Images for the Fedora Magazine

This repo holds the Source SVGs for the graphics we design for the Featured 
Images on the Fedora Magazine. 

Image Guidelines
We have a small set of guidelines for the format of the images that help them look their best on the Magazine site. These are:
* a size of 945x400 pixels
* a 50px bleed area at the top and bottom of the 400px height. The background should extend into the bleed area, but the main focus and content of you image should not. This is because the images are trimmed at the top and bottom for the Recent Posts sidebars on posts.
* exported images that are uploaded to wordpress can either be PNGs or JPGs. If you have an image that uses a photo, please convert it to a JPG to reduce the filesize.

Getting commit access to this repo
Please join and send an email to the marketing list if you want commit access. Otherwise, pull requests are also welcomed.