See We need an exception for: trac python2-setuptools (if not already excepted) python2-genshi python2-babel
Upstream is working on Python 3 for their next major version.
what about:
Metadata Update from @churchyard: - Issue tagged with: python 2 exception
Yes, those as well, sorry.
All of trac-*-plugin? And all their dependencies, including build dependencies, no exceptions at all?
That gives me (source packages, from portingdb):
trac trac-CGit-plugin trac-accountmanager-plugin trac-authopenid-plugin trac-batchmodify-plugin trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin trac-customfieldadmin-plugin trac-doxygen-plugin trac-git-plugin trac-iniadmin-plugin trac-mercurial-plugin trac-monotone-plugin trac-navadd-plugin trac-privateticketsplugin trac-sensitivetickets-plugin trac-spamfilter-plugin trac-themeengine-plugin trac-tocmacro-plugin trac-tracnav-plugin trac-vatar-plugin trac-watchlist-plugin trac-workflowadmin-plugin trac-xmlrpc-plugin babel python-atomicwrites python-attrs python-coverage python-crypto python-dns python-docutils python-funcsigs python-genshi python-httplib2 python-jinja2 python-markupsafe python-mock python-nose python-oauth2 python-olefile python-pathlib2 python-pbr python-pillow python-py python-scandir python-setuptools_scm python-simplejson python-six pytz python2-more-itertools python2-numpy python2-pluggy python2-pytest python2-setuptools python2-typing
Are all the maintainers of all the affected packages on board? I am maintaining python2-pytest and it's deps and would rather drop it.
Oh, what an afternoon. No. I only meant: python2-jinja2 (required by trac) python2-markupsafe (required by jinja2) python2-pytz (required by babel, but might be optional)
So the list of packages is:
So as long as @thm is on board and if you (or any other volunteer) plan to take over python2-markupsafe once needed, consider me +1.
I'll take over whatever is needed.
I'm on board.
Btw: The lists from above miss email2trac.
would you like to include email2trac? I see you maintain it.
Just for my understanding, have all the trac plugins been removed from the list? What does that mean? Will these be retired then, unless someone files a separate exception request?
Wait, trac? Is it really still used by somebody? If so, I'm with @mhroncok on +1. Otherwise, +0 :)
Just for my understanding, have all the trac plugins been removed from the list?
What does that mean? Will these be retired then, unless someone files a separate exception request?
just fyi: my co-maintainer just dropped python2-babel but I think that is a misunderstanding and I'll make sure python2-babel is resurrected (assuming fesco approval for Trac).
Most plugins depend only on trac and its dependencies: - trac-CGit-plugin - trac-accountmanager-plugin - trac-batchmodify-plugin - trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin - trac-customfieldadmin-plugin - trac-doxygen-plugin - trac-git-plugin - trac-iniadmin-plugin - trac-mastertickets-plugin - trac-monotone-plugin - trac-navadd-plugin - trac-privateticketsplugin - trac-sensitivetickets-plugin - trac-themeengine-plugin - trac-tocmacro-plugin - trac-tracnav-plugin - trac-vatar-plugin - trac-watchlist-plugin - trac-workflowadmin-plugin - trac-xmlrpc-plugin - email2trac
I'd like to extend this exception for those as well, so I don't have to hunt individual maintainers and remind them to get an exception for their plugin here. There aren't other maintainers to coordinate with, so IMO separate tickets would be unneeded bureaucracy. Given that some votes are in, is it too late to do that here?
This would not include plugins with additional dependencies (trac-spamfilter-plugin, trac-authopenid-plugin, trac-bazaar-plugin, trac-mercurial-plugin)
Works for me, +1.
@zbyszek and @ignatenkobrain does your vote stand if we include the new list?
Yes, still +1.
The original list is now technically approved with (+4,0,-0) in one week.
The extended list is +3 so far, but was only proposed 4 days ago. If no negative votes happen in 3 days, the entire list will be approved.
This list of packages has an APPROVED (+4,0,-0) exception now:
Metadata Update from @churchyard: - Issue tagged with: pending announcement
Metadata Update from @jforbes: - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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