#1923 F29 Self Contained Change: glibc 32 Build Adjustments
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by jkurik.

Change proposal for FESCo to review:
glibc 32 Build Adjustments

The glibc32 package is a special package used by gcc and a few other packages to work around the lack of RPM multilib repository support in Koji. It is difficult to maintain, and the current approach raises questions regarding (L)GPL compliance.

I'm +1 to the option:
"Build glibc32 and libgcc32 subpackages from the glibc and gcc packages, which are then filtered by pungi from all composes. (Currently, the buildroot-only nature of glibc32 is achieved by tagging builds appropriately in Koji, which is rather fragile.) The big advantage of this approach is that the glibc32 package will always be in sync with the actual 64-bit library."

+1 to the same option that @sgallagh quoted above.

Yeah, +1 likewise to the build option. I suppose it was not done this way in the past because we didn't have a way to filter it from composes, but we will need to make sure it doesn't break anything else.

+1 to the "filtered by pungi" option.

+1 to the "filtered by pungi" option.

Thats +6 and 7 days, so this change is approved.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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