#873 Correct alignment for Farsi/Persian
Closed 4 years ago by bcotton. Opened 5 years ago by haghighi.
Unknown source master  into  master

file modified
+1354 -1343
@@ -1,1343 +1,1354 @@



- @media (max-width:530px)

- {

-     .mymenu .navbar-header {

-         float: none;

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-         display: block;

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- /*bootstrap xs*/

- @media (min-width:530px) and (max-width:767px)

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-     {

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-      .downloadheader .container

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-      .downloadheader .container h2

-      {

-         font-size: 20px;

-      }


- }


- /*bootstrap sm*/

- @media(min-width:768px)

- {

- }


- /*bootstrap md*/

- @media(min-width:992px)

- {

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-   {

-     min-height:200px;

-   }

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- /*bootstrap lg*/

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- {

- }

- body

- {

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- }


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- {

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- }

- /* Navbar */

- .navbar { border: 0px none; }


- /* Navbar Cloud */

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-   border-radius: 0px;

- }


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-   color:#fff;

-   font-size: 16px;

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- }


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-   line-height: 45px;

-   height: 45px;

-   padding-top: 0;

- }


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-   height: 45px;

- }


- /* Modal boxes */

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-   filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);

-   background-repeat: repeat-x;

-   border:0 none;

- }


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- .btn-cloud:focus {

-   color: #FFFFFF;

-   background: #7C59BB;

- }

- .btn-cloud:active { background: #7C6ADD; }


- .btn-checksum {

-   width: 250px;

-   margin-left: auto;

-   margin-right: auto;

- }


- .btn-verify {

-   padding: 10px;

- }


- .btn-fix {

-   width: 250px;

- }


- /* Product Front Pages (General Classes) */


- .product-testimonial, .header-splash, .product-features

- {

-   padding-bottom: 36px;

-   color: white;

- }


- .product-definition

- {

-   background-color:#e7e8e9;

-   color: #294172;

-   font-size: large;

-   font-weight: 500 !important;

- }


- .product-testimonial blockquote {

-   text-align: left;

-   color: black;

-   font-size: 180%;

-   border-left: none;

-   font-style: normal;

- }


- .product-testimonial blockquote cite {

-   color: #777;

-   font-weight: 300;

- }


- .bluebox

- {

-   background-color: #3c6eb4;

-   color: #f8f8f8;

- }


- .sponsorbox

- {

-   background:-webkit-gradient(radial, 30% 30%, 0, 30% 30%, 900, from(#A07CBC), to(#755B8A)) #A07CBC;

-   background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

-   background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

-   background-image: -o-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

-   background-image: -ms-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

-   background-image: radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

-   color: #f8f8f8;

- }


- .product-feature {

-   font-size: large;

- }


- .productlogo

- {

-   margin-top:5px;

-   height: 3.5em;

- }


- .download-lower {

-   background: #3c6eb4;

-   text-align: center;

-   color: white;

- }


- .download-lower h3 {

-   margin-top: 14px;

- }


- .download-lower .btn {

-   color: white;

-   margin-left: 4em;

- }


- .download-lower .btn-visible-xs {

-   margin: 0px;

- }


- /*bottom products selector*/


- .moretofedora

- {

- 	background-color:white;

- }


- .moretofedora .inlinelogo

- {

- padding-left:2px;

- padding-bottom:10px;

- height:50px;

- margin-top:4px;

- }


- .product-selector {

- 	color: #333;

- }


- .bottom-products

- {

- 	background-color:white;

- }


- .bottom-products .productname

- {

- 	font-family: "Montserrat";

- 	text-align: center;

- }


- .newsbox {

-   background-color: #a07cbc;

-   color: #fff;

-   padding: 20px;

- }


- .newsbox h2,

- .newsbox h3 {

-   margin-top: 22px;

-   color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);

- }


- .newsbox .index h3 {

-   margin-top: 10px;

-   color: #fff;

- }


- .newsbox a{

-   color: rgba(255,255,255,1);

-   border-bottom: 1px dotted rgba(255,255,255,0.4);

- }


- .newsbox a:hover,

- .newsbox a:active {

-   text-decoration: none;

-   color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);

- }


- .newsbox a.news,

- .newsbox a.news,

- .newsbox a.news {

-   text-decoration: none;

-   border: none;

- }



- .product-box {

-   position: relative;

-   margin-left: auto;

