=query.get("repo"),
| |
+ repo_arch=query.get("arch"),
| |
+ )
| |
| |
| |
class CountmeMatcher(LogMatcher):
| |
- '''Match the libdnf-style "countme" requests.'''
| |
+ """Match the libdnf-style "countme" requests."""
| |
| |
| |
itemtuple = CountmeItem
| |
| |
| |
def make_item(cls, match):
| |
- timestamp = parse_logtime(match['time']).timestamp()
| |
- query = parse_querydict(match['query'])
| |
- return cls.itemtuple(timestamp = int(timestamp),
| |
- host = match['host'],
| |
- os_name = match['os_name'],
| |
- os_version = match['os_version'],
| |
- os_variant = match['os_variant'],
| |
- os_arch = match['os_arch'],
| |
- sys_age = int(query.get('countme')),
| |
- repo_tag = query.get('repo'),
| |
- repo_arch = query.get('arch'))
| |
+ timestamp = parse_logtime(match["time"]).timestamp()
| |
+ query = parse_querydict(match["query"])
| |
+ return cls.itemtuple(
| |
+ timestamp=int(timestamp),
| |
+ host=match["host"],
| |
+ os_name=match["os_name"],
| |
+ os_version=match["os_version"],
| |
+ os_variant=match["os_variant"],
| |
+ os_arch=match["os_arch"],
| |
+ sys_age=int(query.get("countme")),
| |
+ repo_tag=query.get("repo"),
| |
+ repo_arch=query.get("arch"),
| |
+ )
| |
| |
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
# ====== ItemWriters - output formatting classes ============================
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
| |
| |
class ItemWriter:
| |
- def __init__(self, fp, itemtuple, timefield='timestamp', **kwargs):
| |
+ def __init__(self, fp, itemtuple, timefield="timestamp", **kwargs):
| |
self._fp = fp
| |
self._itemtuple = itemtuple
| |
self._fields = itemtuple._fields
| |
assert timefield in self._fields, f"{itemtuple.__name__!r} has no time field {timefield!r}"
| |
self._timefield = timefield
| |
| |
| |
def _get_writer(self, **kwargs):
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def write_item(self, item):
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def write_items(self, items):
| |
for item in items:
| |
| |
| |
def write_header(self):
| |
| |
| |
def write_index(self):
| |
| |
| |
| |
class JSONWriter(ItemWriter):
| |
def _get_writer(self, **kwargs):
| |
import json
| |
| |
self._dump = json.dump
| |
| |
def write_item(self, item):
| |
self._dump(item._asdict(), self._fp)
| |
| |
| |
class CSVWriter(ItemWriter):
| |
def _get_writer(self, **kwargs):
| |
import csv
| |
| |
self._writer = csv.writer(self._fp)
| |
| |
def write_header(self):
| |
| |
| |
def write_item(self, item):
| |
| |
| |
| |
class AWKWriter(ItemWriter):
| |
- def _get_writer(self, field_separator='\t', **kwargs):
| |
+ def _get_writer(self, field_separator="\t", **kwargs):
| |
self._fieldsep = field_separator
| |
| |
def _write_row(self, vals):
| |
- self._fp.write(self._fieldsep.join(str(v) for v in vals) + '\n')
| |
+ self._fp.write(self._fieldsep.join(str(v) for v in vals) + "\n")
| |
| |
def write_header(self):
| |
| |
| |
def write_item(self, item):
| |
| |
| |
| |
class SQLiteWriter(ItemWriter):
| |
- '''Write each item as a new row in a SQLite database table.'''
| |
+ """Write each item as a new row in a SQLite database table."""
| |
| |
# We have to get a little fancier with types here since SQL tables expect
| |
# typed values. Good thing Python has types now, eh?
| |
| |
@@ -272,11 +338,14 @@
| |
Optional[float]: "REAL",
| |
Optional[bytes]: "BLOB",
| |
| |
| |
def _sqltype(self, fieldname):
| |
typehint = self._itemtuple.__annotations__[fieldname]
| |
return self.SQL_TYPE.get(typehint, "TEXT")
| |
- def _get_writer(self, tablename='countme_raw', **kwargs):
| |
| |
+ def _get_writer(self, tablename="countme_raw", **kwargs):
| |
import sqlite3
| |
| |
if hasattr(self._fp, "name"):
