The subject of the desktop wallpapers has come up a few times recently, and it would be good for the WG to have a discussion about what it would like to see for the wallpapers, including both the defaults and the collection of optional wallpapers that we include.
We can also maybe talk about technical requirements, including:
It would also be good to talk about package maintenance and ownership. There are currently wallpaper three packages:
We'll obviously want to have a conversation with Fedora Design about this, but a preliminary conversation on the WG side seems like a good first step.
(Historic wallpapers)
My primary request is to have one consistent visual theme between releases, as in GNOME or Ubuntu. I don't like how our wallpaper currently changes unpredictably between releases.
My secondary request would be for the style to be abstract (e.g. F18-F23 except F21, or F32, or F35) rather than artistic (e.g. F33, F34, F36), but this is a less important request because it's possible for the artistic style to look really good (I would be happy if every wallpaper used the watercolor style from F34). There is so much room for personal preference here that I doubt we'll ever come to a consensus on which style is best.
f*-backgrounds (the default for each release)
I think these packages are OK, but I'd like to move away from installing them by default. Instead, leave them around for users to install only if desired. Our default wallpaper should come from a new package that updates every release, so if you upgrade from F35 -> F36 and had previously selected the default wallpaper, you get the new default wallpaper automatically instead of keeping the F35 wallpaper after upgrade. Also, accumulating old release wallpapers based on the number of times you've previously upgraded is weird. (I can tell that my last reinstall was F32 because that's the oldest release wallpaper I have available....)
Not sure why we need this. GNOME provides extra backgrounds too, which we remove by subpackaging them into the gnome-backgrounds-extra subpackage that we don't install. Having a different set of extra backgrounds from upstream doesn't seem super useful since none of these have any relation to any GNOME or Fedora visual style. We could just contribute our extra backgrounds to upstream if desired?
Regardless, I don't see the extra backgrounds as particularly important compared to our default.
These are nice to have.
We discussed this ticket at today's WG meeting. Main takeaways so far:
I have some notes on technical wallpaper requirements, that I've promised to add to the WG docs.
Metadata Update from @aday: - Issue untagged with: meeting-request - Issue tagged with: pending-action
I've added some background creation guidelines to the GNOME HIG. So far they are mostly technical and practical, as opposed to artistic.
I'll share the new guidelines with the Fedora design team and see if they have any feedback.
There are two outstanding questions which it would be good to have help from the WG on:
Seems like the backgrounds are around 80 MB in F35 and 54 MB in F36 (the size decrease is probably due to some of the wallpapers now being provided as SVGs).
Second question first: honestly, I think we shouldn't worry too much about disk size. I mean, no sense in going crazy, but I think it's reasonable for us to go beyond the current limit (for Workstation). We're still under 2GB, and I just checked and Ubuntu's desktop download is around 3GB.
We shouldn't be gratuitous, but the wallpaper set is removable for cases where disk space is important, so I think it shouldn't be our primary concern.
I have very different opinions about this for Cloud deliverables, but in this context.....
For the first question: I think GPU memory consumption is a valid concern ( -- seems like texture compression would be nice but is complicated!). Can we use the different-aspect-ratio option to address monitors in portrait orientation? (A lot of the wallpapers could use a different layout or crop for those cases anyway.) That's more space on disk (and on the network), but at least that is compressed.
I think we shouldn't worry too much about disk size. I mean, no sense in going crazy, but I think it's reasonable for us to go beyond the current limit
The reason I'm asking about disk size is that we could decide that we want to dramatically expand the number of wallpapers. It's not hard to imagine a situation where we have, say, 60 wallpapers, comprised of three or four different sets.
I'm less concerned with the total image size than I am with the proportion of the image used by the wallpapers. I don't think people would be too impressed if 50% of their download was wallpapers. :smile:
Can we use the different-aspect-ratio option to address monitors in portrait orientation?
One question I have here - can that approach can be used when display orientation is dynamic? Like, is the wallpaper image only picked when the display is configured, or will it be selected on the fly when the orientation changes?
is the wallpaper image only picked when the display is configured, or will it be selected on the fly when the orientation changes?
According to @fmuellner , it should be updated on the fly. So having multiple wallpaper images for different aspect ratios does seem viable.
Some updates on this issue:
Metadata Update from @aday: - Issue untagged with: pending-action - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 37
That's based on glancing at gnome-desktop, gnome-shell and mutter code, not on actual testing.
That said, if it doesn't work I'd consider that a bug that needs fixing.
I'd like to propose not using the Fedora 37 default wallpaper in Fedora Workstation. It's inconsistent with our brand identity goals. Instead, either design something altogether different for Fedora Workstation, or, alternatively, just use the default wallpaper from GNOME 43.
