jakfrost / fedora-websites

Forked from fedora-websites 3 years ago
This is the Fedora Websites GIT repo used to build the websites starting
from the F24 release cycle.

History of previous commits is still available at:

#                                                                       #
#  For all information please read the wiki pages or alternatively:     #
#  https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-websites/                             #
#                                                                       #

If you like to help the websites team but are not actually a member, you
can easily file Pull Requests. Fork this repository, make your changes and
submit them here.

How to get started easily:

DO NOT execute the following steps as root, just use your normal user:

1) Setup your system

sudo dnf install git gettext python-genshi python-setuptools python-dateutil \
python-dogpile-cache babel python-feedparser

sudo dnf groups install 'Web Server'

2) Clone the repo

git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-websites.git
cd fedora-websites/${website_dir}

3) Launch a test instance

make en test

4) Stop the test instance

make stoptest

* if you have caching problems you can clean the instance even more:

make veryclean