pbrezina / authconfig

Forked from authconfig 7 years ago
The version of winbind included with Samba 3.0 can act as an AD client. To set this up using authconfig, you'll need an account in the directory which has the privileges necessary to create computer accounts in the directory. An AD client requires SMB, Kerberos, and winbind-specific configuration settings to be made in /etc/krb5.conf and /etc/samba/smb.conf, and authconfig includes some additional switches for controlling these settings. authconfig --kickstart \ --smbworkgroup=test \ --smbservers=server1.example.com \ --smbrealm=test.example.com \ --smbsecurity=ads \ --enablewinbind \ --winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash \ --winbindjoin=USER[%PASSWORD] The --smbworkgroup, --smbservers, and --smbsecurity options are used to configure the default workgroup, password server, and security settings in /etc/samba/smb.conf. When smbsecurity is set to "ads", a couple of things happen: Specifying ads as the value for the --smbsecurity option configures Samba and related tools to use AD-style authentication and services. Additionally, * The kerberos realm is set to the smbrealm, upper cased. * The krb5 kdc admin server lists are populated with the smbserver list. The --enablewinbind option lists 'winbind' as a naming source in /etc/nsswitch.conf and an authentication option in /etc/pam.d/system-auth. Authconfig does not configure any way to supply user home directories, which may be on a network store or created as needed by pam_mkhomedir.