quidam / librejs

Forked from librejs 6 years ago
## LibreJS - WebExtensions Edition ##


First, you need to get some stuff with npm:
  $ npm install acorn
  $ npm install jssha
  $ npm install browserify
  $ export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin

To build the extension run:
  $ browserify main_background.js -o bundle.js

To build the extension plus create a .xpi package run:
  $ ./build.sh

Note: this build.sh script relies on no new source files being created.


To debug this add-on on IceCat and other Firefox derivatives, browse to the special URL "about:debugging", select "Enable add-on debugging", and load the manifest.json in this directory with the "Load Temporary Add-on" button.

LibreJS should work with other WebExtensions-compliant browsers; but currently, none of them meet the freedom standards of GNU, so no help will be provided for their usage.


Development mailing list: bug-librejs@gnu.org
Users mailing list:       help-librejs@gnu.org
Subscribe URL:            https://savannah.gnu.org/mail/?group=librejs
Bug Reports:              https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=librejs