

The package "llvm-snaphot-builder" provides the %{llvm_sb} (sb=snaphot builder) macro which unlocks llvm_sb_xy() LUA functions. Those are used when building LLVM snapshots.

For legacy reasons this project also sets some RPM defines when the %{llvm-sb} macro is called. Here's an example of how these defines can look like:

llvm_snapshot_version:            15.0.0
llvm_snapshot_version_tag:        15.0.0~pre20220608.g997ecb0036a56d
llvm_snapshot_version_major:      15
llvm_snapshot_version_minor:      0
llvm_snapshot_version_patch:      0
llvm_snapshot_yyyymmdd:           20220608
llvm_snapshot_git_revision:       997ecb0036a56df1fe77fafb69393255aa995de2
llvm_snapshot_git_revision_short: 997ecb0036a56d
llvm_snapshot_version_suffix:     pre20220608.g997ecb0036a56d
llvm_snapshot_changelog_entry:    * Wed Jun 08 2022 LLVM snapshot - 15.0.0~pre20220608.g997ecb0036a56d

Who is this project for?

You don't need this project for consuming LLVM snapshots!

You only need to enable or install this project if you want to build LLVM snapshots.