Sync with comps
Colin Walters • 5 years ago  
manifest: Add podman
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
atomic: Add git-core and buildah
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
Split workstation-base from "atomic"
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
Use mutate-os-release
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
manifest: Drop ghostscript
Colin Walters • 6 years ago Sync with fedora-atomic
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
manifest: Use boot_location: new
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
README: Link to desktop discussion
Colin Walters • 6 years ago  
manifest: Use -x64 grub on x86_64
Colin Walters • 6 years ago