#139 More Kudos to fenris02
Closed: Invalid None Opened 11 years ago by leer10.

Please fill in this template fully and provide all requested information.
Incomplete tickets may be dropped.

This feedback is:
[ Y] Positive
[ ] Negative
[ ] Neutral

My IRC nick is: leer10

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this
ticket: Suggested by StillBob to show my appreciation this way.

I was having trouble with an annoying repo that kept preventing updating, and he told me to disable the repo and use distro-sync. The system update then happened as it should have. Given his quick response, he must know his way around the system.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: StillBob

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback:

Any additional notes or logs:
Just thanks for the help, I hope the other time zones have similar people.

Thanks for your feedback!

This was passed on about a month ago. For some reason the ticket was not closed.

Thanks for your feedback.

-- Bob

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