| |
filename = self._fp.name
| |
| |
@@ -288,52 +357,55 @@
| |
# Generate SQL commands so we can use them later.
| |
# self._create_table creates the table, with column names and types
| |
# matching the names and types of the fields in self._itemtuple.
| |
- self._create_table = (
| |
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} ({coldefs})".format(
| |
- table=tablename,
| |
- coldefs=",".join(f"{f} {self._sqltype(f)}" for f in self._fields),
| |
- )
| |
+ self._create_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} ({coldefs})".format(
| |
+ table=tablename,
| |
+ coldefs=",".join(f"{f} {self._sqltype(f)}" for f in self._fields),
| |
| |
# self._insert_item is an "INSERT" command with '?' placeholders.
| |
- self._insert_item = (
| |
- "INSERT INTO {table} ({colnames}) VALUES ({colvals})".format(
| |
- table=tablename,
| |
- colnames=",".join(self._fields),
| |
- colvals=",".join("?" for f in self._fields),
| |
- )
| |
+ self._insert_item = "INSERT INTO {table} ({colnames}) VALUES ({colvals})".format(
| |
+ table=tablename,
| |
+ colnames=",".join(self._fields),
| |
+ colvals=",".join("?" for f in self._fields),
| |
| |
# self._create_time_index creates an index on 'timestamp' or whatever
| |
# the time-series field is.
| |
self._create_time_index = (
| |
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {timefield}_idx on {table} ({timefield})".format(
| |
- table=tablename,
| |
- timefield=self._timefield
| |
+ table=tablename, timefield=self._timefield
| |
| |
| |
| |
def write_header(self):
| |
| |
| |
def write_item(self, item):
| |
self._cur.execute(self._insert_item, item)
| |
| |
def write_items(self, items):
| |
with self._con:
| |
self._con.executemany(self._insert_item, items)
| |
| |
def write_index(self):
| |
| |
| |
| |
def has_item(self, item):
| |
- '''Return True if a row matching `item` exists in this database.'''
| |
+ """Return True if a row matching `item` exists in this database."""
| |
condition = " AND ".join(f"{field}=?" for field in self._fields)
| |
- cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self._tablename} WHERE {condition}",item)
| |
+ cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self._tablename} WHERE {condition}", item)
| |
return bool(cur.fetchone()[0])
| |
| |
def mintime(self):
| |
cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT MIN({self._timefield}) FROM {self._tablename}")
| |
return cur.fetchone()[0]
| |
| |
def maxtime(self):
| |
cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT MAX({self._timefield}) FROM {self._tablename}")
| |
return cur.fetchone()[0]
| |
| |
| |
def make_writer(name, *args, **kwargs):
| |
- '''Convenience function to grab/instantiate the right writer'''
| |
+ """Convenience function to grab/instantiate the right writer"""
| |
if name == "csv":
| |
writer = CSVWriter
| |
elif name == "json":
| |
@@ -346,13 +418,16 @@
| |
raise ValueError(f"Unknown writer '{name}'")
| |
return writer(*args, **kwargs)
| |
| |
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
# ====== ItemReaders - counterpart to ItemWriter ============================
| |
# ===========================================================================
| |
| |
| |
class ReaderError(RuntimeError):
| |
| |
| |
| |
class ItemReader:
| |
def __init__(self, fp, itemtuple, **kwargs):
| |
self._fp = fp
| |
@@ -365,88 +440,112 @@
| |
raise ReaderError("no field names found")
| |
if filefields != self._itemfields:
| |
raise ReaderError(f"field mismatch: expected {self._itemfields}, got {filefields}")
| |
| |
| |
def fields(self):
| |
return self._itemfields
| |
| |
def _get_reader(self):
| |
- '''Set up the ItemReader.'''
| |
+ """Set up the ItemReader."""
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def _get_fields(self):
| |
- '''Called immediately after _get_reader().
| |
- Should return a tuple of the fieldnames found in self._fp.'''
| |
+ """Called immediately after _get_reader().
| |
+ Should return a tuple of the fieldnames found in self._fp."""
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def _iter_rows(self):
| |
- '''Return an iterator/generator that produces a row for each item.'''
| |
+ """Return an iterator/generator that produces a row for each item."""
