bcotton / fedora-qa / relval

Forked from fedora-qa/relval 3 years ago


relval is a tool for interacting with Fedora release validation events, as stored in the Fedora wiki. It can create the pages for validation events, and generate statistics about existing events.

Creating events

Call 'relval compose' to do this. You pass relval parameters that tell it what release, milestone, and compose you want to create pages for, and what your FAS username is. Optionally you can pass a 'test type' (Base, Cloud etc) to create only a single page of that type, --force to force page creation even if the page already exists, and --current to update the Current convenience redirect pages to point to the created pages.

relval will create the individual result pages and the result summary page. It will add pages to the appropriate category, add the results category page to its parent category, add the parent category page to its parent category, and populate both category pages with text.

Generating statistics

User contribution statistics

You can call 'relval user-stats' to generate statistics on user contributions for some set of result pages. You must pass --release to specify the release on which to operate. You may pass --milestone to specify a particular milestone (otherwise, all pages for the release will be considered) and/or --filter (possibly multiple times) to filter the pages used based on their names. Only Pages matching any of the --filter parameters will be included if --filter is passed.

The command will print the resulting HTML direct to the console - it's expected that you'll copy and paste it into a blog entry, or something similar.

Test coverage statistics

You can call 'relval testcase-stats' to generate statistics on test case coverage for some set of result pages. You must pass --release to specify the release on which to operate. You may pass --milestone to specify a particular milestone (otherwise, all pages for the release will be considered) and/or --filter (possibly multiple times) to filter the pages used based on their names. Only Pages matching any of the --filter parameters will be included if --filter is passed.

This command creates a temporary directory and places all the output there. You can copy this directory to a web server, and index.html within provides a simple top-level page with links to summary pages for each 'test type', which in turn provides links to detailed pages for each test case. The summary pages provide a quick overview of test coverage for each test case across the specified set of compose events as a small graphic, and tell you which compose the test case was most recently run against. The detail pages provide more detailed information, including the number and type of results for each test case for each compose, and any referenced bug reports.