To build this source tree, you will need: - automake - GNU make - GCC tool chain Plus the following libraries: ncurses (for gfs2_edit) gettext bison flex zlib libblkid check (optional, enables the test suite) To build gfs2-utils, run the following commands: ./ ./configure make To run the test suite: make check To install gfs2-utils, run: make install The following scripts (located in gfs2/scripts) are used to complete the userland portion of the gfs2 withdraw feature using uevents. They are not installed by 'make install' and need to be installed manually or during rpm installation to the corresponding locations. 82-gfs2-withdraw.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ in /usr/sbin/ See also doc/README.contributing for details on submitting patches and doc/README.tests for more details regarding the test suite.