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def _find_item(self, item):
| |
- '''Return True if the given item is in this file'''
| |
+ """Return True if the given item is in this file"""
| |
raise NotImplementedError
| |
| |
def __iter__(self):
| |
for item in self._iter_rows():
| |
yield self._itemfactory(item)
| |
| |
def __contains__(self, item):
| |
return self._find_item(item)
| |
| |
| |
class CSVReader(ItemReader):
| |
def _get_reader(self, **kwargs):
| |
import csv
| |
| |
self._reader = csv.reader(self._fp)
| |
| |
def _get_fields(self):
| |
filefields = tuple(next(self._reader))
| |
# Sanity check: if any fieldname is a number... this isn't a header
| |
if any(name.isnumeric() for name in filefields):
| |
- header = ','.join(filefields)
| |
+ header = ",".join(filefields)
| |
raise ReaderError(f"header bad/missing: expected {self._itemfields}, got {header!r}")
| |
return filefields
| |
| |
def _iter_rows(self):
| |
return self._reader
| |
| |
def _dup(self):
| |
# This is pretty gross, but then, so's CSV
| |
- return self.__class__(open(self._fp.name, 'rt'), self._itemtuple)
| |
+ return self.__class__(open(self._fp.name, "rt"), self._itemtuple)
| |
| |
def _find_item(self, item):
| |
stritem = self._itemfactory(str(v) for v in item)
| |
- return (stritem in self._dup()) # O(n) worst case. Again: gross.
| |
+ return stritem in self._dup() # O(n) worst case. Again: gross.
| |
| |
| |
class AWKReader(CSVReader):
| |
- def _get_reader(self, field_separator='\t', **kwargs):
| |
+ def _get_reader(self, field_separator="\t", **kwargs):
| |
self._reader = (line.split(field_separator) for line in self._fp)
| |
| |
| |
class JSONReader(CSVReader):
| |
def _get_reader(self, **kwargs):
| |
import json
| |
| |
self._reader = (json.loads(line) for line in self._fp)
| |
| |
| |
class SQLiteReader(ItemReader):
| |
- def _get_reader(self, tablename='countme_raw', timefield="timestamp", **kwargs):
| |
+ def _get_reader(self, tablename="countme_raw", timefield="timestamp", **kwargs):
| |
import sqlite3
| |
| |
if hasattr(self._fp, "name"):
| |
filename = self._fp.name
| |
| |
filename = self._fp
| |
- #self._con = sqlite3.connect(f"file:{filename}?mode=ro", uri=True)
| |
+ # self._con = sqlite3.connect(f"file:{filename}?mode=ro", uri=True)
| |
self._con = sqlite3.connect(filename)
| |
self._cur = self._con.cursor()
| |
self._tablename = tablename
| |
self._timefield = timefield
| |
self._filename = filename
| |
| |
def _get_fields(self):
| |
fields_sql = f"PRAGMA table_info('{self._tablename}')"
| |
filefields = tuple(r[1] for r in self._cur.execute(fields_sql))
| |
return filefields
| |
| |
def _find_item(self, item):
| |
condition = " AND ".join(f"{field}=?" for field in self.fields)
| |
- self._cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self._tablename} WHERE {condition}",item)
| |
+ self._cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self._tablename} WHERE {condition}", item)
| |
return bool(self._cur.fetchone()[0])
| |
| |
def _iter_rows(self):
| |
fields = ",".join(self._itemfields)
| |
return self._cur.execute(f"SELECT {fields} FROM {self._tablename}")
| |
| |
def mintime(self):
| |
cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT MIN({self._timefield}) FROM {self._tablename}")
| |
return cur.fetchone()[0]
| |
| |
def maxtime(self):
| |
cur = self._cur.execute(f"SELECT MAX({self._timefield}) FROM {self._tablename}")
| |
return cur.fetchone()[0]
| |
| |
| |
# Guess the right reader based on the filename.
| |
def guessreader(fp):
| |
if fp.name.endswith(".csv"):
| |
@@ -459,9 +558,9 @@
| |
reader = None
| |
return reader
| |
| |
| |
# TODO: should have name/args more like make_writer...
| |
def autoreader(fp, itemtuple, **kwargs):
| |
- '''Convenience function to guess & instantiate the right writer'''
| |
+ """Convenience function to guess & instantiate the right writer"""
| |
reader = guessreader(fp)
| |
return reader(fp, itemtuple, **kwargs)
| |
| |
Most of the changes are related to black.
Biggest changes outside of that:
Removal of tqdm, as we don't care about progress-bars.
Hard-coding TotalsItem tuple, as mypy couldn't handle the dynamic generation.