-   margin-right: auto;

- }

- .product-box a {

-   background-image: url("../images/product-sprite.png");

- }


- .product-box .greyscale,

- .product-box .color

- {

-   left:0;

-   width:  100%;

-   height: 100%;

-   position:absolute;

-   background-size: 70px 70px;

- }


- .product-box .product-server,

- .product-box .product-workstation,

- .product-box .product-atomic

- {

-   margin: 20px auto;

-   display: block;

-   position:relative;

-   width:70px;

-   height: 70px;


- }


- .product-box .product-server .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-server.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-server .color

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-server.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-workstation .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-workstation.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-workstation .color

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-workstation.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-atomic .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-atomic.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-atomic .color

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-atomic.png);

- }


- .product-box .product-server .greyscale,

- .product-box .product-server:hover .color,

- .product-box .product-workstation .greyscale,

- .product-box .product-workstation:hover .color,

- .product-box .product-atomic .greyscale,

- .product-box .product-atomic:hover .color

- {

-   opacity:1;

-  transition: opacity 0.3s ease;

- }


- .product-box .product-server .color,

- .product-box .product-workstation .color,

- .product-box .product-atomic .color

- {

-   opacity:0;

-   transition: opacity 0.3s ease;

- }


- .product-box .product-server:hover .greyscale,

- .product-box .product-workstation:hover .greyscale,

- .product-box .product-atomic:hover .greyscale

- {

-  opacity:0;

- }


- /*End Bottom products selector*/



- /* Download */


- #workstation .downloadheader .btn,

- #workstation .download-lower .btn {

-   background-color: #7bcf3e;

- }


- #workstation .splashheader {

-   background-color: #ccc;

-   min-height: 116px;

- }


- #cloud .download-cloud-splash.btn {

-   background-color: #a07cbc;

- }


- #cloud .download-cloud {

-   background-color: #a07cbc;

- }


- /*Nav*/


- .mymenu

- {

-   background-color:#b2b4b5;

-   box-shadow:0px 30px 30px -15px #aaa inset, 0px -1px 0px 0px #aaa inset;

- }


- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a,

- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a:hover

- {

-   border:none;

-   background-color:transparent;

- }

- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a

- {

-   color:#fff;

-   font-weight:bold;

-   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #777;

- }


- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

- {

-   background-color:transparent;

-   color:#111;

-   text-shadow: none;

- }

- .mymenu.workstationmenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

- .mymenu.workstationmenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

- {

-   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px rgb(121,219,50) inset;

- }


- .mymenu.servermenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

- .mymenu.servermenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

- {

-   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px rgb(229,151,40) inset;

- }


- .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li:hover > a

- {

-   background-color:transparent;

-   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px #555 inset;

-   text-shadow: none;

-   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #bbb;

-   color:#555;

- }



- .downloadheader .container

- {

-   background-image: url(../images/downloadicon.svg);

-   background-repeat: no-repeat;

-   background-position: 50px center;

- }


- /* Header */

- #head { text-align: center; font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; font-weight:300; }

- #head h1 { font-size: 36px; margin-bottom: 42px; }

- #head.secondary { height:100px; min-height: 100px; padding-top:0px; }

- 	#head .lead { font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; font-size:24px; color:white; line-height:1.15em; }

- 	#head .tagline { color:rgba(255,255,255,0.75); margin-bottom:25px; font-size: 16px;}

- 		#head .tagline a { color:#fff; }

- 	#head .btn { margin-bottom:10px;}

- 	#head .btn-default { text-shadow: none; background:transparent; color:rgba(255,255,255,.5); -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); background: transparent; }

- 		#head .btn-default:hover,

- 		#head .btn-default:focus { color:rgba(255,255,255,.8); -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); background: transparent; }

- 		#head .btn-default:active,

- 		#head .btn-default.active { color:#fff; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; background: transparent; }

-   #head .btn-edition,

-   #head .btn-edition:hover,

-   #head .btn-edition:focus,

-   #head .btn-edition:active,

-   #head .btn-edition.active a { background-color: #294172; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 20px;}


- .downloadheader

- {

-     background: url(../images/greybg.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

-     -webkit-background-size: cover;

-     -moz-background-size: cover;

-     -o-background-size: cover;

-     background-size: cover;

-     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

- }


- .main-head

- {

-     background: url(../images/greybg.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

-     -webkit-background-size: cover;

