danilobarros / kiskadee

Forked from kiskadee 6 years ago


kiskadee is a continuous static analysis tool which writes the analysis results into a Firehose database.



The name of the dependencies are compatible with the Fedora distribution. If you use another operational system, you will have to find the compatible names for the dependencies. The redhat-rpm-config package, is a specific Fedora dependency, if you not use Fedora (or a Red Hat distribution), maybe you will not have to install it.

dnf is a package manager for the Fedora distribution (On Debian and Ubuntu is apt), if you not use Fedora, use the package manager available for your system, to install the dependencies below.

 - openssl-devel
 - python3-devel
 - gcc
 - redhat-rpm-config python-pip

Virtual Environment

Create a virtualenv to kiskadee. The virtualenv package will create a isolated environment for our python dependencies.

sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 .
source bin/activate

Install the python dependencies using pip

pip install -e .
pip install "fedmsg[consumers]"

Docker Images

To run the static analyzers, you must have Docker installed and running. If you have configured the Docker engineer properly, run the docker_build.sh script. It will build the images for you.

chmod u+x docker_build.sh


Now we will create the kiskadee database. You will need to install the postgresql packages for your system. If you use Fedora, follow the next steps, if not, you will have to find out how install postgresql on your system.

sudo dnf install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl start postgresql

To install on Ubuntu use this link.

With postgresql installed, you will need to create the kiskadee role and database.

sudo su - postgres
createdb kiskadee
createuser kiskadee -P
# choose a password
psql -U postgres -c "grant all privileges on database kiskadee to kiskadee"
# go back to your user (ctrl+d)
echo "localhost:5432:kiskadee:kiskadee:<your_password>" > ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass

Restart the postgresql service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Test the database connection:

psql -U kiskadee -d kiskadee

If you was not able to log in on the database, you will need to edit the pg_hba.conf and change some rules defined by the postgresql package. On Linux systems this file normally stays at the /var/lib/pgsql/data/. Open this file and change:

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               ident
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 ident


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

After this change, restarts the postgresql service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Test the database connection:

psql -U kiskadee -d kiskadee

If you was able to get into the psql shell, the database is properly configured. Leave the shell with ctrl+d.

Running our first analysis

Kiskadee reads environment variables from the util/kiskadee.conf file. If everything goes well till now, open the kiskadee.conf file, and set as active (active = yes) only the example_fetcher, the other fetchers will stay as active = no.

Now run kiskadee by typing kiskadee on the terminal. If the Docker images was properly build, and the Docker client was properly configured on your machine, kiskadee will be able to analysis a example source code. This code is in the kiskadee/tests/test_source/ directory.

Kiskadee will decompress the example source, and run the analyzers defined on the kiskadee.conf file. You can use any postgresql client to access the database that you have created, and check the analysis maded by kiskadee.

Tests and coverage

To check kiskadee tests and coverage just run:

python kiskadee_coverage.py

To check kiskadee coverage open the file covhtml/index.html.


Kiskadee daemon and API development are hosted at pagure.

Kiskadee frontend is hosted at pagure. Feel free to open issues and pull requests there.

We also have mirrors on gitlab and github.

Kiskadee have a CI environment hosted at this url.


kiskadee documentation is hosted at pagure.

To build the documentation just entry in the doc directory, and run

make html

To access the documentation open the index.html file, inside the doc/_build/html.


Debian Fetcher

If you intend to use the debian fetcher, you will have to install the devscripts package, in order use the necessary Debian tools to run the fetcher.

Anitya Fetcher

If you intend to run the anitya fetcher, you will have to install fedmsg-hub, in order to kiskadee be able to consume the fedmsg events. To install fedmsg-hub follow this steps inside the kiskadee root path:

# Run this inside the kiskadee's virtualenv
sudo mkdir -p /etc/fedmsg.d/
sudo cp util/base.py util/endpoints.py  /etc/fedmsg.d/
sudo cp util/anityaconsumer.py /etc/fedmsg.d/
PYTHONPATH=`pwd` fedmsg-hub

With this steps, fedmsg-hub will instantiate AnityaConsumer and publish the monitored events using ZeroMQ. When kiskadee starts it will consume the messages published by the consumer, and will run the analysis.

The events that comes to the anitya fetcher are published by Anitya, on this page

For more info about the Anitya service, read kiskadee documentation.


Copyright (C) 2017 the AUTHORS (see the AUTHORS file)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.