
Created 4 years ago
Maintained by pingou
Simple html2asciidoc containerized solution relying on pandoc
Members 1
Pierre-Yves Chibon committed 4 years ago


This is a small container allowing to quickly convert a number of HTML pages into asciidoc documents via the pandoc application.

To run it:

  • Install the dependencies of this project (only needed the first time):

    sudo dnf install podman
  • Put your HTML into the files directory, next to the example (which you can remove if you like).

  • Build the container:

    podman build --rm -t pandoc -f Dockerfile .
  • Run the container:

    podman run -it --rm --name pandoc -v ./files:/code/files:Z pandoc
  • Check the results:

    ls -l files

You should see in that directory a number of <file>.adoc files, each of them corresponding to their corresponding <file>.html