-     -moz-background-size: cover;

-     -o-background-size: cover;

-     background-size: cover;

-     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

-     padding-top: 20px;

-     padding-bottom: 20px;

- }


- .main-head-index

- {

-     -webkit-background-size: cover;

-     -moz-background-size: cover;

-     -o-background-size: cover;

-     background-size: cover;

-     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

-     padding-top: 90px;

-     padding-bottom: 100px;

-     background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) radial-gradient(ellipse at 50% 50% , #294172 15%, #233862 70%) repeat scroll 0 0;

-     text-align: center;

- }


- .main-head-index h1

- {

-     font-family:'Montserrat';

-     font-size: 52px;

-     text-align: center;

-     margin-bottom: 40px;

- }


- .main-head-index h4

- {

-     font-family:'Open Sans';

-     font-size: 22px;

-     text-align: center;

-     line-height: .8;

- }


- .main-head-index h1, .main-head-index h4

- {

-   color: #fff;

- }


- .blue-pattern-box {

-   background: url(../images/blue-pattern.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

-   height: 70px;

-   -webkit-background-size: cover;

-   -moz-background-size: cover;

-   -o-background-size: cover;

-   background-size: cover;

- }


- .grey-pattern-box {

-   background: url(../images/grey-pattern.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

-   -webkit-background-size: cover;

-   -moz-background-size: cover;

-   -o-background-size: cover;

-   background-size: cover;

- }


- .docslink a {

-   color: #777;

- }


- .fedora-header h2 {

-   line-height: 50px;

-   font-size: 18pt;

- }

- .product-header, .fedora-header{

-   padding: 20px 20px;

- }


- .fedoralogotext

- {

-  height:49px;

-  width: 108px;

-  max-width: 108px;

- }


- .fedoralogo

- {

-   height: 3.5em;

- }

- .logo-header{

- 	margin-top: 19px;

- }

- .inline-logo {

-   margin-top: -14px;

-   padding-bottom: 10px;

-   padding-left: 2px;

- }

- .language-header {

-   margin-top: 43px;

- }

- .btn-topmargin {

-   margin-top: 10px;

- }

- .verticalbottom {

- 	vertical-align: bottom; !important;

- }

- .down {

- 	margin-bottom: -4px;

- }


- /* Highlights (in jumbotron in most cases) */

- .highlight { margin-top:40px; }

- 	.h-caption { text-align: center; }

- 	.h-caption img { display:block; font-size: 54px; color:#382526; margin-bottom:36px; }

- 	.h-caption h4 { color:#382526; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom:20px; }

- 	.h-body { margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px; }

-   .h-body h4 { line-height: 1.5; }


- .productitem h4

- {

- font-family:'Montserrat';

- text-align:center;

- }


- .productitem .productitem-logo

- {


-      width:230px;

-      height:230px;

-      display:block;

-      margin-left:auto;

-      margin-right:auto;

- }

- .productitem > a

- {

-     color:#444;

- }


- .productitem > a:hover

- {

-     text-decoration:none;

- }


- .productitem .color,

- .productitem .greyscale

- {

-      width:230px;

-      height:230px;

-      background-size:cover;

-      position:absolute;

- }


- .productitem.workstation .color

- {

-     background-image:url(../images/workstation-logo-main.png);

- }


- .productitem.server .color

- {

-     background-image:url(../images/server-logo-main.png);

- }

- .productitem.cloud .color

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/atomic-logo-main.png);

- }


- .productitem.workstation .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-workstation.png);

- }


- .productitem.cloud .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-cloud.png);

- }


- .productitem.server .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-server.png);

-    opacity:1;

- }


- /* Editions logo and download button in main index */


- .product-logo-row {

-   background: red;

- }


- .edition-logo {

-   width: 200px;

-   position: absolute;

-   height: auto;

-   left: 0;

-   right: 0;

-   margin: auto;

-   padding-top: 1em;

-   padding-bottom: 1em;

- }


- .edition-logo a + a {

-   color: white;

-   border: 1px solid white;

-   padding: 5px;

-   display: none;

- }


- .productitem {

-   text-align: center;

-   padding-top: 2em;

-   padding-bottom: 5em;

-   min-height: 290px !important;

- }


- .productitem img {

-   height: 150px !important;

-   width: 150px !important;

-   position: relative;

- }


- .productitem h3 {

-   color: white;

