#15 Replace multilib module with python-multilib package
Merged 6 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by yahzaa.
yahzaa/mash master  into  master

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ *.pyc

+ build/

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ 

  URL:            https://pagure.io/mash

  Source0:        http://fedorahosted.org/releases/m/a/mash/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

  BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

- Requires:       yum, createrepo, koji

+ Requires:       yum, createrepo, koji, python-multilib

  Conflicts:	pungi < 1.0.0

  BuildRequires:  python-devel

  BuildArch:      noarch

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ 

  import time


  import arch as masharch

- import multilib

  import metadata

  import yum

  import yum.config

+ from multilib import multilib


  import rpmUtils.arch

@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ 

                          (exclusivearch[pkg['build_id']] and not has_any(masharch.compat[target_arch], [arch for arch in exclusivearch[pkg['build_id']] if arch != 'noarch'])):


                          "Excluding %s.%s from %s due to EXCLUDEARCH/EXCLUSIVEARCH" %

-                                      (pkg['name'], pkg['arch'], target_arch))

+                         (pkg['name'], pkg['arch'], target_arch))



                      if pkg['name'].find('-debuginfo') != -1:
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ 

                                self.config.rpm_path % {'arch': arch})

          repodir = os.path.join(

              self.config.outputdir, self.config.output_subdir,

-                                self.config.repodata_path % {'arch': arch})

+             self.config.repodata_path % {'arch': arch})

          tmproot = os.path.join(tmpdir, "%s-%s.tmp" % (self.config.name, arch))


          yumbase = yum.YumBase()

file removed
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ 

- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

- # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

- #

- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


- # GNU Library General Public License for more details.

- #

- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


- import os

- from fnmatch import fnmatch



- class MultilibMethod(object):

-     PREFER_64 = frozenset(

-         ('gdb', 'frysk', 'systemtap', 'systemtap-runtime', 'ltrace', 'strace'))


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'base'


-     def select(self, po):

-         if po.arch.find('64') != -1:

-             if po.name in self.PREFER_64:

-                 return True

-             if po.name.startswith('kernel'):

-                 for (p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)) in po.provides:

-                     if p_name == 'kernel' or p_name == 'kernel-devel':

-                         return True

-         return False



- class NoMultilibMethod(object):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'none'


-     def select(self, po):

-         return False



- class AllMultilibMethod(MultilibMethod):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'all'


-     def select(self, po):

-         return True



- class FileMultilibMethod(MultilibMethod):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         file = config.multilib_file

-         self.name = 'file'

-         self.list = []

-         if file:

-             f = open(file, 'r')

-             lines = f.readlines()

-             f.close()

-             for line in lines:

-                 line = line.strip()

-                 if not line.startswith('#'):

-                     self.list.append(line)


-     def select(self, po):

-         for item in self.list:

-             if fnmatch(po.name, item):

-                 return True

-         return False



- class KernelMultilibMethod(object):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'base'


-     def select(self, po):

-         if po.arch.find('64') != -1:

-             if po.name.startswith('kernel'):

-                 for (p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)) in po.provides:

-                     if p_name == 'kernel' or p_name == 'kernel-devel':

-                         return True

-         return False



- class YabootMultilibMethod(object):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'base'


-     def select(self, po):

-         if po.arch in ['ppc']:

-             if po.name.startswith('yaboot'):

-                 return True

-         return False



- class RuntimeMultilibMethod(MultilibMethod):

-     ROOTLIBDIRS = frozenset(('/lib', '/lib64'))

-     USRLIBDIRS = frozenset(('/usr/lib', '/usr/lib64'))


-     OPROFILEDIRS = frozenset(('/usr/lib/oprofile', '/usr/lib64/oprofile'))

-     WINEDIRS = frozenset(('/usr/lib/wine', '/usr/lib64/wine'))

-     SANEDIRS = frozenset(('/usr/lib/sane', '/usr/lib64/sane'))


-     by_dir = set()


-     # alsa, dri, gtk-accessibility, scim-bridge-gtk, krb5, sasl, vdpau

-     by_dir.update(frozenset(os.path.join('/usr/lib', p) for p in ('alsa-lib',

-                                                                   'dri', 'gtk-2.0/modules', 'gtk-2.0/immodules', 'krb5/plugins',