I do not see us as having a separate brand identity goals from the rest of Fedora. Consequently, I firmly disagree on the idea of using a different wallpaper from the rest of the Fedora desktop deliverables.
Also, this is a tremendous amount of disrespect for the work that the Fedora Design Team does every release cycle to produce something that allows Fedora to stand out from the rest of the distributions. Especially given the incredible restrictions that GNOME gives us for branding, I think it's more than fair that we use the Fedora release wallpaper for our releases.
Also, this is a tremendous amount of disrespect for the work that the Fedora Design Team does every release cycle to produce something that allows Fedora to stand out from the rest of the distributions.
It's pretty artwork, to be sure, but it's too far afield from what a professional computer operating system should be aiming for. You wouldn't see Ubuntu doing stuff like this.
F37: F36: Also, this is a tremendous amount of disrespect for the work that the Fedora Design Team does every release cycle to produce something that allows Fedora to stand out from the rest of the distributions. It's pretty artwork, to be sure, but it's too far afield from what a professional computer operating system should be aiming for. You wouldn't see Ubuntu doing stuff like this.
And yet, Fedora artwork regularly gets noticed while the Ubuntu one doesn't.
The design team uses an open, community process which includes a lot of room for feedback along the way. Please work with the design team if you feel like something isn't in line with the edition goals. Obviously, Workstation is a key stakeholder -- but that goes both ways!
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue tagged with: meeting-request
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue untagged with: meeting-request - Issue tagged with: meeting
Action item: Allan to discuss establishment of a more consistent style/theme Fedora wallpapers with relevant community contributors
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue tagged with: pending-action
Any updates?
Metadata Update from @aday: - Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 37)
Discussed again today. Action item is the same: Allan to discuss establishment of a more consistent style/theme Fedora wallpapers with relevant community contributors
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue assigned to aday
I said that I'd provide a status update on this issue, so here's what I know:
Metadata Update from @ngompa: - Issue tagged with: experience
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue tagged with: meeting
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Issue untagged with: meeting
Any objections to getting rid of gnome-backgrounds-extras and moving those wallpapers into the main gnome-backgrounds package? Seems silly to put so much effort into designing the wallpapers and then not actually include them.
So a couple days ago there was a last-minute attempt to change the F40 default wallpaper to this. It has been deferred until F41, but frankly, I think we've reached the point where we just need to stop using the wallpapers developed by Fedora design. We should address this sooner rather than later, so there's plenty of time to develop a contingency plan.
These are an incredibly important part of Fedora brand identity. I'd really encourage anyone in Workstation who is concerned about them to get involved in the Design Team community process by which they are created.
That said, obviously there was a process problem this time around. We're working on that — the goal is to actually be a step ahead, with the new wallpaper landing (ideally) at the branch, so when Rawhide is F41, it will have the planned-for-F41 wallpaper (e.g., now) and the F42 wallpaper should land sometime this August, giving _plenty of time for any issues to be worked out by next April.
These are an incredibly important part of Fedora brand identity.
No they're not; the wallpapers are currently something completely different each release, so there's no possibility to build a brand around them. This is in contrast to, say, GNOME or Ubuntu. The Working Group has previously expressed interest in changing this.
I'd really encourage anyone in Workstation who is concerned about them to get involved in the Design Team community process by which they are created.
That's one possible outcome here, but Workstation WG would probably need a volunteer to do this.
If anybody doesn't like this, please complain. The impact would be more non-default wallpapers installed by default.
Metadata Update from @catanzaro: - Assignee reset - Issue untagged with: meeting-request - Issue tagged with: meeting
Why were they split?
Guess: to save space on the live image?
Discussed today:
Discussed today: Agreed: maintain the gnome-backgrounds-extras package (i.e. do not ship the rest of the GNOME default wallpapers) due to performance problems with the wallpapers panel in gnome-control-center; revisit if performance problems are resolved
Are there upstream issues about this in particular? There has been a recent rework of the Background/Wallpaper loading with a focus on performance, this might no longer be an issue in gnome-46 (fedora 40).
It would be good to at least confirm that the performance issues are an issue with the number of wallpapers we are interested in shipping.
Also note that there's some upstream design work that would address this issue:
Would be interested in hearing about the gnome-backgrounds specific performance issues. The performance improvements in Settings is discussed here --
Performance has improved by order of magnitude, both for panel resizing and opening in Settings, see the MR linked in the previous comment. That's out since GNOME 45.2.
So I really don't think that's still an issue that should hold anyone back from adding more wallpapers.
I was Jens who was noticing performance issues. I've asked him to report a bug. (I believe he was already using GNOME 46.)