-   font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;

-   text-transform: uppercase;

-   margin-bottom: 1em;

- }


- .productitem a {

-   display: block;

-   font-weight: bolder;

- }


- .productitem a, .productitem a:hover {

-   text-decoration: none;

- }


- .productitem.workstation {

-   background-image: url("../images/ws-main.png")

- }


- .productitem.server {

-   background-image: url("../images/server-main.png")

- }


- .productitem.atomic {

-   background-image: url("../images/atomic-main.png")

- }


- .productdesc {

-   background-color: none !important;

-   padding: 0;

-   text-align: center;

- }


- .productdesc h4 {

-   font-weight: bolder;

-   color: #60605b;

-   padding: 0 60px;

-   margin-top: 0;

-   margin-bottom: 30px;

-   line-height: 1.5;

- }


- /* bootstrap sm */

- @media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) {

-   .productdesc h4 {

-     padding: 0;

-   }

- }


- /* bootstrap md */

- @media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) {

-   .productdesc h4 {

-     padding: 0 30px;

-   }

- }


- .productdesc-spacer hr {

-   color: #3c6eb4;

-   background-color: #3c6eb4;

-   width: 80px;

-   height: 4px !important;

-   text-align: center;

-   border: 0;

-   margin-top: 50px;

-   margin-bottom: 50px;

- }


- /* end */


- @media

- (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),

- (min-resolution: 192dpi) {

- .productitem.workstation .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-workstation@2x.png);

- }


- .productitem.cloud .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-cloud@2x.png);

- }


- .productitem.server .greyscale

- {

-  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-server@2x.png);

- }

- }


- .community {

-     background-image: url('../images/community.jpg');

-     color: #FFF;

-     text-shadow: 0em 0em 1em #000;

-     padding-top: 10%;

-     padding-bottom: 10%;

-     background-position: 50% 50%;

-     background-size: cover;

-     background-repeat: no-repeat;

- }


- .foundations {

-   height: 150px;

-   width: 150px;

-   margin-top: 40px;

-   margin-bottom: 30px;

- }


- .spinsbar {

-   margin: 5px;

- }


- /* Workstation */

- #workstation .header-splash {

-   background: #3c6eb4 url(../images/workstation/workstation-splash.jpg) no-repeat right 0px center;

- }


- #workstation .product-testimonial

- {

-   background: white url(../images/workstation/workstation-testimonial.jpg) no-repeat left top -45px / 80%;

- }


- #workstation .product-testimonial blockquote p {

-   color: #555 !important;

- }


- #workstation .product-testimonial blockquote cite {

-   color: #777 !important;

- }


- #workstation .screenshots:last-child

- {

-   border-bottom: 15px solid #7bcf3e;

- }


- #workstation .gnome3 {

-   background-size: cover;

-   background: #777 url(../images/workstation/workstation-pattern.png);}


- #workstation .copr {

-   background: #777 url(../images/workstation/workstation-features-user.jpg) no-repeat 50% 50% scroll;

-   background-size: cover;

-   color: white;

-   text-shadow: #777 1px 1px 1px;

-   position:relative;

- }

- /*overlay to cover a background image to grey it out a bit to make the text more

- readable*/

- .background-overlay

- {

-   width:100%;

-   height:100%;

-   position:absolute;

-   background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);

-   top:0;

-   left:0;

- }


- #workstation .boxes {

-   background-size: cover;

-   background: #777 url(../images/darktriangles.png);

-   color: white;

- }


- #workstation .product-definition {

-   border-bottom: 15px solid #7bcf3e;

- }



- /* Server */

- #server .header-splash {

-   background: black url(../images/server/server-splash.jpg) no-repeat center top 0px;

-   background-size: cover;

-   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

- }


- #server .header-splash p {

-   font-size: 1.4em;

- }


- #server .header-splash h1 {

-   margin-bottom: 12px;

- }


- #server .downloadheader .btn,

- #server .header-splash .btn-success,

- #server .download-lower .btn,

- #server .modularity .btn-success {

-   background-color: #e59728;

- }


- #server .product-definition {

-   background: white url(../images/server/server-pattern.2.png);

-   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

-   color: black;

- }


- #server .modularity {

-   background: #143c79 url(../images/server/server-pattern.3.png);

-   color: white;

-   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

- }


- #server .modularity img {

-   max-width: 300px;

-   margin-left: auto;

