To build this source tree, you will need: - automake - GNU make - GCC tool chain Plus the following libraries: ncurses (for gfs2_edit) gettext bison flex zlib check (optional, enables the test suite) By default gfs_controld is not built as it is not required in Fedora 17 and later and cannot build on it. To re-enable it for older systems, use --enable-gfs_controld when running the configure script (see below). The library dependencies for gfs_controld are only required when this option is given. The extra libraries upon which gfs_controld depends are: clusterlib corosynclib openaislib To build gfs2-utils, run the following commands: ./ ./configure make To run the test suite: make check To install gfs2-utils, run: make install See also README.contributing for details on submitting patches.