#352 Become a KDE Patron
Closed: Moved 2 years ago by ngompa. Opened 2 years ago by ngompa.

This is split from #344 to request the Fedora Project become a Patron of KDE.

Patrons of KDE get the following benefits:

  • Guaranteed seat on the KDE, e.V. advisory board
  • Networking event with KDE, e.V. board at Akademy
  • "Patron of KDE" logo/artwork for use on sites and brochures (fedoraloveskde, kde.fp.o, kinoite.fp.o, etc.)
  • Primacy on list of KDE distributions on https://kde.org/distributions/

For Fedora, the yearly membership fee is €5000.

The main values for me of this is giving us a stronger voice on the direction of KDE as a whole and improving the promotion of Fedora from KDE venues upstream to direct more toward us. I believe we'd see a significant boost in traffic and interest from this, given the current trend and positive relationship we already have, and this would reinforce it strongly.

I think this should be a Fedora Council ticket since it really is a strategic decision. @ngompa I can file it there if you like, or you can :)

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue close_status updated to: Moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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