#518 product_versions in remote rule can now be optional
Merged 4 years ago by vmaljulin. Opened 4 years ago by vmaljulin.
vmaljulin/greenwave FACTORY-4899  into  master

@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ 

  configuration, with the only difference that the "id" key is optional.


  ``product_versions``, ``decision_context`` and ``subject_type`` in the

- gating.yaml file should match with the defined values in the global

+ :file:`gating.yaml` file should match with the defined values in the global

  policy defined in the Greenwave conf that contains the ``RemoteRule``

- that will enable this check.

+ that will enable this check. If ``product_versions`` are not specified

+ in the remote :file:`gating.yaml`, values from the global policy will be used.


  The ``subject_type`` should always be defined and the permitted values are

  ``koji_build``, ``redhat-module`` and ``redhat-container-image``.

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ 

          if isinstance(policy, OnDemandPolicy):

              return [

                  sub_policy for sub_policy in policies

-                 if set(sub_policy.product_versions) == set(policy.product_versions)

+                 if any(sub_policy.matches_product_version(pv) for pv in policy.product_versions)



          return [
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ 


      safe_yaml_attributes = {

          'id': SafeYAMLString(optional=True),

-         'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str),

+         'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str, default=['*'], optional=True),

          'subject_type': SafeYAMLString(optional=True, default='koji_build'),

          'decision_context': SafeYAMLString(),

          'rules': SafeYAMLList(Rule),

file modified
+5 -2
@@ -100,7 +100,10 @@ 


      YAML object attribute represeting a list of values.


-     def __init__(self, item_type, **kwargs):

+     def __init__(self, item_type, default=None, **kwargs):

+         if default is None:

+             default = []

+         self.default = default


          self.item_type = item_type

@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ 



      def default_value(self):

-         return []

+         return self.default


      def to_json(self, value):

          return [self._item_to_json(item) for item in value]

@@ -493,12 +493,10 @@ 

                  policy = policies[0]


                  results = DummyResultsRetriever()

-                 expected_details = "Policy 'untitled': Attribute 'product_versions' is required"

                  decision = policy.check('fedora-26', subject, results)

                  assert len(decision) == 1

-                 assert isinstance(decision[0], InvalidGatingYaml)

+                 assert isinstance(decision[0], TestResultMissing)

                  assert decision[0].is_satisfied is False

-                 assert decision[0].details == expected_details



  def test_remote_rule_malformed_yaml(tmpdir):
@@ -997,8 +995,6 @@ 

      remote_fragment = dedent("""

          --- !Policy

          id: "some-policy-from-a-random-packager"

-         product_versions:

-           - fedora-26

          decision_context: bodhi_update_push_stable_with_remoterule


          - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: dist.upgradepath}

This fixes #468

Signed-off-by: Valerij Maljulin vmaljuli@redhat.com

This section should be part of RemotePolicy. Or maybe you can just use:

'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str, optional=True, default=['*']),

Can you also change the examples in documentation? (I.e. remove the product_versions there.)

rebased onto ef336214881f276f67c255724413e02bca0a8c78

4 years ago

rebased onto 30012b79f0089111c03b012678489e67c0ab94a9

4 years ago

This section should be part of RemotePolicy. Or maybe you can just use:
'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str, optional=True, default=['*']),

I've tried to make it multiple ways and it's not working.
So, let's keep it as it is.

Can you also change the examples in documentation? (I.e. remove the product_versions there.)

Add a couple of sentences to docs.

This section should be part of RemotePolicy. Or maybe you can just use:
'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str, optional=True, default=['*']),

I've tried to make it multiple ways and it's not working.
So, let's keep it as it is.

Oh, it's because SafeYAMLList doesn't support default argument. Can you add it?

Setting default product_versions value really shouldn't be handled outside the RemotePolicy class, it would lead to inconsistencies.

This section should be part of RemotePolicy. Or maybe you can just use:
'product_versions': SafeYAMLList(str, optional=True, default=['*']),

I've tried to make it multiple ways and it's not working.
So, let's keep it as it is.

Oh, it's because SafeYAMLList doesn't support default argument. Can you add it?
Setting default product_versions value really shouldn't be handled outside the RemotePolicy class, it would lead to inconsistencies.

I've tried it, I've even tried to create a subclass just for a product version, but it's not working.

"values from the global policy will be used."

But more importantly, if gating.yaml defines product versions, then it will be used for matching.

I've tried it, I've even tried to create a subclass just for a product version, but it's not working.

You need to add default argument to constructor of SafeYAMLList in "greenwave/safe_yaml.py" and return the value in the default_value() method. Is that what you have tried?

rebased onto 574a393110ade2dcfa56e4c8e4d8af8707c43fcd

4 years ago

2 new commits added

  • fixup! product_versions in remote rule can now be optional
  • product_versions in remote rule can now be optional
4 years ago

But more importantly, if gating.yaml defines product versions, then it will be used for matching.

It's said there. Or do you mean that settings from gating.yaml supposed to override the global policy? Because now it only works when it's matched.

rebased onto 340bb05553280a4cd3b6c88993b69aeb35f4208d

4 years ago

You can avoid creating list and use just iterator (i.e. remove the brackets).

rebased onto 0c1f57d

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by vmaljulin

4 years ago