fbo / zuul-distro-jobs

Forked from zuul-distro-jobs 5 years ago


# distro jobs toolbox

This project contains jobs and roles to manage RPM build and publication.


* Implement a ensure-dlrn role
* Implement a ensure-dlrnclient role
* Implement a ensure-rdopkg role
* Make DLRN discover scripts and templates dir if not defined

* Fix HOME variable for dlrn wsgi

* Figure out why rdopkg wants rdo-full.yml and dlrn wants rdo.yml

* Add distroinfo configuration endpoint in managesf to generate package list based on repo definition
  -> A distro configuration is linked to a config project that manage the project configuration of distgit projects

* DLRN config-update takes care of proposing a review to the distro config project with the .zuul.d/_secrets_dlrn_{{ dlrn_project }}.yaml