spichugi / Directory_Services / 389-ds-base-test

Forked from a deleted repository 3 years ago

45463c7 Ticket 49544 - cli release preperation

10 files Authored by William Brown 6 years ago, Committed by firstyear 6 years ago,
    Ticket 49544 - cli release preperation
    Bug Description:  Improvements to the cli getting ready for user testing.
     Fixes for output rendering (verbose vs normal), automatic help display,
     raising assertion messages properly during setup when constraints are
     violated, capturing output correctly from subcommands.
    Fix Description:  Improve the logging handler by wrapping a custom
    setup function that can purge and reset handlers.
    Add automatic help display if not action selected.
    Add assert_c for compiled asserts. python removes assert in optimised
    builds, and we need custom messages for the frontend anyway.
    Some commands would display to stderr, capture that.
    Author: wibrown
    Review by: spichugi (thanks)
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