c249a06 Fix ellipses usage on User Switch Applet

1 file Authored by Michael Monreal 14 years ago, Committed by rstrode 14 years ago,
    Fix ellipses usage on User Switch Applet
    "Account Information" and "System Preferences" have ellipses "..." on the User
    Switch Applet. Those are normally meant to indicate that part of the action
    needs further user input. Both of these just open some app, so IMHO the
    ellipses are not needed here: the action is complete when the app is started
    (Edit->Preferences in GNOME apps does not have ellipses for this same reason)
    The HIG says:
    Label the menu item with a trailing ellipsis ("...") only if the command
    requires further input from the user before it can be performed. Do not add an
    ellipsis to items that only present a confirmation dialog (such as Delete), or
    that do not require further input (such as Properties, Preferences or About).
    See: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=568866