-   margin-right: auto;

-   margin-top: 30px;

- 	display: block;

- }


- #server .two-col {

-    background: white url(../images/server/server-splash.2.jpg) no-repeat center center;

-    background-size: cover;

-    color: white;

-    border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

-   }


- #server .cockpit {

-   background-size: cover;

-   background: white url(../images/server/server-features-cockpit-bg.png) no-repeat top center / 100%;

-   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

- }


- #server .freeipa {

-   background-size: cover;

-   background: white url(../images/server/server-features-freeipa-bg.png) no-repeat top center / 100%;

-   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

- }


- /*Cloud*/


- #cloud #head

- {

-   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-splash.jpg);

-   background-repeat: repeat-x;

-   background-position: 50% auto;

-   padding-top:40px;

-   padding-bottom:40px;

-   color: white;

- }


- #cloud #head h1

- {

-   margin-bottom: 10px;

- }


- #cloud #head .btn

- {

- background-color:#A07CBC;

- margin-top:20px;

- }


- #cloud .caption, .atomic-cli, .atomic-ostree {

-   font-size: 125%;

-   text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #fff;

- }


- #cloud .atomic-ostree {

-   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-ostree.png);

-   background-position: center center;

-   min-height: 350px;

- }


- #cloud .atomic-cli {

-   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-cli.png);

-   min-height: 350px;

-   background-color: #9e8eac;

-   background-repeat: no-repeat !important;

-   background-position: left !important;

-   color: white;

-   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #555;

- }


- #cloud .download-lower .btn

- {

-   background-color:#A07CBC;

- }


- #cloud .btn-tab {

-   padding: 3px 5px;

-   height: 28px;

-   width: 100px;

-   border: #A07CBC 1px solid;

-   border-radius: 8px;

-   color: #A07CBC;

- }


- #cloud .btn-tab-active {

-   padding: 3px 5px;

-   height: 28px;

-   width: 100px;

-   border-radius: 8px;

-   color: #fff;

-   background-color: #c7addc;

- }


- #cloud .btn-tab:hover,

- #cloud .btn-tab-active:hover {

-   background-color: #A07CBC;

-   color: #fff;

- }


- #cloud .product-testimonial {

-   background-size: cover;

-   border-bottom: 15px solid #A07CBC;

- }


- #cloud  .atomic-host {

-   background-image: url(../images/atomic/cloud-pattern.png);

- }


- #cloud  .minimalfastflexible {

-   background-image: url(../images/greybg.png);

- }


- #cloud .download-container .caption {

-   color: #777;

-   font-size: 90%;

-   margin-top: .5em;

- }


- #cloud .downloadheader a,

- #cloud h5.bold,

- #cloud h4.bold,

- #cloud p.bold a {


-   font-weight: bold;

- }


- #cloud .download-container .btn {

- }


- #cloud .download-container h2.cloudy {

-   color: #A07CBC;

- }


- #cloud .validate {

-   width: 210px;

- }


- #cloud .click {

-   display: block;

-   margin-top: 1.5em;

-   font-weight: bold;

-   font-size: 110%;

- }


- #cloud .reveal {

-   margin: 1.5em;

-   padding: 1em 1.5em;

-   background: #eee;

- }


- #cloud .img-circle {

-   margin-top: 40px;

- }


- /*Pre-release page */

- .prerelease-header {

-   width: 500px;

-   margin: 50px auto 0 auto;

- }


- p.warning {

-     padding: .7em 1em;

-     color: #fff;

-     background: #4c4c4c no-repeat 10px center;

-     margin-bottom: 2.5em;

-     font-size: 110%;

-     display: none;

-     text-align: justify;

- }


- p.warning a {

-   color: #fff;

-   font-weight: 600;

- }


- .prerelease-box {

-   background-color: #fbfbfb;

-   padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px;

- }


- .prerelease-box h4 {

-   color: #3c6eb4;

-   font-weight: bold;

-   text-transform: uppercase;

-   margin-top: 13px;

- }


- .prerelease-box h5 {

-   display: inline;

-   position: relative;

-   padding: 0px 8px;

-   color: #fff;

-   font-weight: bold;

-   text-transform: uppercase;

-   background-color: #a7a9ac;

-   margin-top: -20px;

-   margin-left: 10px;

- }


- .header-icon {

-   margin-right: 5px;

