
A simple CLI to tool to gather statistics from datagrepper


This tool will help anyone to pull statistics of any registered Fedora user with an active FAS account.


This tool usesargparse to parse arguments. The only mandatory argument is -u / --user which will take any FAS account name as argument.

python --user=nobody or python -u nobody will generate text based statistics of user nobody ftom datagrepper.

Arguments :

--user / -u * Takes any FAS Username as argument. There is no default value and the tool will throw an error if this argument is left blank/not used.

--weeks / -w * Takes an integer value to represent number of weeks. Converts it into timedelta. (1week = 604,800 seconds). Default value is 1.

--mode / -m

  • Takes a single word string input. Supported input modes are : json, text, svg and png. The default value is text. (More features will be added soon)

--output / -o * Takes a single word string input. This will define the output file name. This option is to be combined with the --mode/-m argument. Please note that this option DOES NOT require an extension type. For instance, if you need an SVG output with the name nobody.svg, the --output flag should be set as nobody and not nobody.svg. the dedault value is stats

Examples :

  • Generate statistics of user nobody for a week and view the text logs :

python --user=nobody

  • Generate statistics of user foo in .svg format :

python --user=foo --mode=svg

This will create stats.svg in your $pwd.

  • Generate statistics of user foo in .png format with output name as foo_stats.png

python --user=foo --mode=png --output=foo_stats

Basic Troubleshooting :

Please take a look at this blogpost.