-                                                                   'sasl2', 'vdpau')))

-     by_dir.update(frozenset(os.path.join('/usr/lib64', p) for p in ('alsa-lib',

-                                                                     'dri', 'gtk-2.0/modules', 'gtk-2.0/immodules', 'krb5/plugins',

-                                                                     'sasl2', 'vdpau')))


-     # pam

-     by_dir.update(frozenset(os.path.join(p, 'security') for p in ROOTLIBDIRS))


-     # lsb

-     by_dir.add('/etc/lsb-release.d')


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'runtime'

-         self.config = config


-     def select(self, po):

-         if po.name in self.config.multilib_runtime_blacklist:

-             return False

-         if po.name in self.config.multilib_runtime_whitelist:

-             return True

-         if MultilibMethod.select(self, po):

-             return True

-         if po.name.startswith('kernel'):

-             for (p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)) in po.provides:

-                 if p_name == 'kernel':

-                     return False

-         for file in po.returnFileEntries():

-             (dirname, filename) = file.rsplit('/', 1)


-             # libraries in standard dirs

-             if dirname in self.LIBDIRS and fnmatch(filename, '*.so.*'):

-                 return True

-             if dirname in self.by_dir:

-                 return True

-             # mysql, qt, etc.

-             if dirname == '/etc/ld.so.conf.d' and filename.endswith('.conf'):

-                 return True

-             # nss (Some nss modules end in .so instead of .so.X)

-             # db (db modules end in .so instead of .so.X)

-             if dirname in self.ROOTLIBDIRS and (filename.startswith('libnss_') or filename.startswith('libdb-')):

-                 return True

-             # Optimization:

-             # All tests beyond here are for things in USRLIBDIRS

-             if not dirname.startswith(tuple(self.USRLIBDIRS)):

-                 # The dirname does not start with a USRLIBDIR so we can move

-                 # on to the next file

-                 continue


-             if dirname.startswith(('/usr/lib/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib64/gtk-2.0')):

-                 # gtk2-engines

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/engines'):

-                     return True

-                 # accessibility

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/modules'):

-                     return True

-                 # scim-bridge-gtk

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/immodules'):

-                     return True

-                 # images

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/loaders'):

-                     return True

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/printbackends'):

-                     return True

-                 if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gtk-2.0/*/filesystems'):

-                     return True

-                 # Optimization:

-                 # No tests beyond here for things in /usr/lib*/gtk-2.0

-                 continue


-             # gstreamer

-             if dirname.startswith(('/usr/lib/gstreamer-', '/usr/lib64/gstreamer-')):

-                 return True

-             # qt/kde fun

-             if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/qt*/plugins/*'):

-                 return True

-             if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/kde*/plugins/*'):

-                 return True

-             # qml

-             if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/qt5/qml/*'):

-                 return True

-             # images

-             if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/*/loaders'):

-                 return True

-             # xine-lib

-             if fnmatch(dirname, '/usr/lib*/xine/plugins/*'):

-                 return True

-             # oprofile

-             if dirname in self.OPROFILEDIRS and fnmatch(filename, '*.so.*'):

-                 return True

-             # wine

-             if dirname in self.WINEDIRS and filename.endswith('.so'):

-                 return True

-             # sane drivers

-             if dirname in self.SANEDIRS and filename.startswith('libsane-'):

-                 return True

-         return False



- class DevelMultilibMethod(RuntimeMultilibMethod):


-     def __init__(self, config):

-         self.name = 'devel'

-         self.config = config


-     def select(self, po):

-         if po.name in self.config.multilib_devel_blacklist:

-             return False

-         if po.name in self.config.multilib_devel_whitelist:

-             return True

-         if RuntimeMultilibMethod.select(self, po):

-             return True

-         if po.name.startswith('ghc-'):

-             return False

-         if po.name.startswith('kernel'):

-             for (p_name, p_flag, (p_e, p_v, p_r)) in po.provides:

-                 if p_name == 'kernel-devel':

-                     return False

-                 if p_name.endswith('-devel') or p_name.endswith('-static'):

-                     return True

-         if po.name.endswith('-devel'):

-             return True

-         if po.name.endswith('-static'):

-             return True

-         return False

no initial comment

rebased onto 7136413

6 years ago

rebased onto 3102713

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

6 years ago