From my perspective, Fedora shipping the GNOME branded default and skipping on the rest of gnome-backgrounds is a big misstep.
The default is tied heavily with the GNOME brand, while the others that would help in providing a fresh set of mixed/varied wallpapers is left to vanilla shipping distros like Debian or VanillaOS. I would do the exact opposite to the current status quo, ie ship all the supplemental wallpapers from gnome-backgrounds and perhaps skip the gnome default.
Jens, did you get a chance to report a bug for this?
I don't think shipping the GNOME default hurts anything. We can probably just ship everything, after the performance issues are fixed.
Agreed: Fedora Workstation wants future default wallpapers to reflect either a Fedora or a Fedora Workstation brand identity. We are no longer interested in shipping generic wallpapers that change dramatically release to release as we have historically done.
We also certainly do not want to see major changes to the default wallpaper after the wallpaper deadline (which for Fedora 41 is July 23).
Also agreed: we will include all the supplemental wallpapers from gnome-backgrounds-extras after performance concerns with the wallpaper settings panel are resolved. Jens to report an upstream issue.
I did some testing today in a VM: it seems to me the very first time the backgrounds are loaded (in F40) gnome-control-center takes a while as they populate slowly. After that they seem to appear quickly, but I need to do a little more testing.
OT but actually a worse problem to me seems to be gnome-software grabbing a CPU for a while as soon as gnome-shell starts, which is quite annoying: makes the whole desktop start up quite laggy in a vm, or small machine I imagine.
I tested more in a fresh install of F40-WORK-x86_64-LIVE-20240520.iso in a VM with 2 cpus and 4GB. In the default Workstation, after clicking on "Change Background..." it takes a couple of seconds for the wallpaper thumbnails to populate.
But after installing gnome-backgrounds-extras, it is more stuttery, and takes some seconds for all the wallpapers in the list to fully appear. I guess it is not the end of world - might well be faster on a beefier machine. The second time one presses "Change Background..." it takes less than half a second to show them all.
So this was basically with GNOME 46.1, before upgrading to latest 46.2. Also note I made sure to wait for the instance to be idle (with top) before starting the "Change Background".
As an update from the performance side of things; thanks to detailed profiling by Jeff Fortin and with help from Christian Hergert, we managed to greatly cut down on the initial loading of the wallpapers in GNOME Settings. The main thread is now not blocked anymore. This mostly affected initial loading, when thumbnails don't exist yet, but also loading from a "hot" cache is now smoother and faster.
The bottleneck is now mainly file IO inside libgnome-desktop, so I don't see easy ways to improve further.
Wallpapers for F41 are available now, and they're the same ones from the end of the F40 release cycle:
My suggestion is we decline to use these as they are inconsistent with the desired branding goals for Fedora Workstation.
It's too late now, as these have now shipped on the Beta ISOs.
We cannot time travel and change it for beta, but we can certainly change it after beta.
Agreed: maintain the gnome-backgrounds-extras package (i.e. do not ship the rest of the GNOME default wallpapers) due to performance problems with the wallpapers panel in gnome-control-center; revisit if performance problems are resolved
Hi @petersen could you confirm whether the performance issues you noticed are resolved?
I think my earlier conclusion was that it is probably okay to add gnome-backgrounds-extras: I think the performance is not a showstopper and it is only a off-thing after install/upgrade. So we could go ahead and try and get wider feedback?
But I will try to retest with F41 anyway.
Okay I may need to test in a fresh vm perhaps, but currently with gnome-backgrounds-extras installed in my 4GB f41 VM, gnome-settings-daemon seems to oomd for me before displaying its wallpapers.
We discussed this again today and reaffirmed our previous decision. Allan will communicate this to the Fedora wallpaper developers.
Yes, that's an unfortunate side effect of the recent async improvements. It's being tracked at Seems to be a problem with 10 concurrent threads somehow maxing out low memory devices. I suspect the sandboxed thumbnailing is taking a lot of memory.
I had a call with Madeline Peck last week, where we discussed the wallpapers in general.
I know that this doesn't cover every topic that the WG wanted discussing, but think that it's a good start to establishing a working relationship.
Has resolved the memory issue? I can't quite tell. I'd like to avoid JXL, picked for the smaller filesize and color banding avoidance stand in the way of Fedora 42 shipping decent supplemental wallpapers again.
Has resolved the memory issue?
It has :-). I could reproduce the problem in a VM, and that commit resolved it. It was just running many JXL decoders in parallel, and now that's fixed by not running the thumbnailers in more than one thread.
That commit is in 47.1 already.
Good to hear. Would really love see Fedora 42 ship GNOME 48 supplemental wallpapers now!
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