#1761 Update of "Fedora Release Live Cycle" and "Changes / Policy"
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by jkurik.

Due to No More Alphas Change the current Fedora Release Live Cycle policy and Changes/Policy are now obsolete and need some update. As such, I put together the following proposal how the key milestones should be planned and I would like to ask FESCo for review:

Key milestones:

Task/Milestone Start day
Planning and Development Branch point of previous release plus one day
Mass rebuild 5 weeks before Branching
String Freeze 2 weeks before Branching
Branching 3 weeks before Beta Freeze
Bodhi activation point 1 week before Beta Freeze
Beta Freeze 2 weeks before Beta GA Target day
Beta Go/No_Go Meeting Thu @ 13:00 E{D,S}T: planned Beta Target day minus five days
Beta GA Target day 5 weeks before Final GA Target day
Beta GA Rain day 1 week after Beta GA Target day
Final Freeze 2 weeks before Final GA Target day
Final Go/No_Go Meeting Thu @ 13:00 E{D,S}T: planned Final Target day minus five days
Final GA Target date Tue: Primary date from which rest of schedule derives
Final GA Rain date 1 week after Final GA Target day
End Of Life GA of next-but-one release plus one month

Change process milestones:

Task/Milestone Checkpoint Day (Tuesdays)
Proposal submission deadline for Changes requiring Mass rebuild 3 weeks before Mass rebuild
Proposal submission deadline for System Wide Changes 1 week before Mass rebuild
Proposal submission deadline for Self Contained Changes 3 weeks before Branching
Completion deadline (testable) At Branching day
100% Code Complete Deadline At Beta freeze

I believe @mattdm and @adamwill can also provide some feedback, if needed.

If approved (or amended and approved) I will modify the two pages (Fedora Release Live Cycle policy and Changes/Policy) to reflect the decision.

BTW: There are already draft versions of F28 and F29 schedules, which might me affected by this policy. However I will bring these two schedules to FESCo for review in separate tickets once we have defined the general policy.

Metadata Update from @jkurik:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

Note I already included my own draft of the Release Life Cycle page in my set of drafts for the No More Alpha change that I sent to test@ and devel@ for review. We should probably reconcile the two drafts (I haven't checked if/how they differ yet).

I'm going to defer this until next week's meeting while @jkurik and @adamwill reconcile their drafts and to give the rest of FESCo time to weigh in.

Metadata Update from @jkurik:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

7 years ago

For the record, my version of Fedora Release Life Cycle didn't make any actual changes to the schedule, it only removed events that no longer made sense and re-based remaining events that were based on the removed events (but without actually moving them at all). @jkurik 's proposal is actually to change the cycle. So I'd say FESCo can ignore my draft and consider @jkurik 's proposal, and I'll just leave the schedule section of the page out of my no-more-alphas changes entirely and leave it up to this ticket to get it updated.

Metadata Update from @maxamillion:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

I have modified the initial proposal and moved "String Freeze" milestone two weeks before Branching (were it always was). Having this milestone just before Beta Freeze was obviously my mistake.

Thanks @pravins and @paragn to point me to this issue.

After some more discussion regarding the "String Freeze" milestone we are in the situation that there is no clear view on timing of this milestone. I have started a discussion with the translation team on mailing list to solve this issue.

For now I would like to ask FESCo to ignore the "String Freeze" milestone and do review of the rest of the proposal, so we have some conclusion how to plan the F28 release. Once the issue with "String Freeze" is clarified with the translation team I will inform FESCo of the outcome.

  • AGREED: Update of "Fedora Release Live Cycle" and "Changes / Policy"
    is approved (+8,0,-0) (jforbes, 16:16:58)

Metadata Update from @jforbes:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

I am re-opening this ticket to inform FESCo how "String Freeze milestone" is going to be planned.

After a discussion on trans@ mailing list I am going to update the translation milestones as follows:

  • Software String Freeze milestone is going to be planned one week after Branching
  • Software Translation Deadline is going to be planned to the same date as Beta Freeze

Metadata Update from @jkurik:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

AGREED: file new ticket on updating the translation policy, make that block the dates/schedule ticket, ask trans and devel for thoughts on new policy, revisit when policy is proposed (+6,0,0) (nirik, 16:31:25)

ACTION: nirik to file new ticket (nirik, 16:31:46)
ACTION: bowlofeggs to start discussion on lists (nirik, 16:33:01)

That new ticket is: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1777

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue marked as blocking: #1777

7 years ago

I believe we can close this ticket again, since we are tracking the string freeze milestone in #1777.

Metadata Update from @bowlofeggs:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

Oh, I suppose we were keeping this open until #1777 is done so we can update the schedule here. My apologies for the confusion.

Metadata Update from @bowlofeggs:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

7 years ago

I like @ncoghlan 's proposed reworking of the rain day idea on devel list today.

(LOL copy-paste vs. x buffer fail. Edited to correct link.)

I would like to ask FESCo for review and approval (or comments) to the draft of the Changes Policy and to the draft of the Fedora Release Life Cycle.

I tried to merge together all the changes we were facing during the last time with regards to Changes Policy & Fedora Release Life Cycle. The outcome is available in Changes Policy - DRAFT and Fedora Release Life Cycle - DRAFT.

Basically the changes I did are related to the following topics:

There are also available diffs from the currently valid policies:

Metadata Update from @jkurik:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

There is also a FESCo ticket #1792 requesting to move Bodhi activation to Beta Freeze. If approved, I can change the Fedora Release Life Cycle accordingly.

I'm +1 to the proposed changes.

AGREED: with addition of 3 weeks for beta freeze and bodhi activation point moving to beta freeze the new release life cycle and changes policy are approved. (+6,0,3) (nirik, 16:40:15)

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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