breilly / fedora-infra / ansible

Forked from fedora-infra/ansible 3 years ago

cc79e32 dnf-automatic: disable the makecache timer, not the service

Authored and Committed by praiskup 3 years ago
    dnf-automatic: disable the makecache timer, not the service
    Service can be unmasked, as long as nobody triggers it.  If we do it the
    other way arount, we see this every-time we log-in on F33+:
        Last login: Fri Nov 13 09:15:56 2020 from
        Failed Units: 1
    Which is:
        systemctl status dnf-makecache.timer
        ...: dnf-makecache.timer: Failed to queue unit startup job: Unit dnf-makecache.service is masked.
        ...: dnf-makecache.timer: Failed with result 'resources'.