#921 Include Atomic Host aarch64 AMIs
Merged 5 years ago by puiterwijk. Opened 5 years ago by sinnykumari.
sinnykumari/fedora-websites master  into  master

Include Atomic Host aarch64 AMIs
Sinny Kumari • 5 years ago  
file modified
@@ -340,6 +340,14 @@ 

      region(u'Canada (Central)',                u'Central',      u'ca-central-1')



+ # regions where aarch64 EC2 instances are available

+ aarch64_EC2_regions = [

+     region(u'US East (N. Virginia)',           u'Virginia',     u'us-east-1'),

+     region(u'US East (Ohio)',                  u'Ohio',         u'us-east-2'),

+     region(u'US West (Oregon)',                u'Oregon',       u'us-west-2'),

+     region(u'EU West (Ireland)',               u'Ireland',      u'eu-west-1'),

+ ]



      'path': 'https://redirect.fedoraproject.org/console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2',

@@ -437,6 +445,8 @@ 

      #'sa-east-1':        'ami-8509b1e9'      # Sao Paolo



+ AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI={}




      'eu-west-2':       'ami-0a2cafce4e146fa6f',

@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ 

             'HVM_atomic_AMI':     lambda e: e.get('virt_type') == 'hvm' and e.get('vol_type') == 'standard',

             'GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI': lambda e: e.get('virt_type') == 'hvm' and e.get('vol_type') == 'gp2',


+         ("Fedora-AtomicHost-{curr_atomic_id}-{atomic_composedate}.aarch64", {

+             'AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI': lambda e: e.get('virt_type') == 'hvm' and e.get('vol_type') == 'gp2',

+         }),

          #("Fedora-Cloud-Base-{next_cloud_AMI_id}_{curr_cloud_AMI_state}-{RC_pre_gold}.x86_64", {

          #    'pre_HVM_base_AMI':     lambda e: e.get('virt_type') == 'hvm' and e.get('vol_type') == 'standard',

          #   'pre_GP2_HVM_base_AMI': lambda e: e.get('virt_type') == 'hvm' and e.get('vol_type') == 'gp2',

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ 

                  <div class="row">

                    <div class="col-xs-10">

                      <h5 class="bold">

-                       ${_('GP2 Format HVM AMIs')}

+                       ${_('GP2 Format HVM AMIs (x86_64)')}



                    <div class="col-xs-2 text-right">
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ 

                <div class="list-group-item">

                  <div class="row">

                    <div class="col-xs-10">

-                     <h5 class="bold">${_('Standard Format HVM AMIs')}</h5>

+                     <h5 class="bold">${_('Standard Format HVM AMIs (x86_64)')}</h5>


                    <div class="col-xs-2 text-right">

                      <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-success reveal-link download-cloud download-cloud-sm" data-target="standardami-reveal-link" role="button" title="${_('GP2 HVM AMIs')}">
@@ -129,6 +129,39 @@ 




+               <div class="list-group-item">

+                 <div class="row">

+                   <div class="col-xs-10">

+                     <h5 class="bold">

+                       ${_('GP2 Format HVM AMIs (aarch64)')}

+                    </h5>

+                   </div>

+                   <div class="col-xs-2 text-right">

+                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-success reveal-link download-cloud download-cloud-sm" data-target="aarch64-gp2-reveal-link" role="button" title="${_('GP2 HVM AMIs')}">

+                       <span class="fa fa-fw fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></span>

+                     </a>

+                   </div>

+                   <div id="aarch64-gp2-reveal-link" class="col-xs-12" style="display: none;">

+                     <p>${_('GP2 format AMIs use faster SSD storage; use these AMIs for speed, although note your storage costs will be more than standard.')}</p>

+                     <table class="table table-hover">

+                       <thead>

+                         <tr>

+                           <th>${_('Region')}</th>

+                           <th class="hidden-xs">${_('AMI ID')}</th>

+                           <th>${_('Launch')}</th>

+                         </tr>

+                       </thead>

+                       <tbody>

+                         <tr py:for="r in global_variables.aarch64_EC2_regions">

+                           <td py:if="r.code in global_variables.AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI">${_(r.long)}</td>

+                           <td py:if="r.code in global_variables.AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI" class="hidden-xs">${global_variables.AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI[r.code]}</td>

+                           <td py:if="r.code in global_variables.AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI" class="text-center"><a href="${global_variables.path_stats['path']}/${global_variables.path_stats[r.short]}${global_variables.AARCH64_GP2_HVM_atomic_AMI[r.code]}"><span class="fa fa-cloud" aria-hidden="true"></span></a></td>

+                         </tr>

+                       </tbody>

+                     </table>

+                   </div>

+                 </div>

+               </div>




aarch64 AMIs should get auto-updated with new AH release

We should not link to the standard images (those don't work for arm64), and I think this should only get merged after the next Atomic release, since the last release was just mistimed and didn't have the kernel fixes yet.

We should not link to the standard images (those don't work for arm64), and I think this should only get merged after the next Atomic release, since the last release was just mistimed and didn't have the kernel fixes yet.

I can launch a F29 AH instance using standard images (just tested with ami-005a8e124c21a1d39 eu-west-1 region) and I can access launched vm and run successfully commands like rpm-ostree status/install. Is there something else is missing which I should be aware of?

Related to merging this PR, merging either before or after next Two Week release (scheduled next Monday/Tuesday) should be fine. This is because last AH Two Week release was based on compose (Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20181126.0) and we don't have any public aarch64 AH AMIs published from 20181126(or before). I think we started publishing AMIs since 20181128 . So, if we merge this PR before next Two Week release, aarch64 AMIs on website will be blank (tested locally).

@puiterwijk - do those comments address your concerns?

@puiterwijk Any further comments on this PR?

We should not link to the standard images (those don't work for arm64), and I think this should only get merged after the next Atomic release, since the last release was just mistimed and didn't have the kernel fixes yet.

I can launch a F29 AH instance using standard images (just tested with ami-005a8e124c21a1d39 eu-west-1 region) and I can access launched vm and run successfully commands like rpm-ostree status/install. Is there something else is missing which I should be aware of?

Funny, from what I read they wouldn't have standard available for arm64.
Regardless, I think that we should just drop all the "standard" images from the website: people who want their instances with "Standard" can select that during the creation wizard, even with GP2 images, and it only blows up the amount of images we need to upload and list, increasing confusion for users.

We should not link to the standard images (those don't work for arm64), and I think this should only get merged after the next Atomic release, since the last release was just mistimed and didn't have the kernel fixes yet.
I can launch a F29 AH instance using standard images (just tested with ami-005a8e124c21a1d39 eu-west-1 region) and I can access launched vm and run successfully commands like rpm-ostree status/install. Is there something else is missing which I should be aware of?

Funny, from what I read they wouldn't have standard available for arm64.
Regardless, I think that we should just drop all the "standard" images from the website: people who want their instances with "Standard" can select that during the creation wizard, even with GP2 images, and it only blows up the amount of images we need to upload and list, increasing confusion for users.

I support to drop Standard images if gp2 images serves all purpose. But, it will be nice to first discuss this on cloud-sig to make sure we are not missing anything.

@dustymabe What's your thought on whether to exclude or include Standard arm64 AH AMIs on website? Since inclusion of arm64 AMIs on website is new, we shouldn't have issues with whatever option we choose.

Yes. since it's a new artifact I'm +1 for not including a distinction (i.e. two options) assuming that is the way we want to go in the future.

rebased onto d1dde67

5 years ago

Updated PR to include only GP2 aarch64 AMIs.
Can I get a +1to merge?

Pull-Request has been merged by puiterwijk

5 years ago