- }


- /*bootstrap xs*/

- @media max-width:767px

- {


- }


- /*bootstrap sm*/

- @media(min-width:768px) {

-   #cloud .minimalfastflexible .screenshot {

-     margin-top:40px;

-   }

-   #cloud .navbar-nav {

-     display: inline-block;

-     float: none;

-     vertical-align: top;

-   }

-   #cloud .navbar-collapse {

-     text-align: center;

-     }

- }


- /*bootstrap md*/

- @media(min-width:992px)

- {

- #cloud .minimalfastflexible .screenshot

-   {

-     margin-top:0px;

-   }

- }


- /*bootstrap lg*/

- @media(min-width:1200px)

- {

- }




- /* Typography */

- h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; }

- h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3 { margin-top:30px; }

- h1.nopad, h2.nopad, h3.nopad { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; } /* Sometimes we don't want extra space. */

- blockquote { font-style: italic; color:#999; margin:30px 0 30px; }

- label { color: #777; }

- .thin { font-weight:300; }

- .page-title { margin-top:20px; font-weight:300; }

- .text-muted { color:#888; }

- .breadcrumb { background:none; padding:0; margin:30px 0 0px 0; }

- ul.list-spaces li{ margin-bottom:10px; }


- /* Helpers */

- .container-full { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; }

- .jumbotron-full { padding: 0;}

- .top-space { margin-top: 60px; }

- .top-margin { margin-top:20px; }

- .bottom-space { margin-bottom: 60px; }

- .bottom-margin { margin-bottom:20px; }

- .bottom-margin h4 { line-height: 1.5; }

- .bottom-step { margin-bottom:10px; }

- .bottom-margin-edition { margin-bottom:40px; }

- .recover-heading { padding-bottom: 30px; } /* Recover the margin added by h1-h3 for even-ness. */

- .uppercase {text-transform: uppercase;}

- .liveusb {}

- .pull-right {margin-left: 10px;}

- .fingerprint {white-space: pre;}


- img { max-width:100%; }

- img.pull-right { margin-left: 10px; }

- img.pull-left { margin-right: 10px; }

- #map { width:100%; height:280px; }

- #social { margin-top:50px; margin-bottom:50px; }

- 	#social .wrapper { width:340px; margin:0 auto; }


- /* Main content block */

- .maincontent { }


- /* Footer */

- .foot { background-color:#e6e6e6; padding: 30px 0 0 0; font-size: 13px; color: #777; }

- 	.foot a { color: #333; }

- 		.foot a:hover {color: #000; }

- 	.foot .widget { margin-bottom:30px; }

- 	.foot .widget-title { font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; color: #8d8d8d; margin: 0 0 20px; text-transform: uppercase; }

- 	.foot .entry-meta { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 0 0 35px 0; padding: 2px 0; color: #888888; font-size: 12px; font-size: 0.75rem; }

- 		.foot .entry-meta a { color: #333333; }

- 		.foot .entry-meta .meta-in { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px 0; }

- 	.follow-me-icons { font-size:30px; }

- 		.follow-me-icons i { float:left; margin:0 10px 0 0; }

-   .foot dd {

-     line-height: 1.6;

-   }


-   .foot .btn-social {

-     display: inline-block;

-     width: 30px;

-     height: 30px;

-     border: 2px solid #808080;

-     background-color: #808080 !important;

-     border-radius: 100%;

-     text-align: center;

-     font-size: 18px;

-     line-height: 25px;

- }

- .foot .btn-outline {

-     font-size: 18px;

-     color: #fff;

-     background: 0 0;

-     transition: all .3s ease-in-out;

- }


- .foot .btn-outline:hover,

- .foot .btn-outline:focus,

- .foot .btn-outline:active,

- .foot .btn-outline.active {

-     border: solid 2px #000;

-     color: #000;

-     background-color: #fff !important;

- }


- .foot dl {

-   margin-bottom: 8px;

- }


- /* special classes for small screens */


- @media (max-width: 767px) {

-   #workstation .header-splash, .container,

-   #workstation .product-testimonial, .container {

-     background-image: none;

-   }

-   #head .lead { font-size: 34px;

-   }

-   .modal-cloud { width: 300px; }

- }

- /* end small screens classes */


- /* FMW */


- #fmw .jumbotron h3 {

-   margin-top: 5px;

- }


- #fmw .download {

-   height: 125px;

- }


- #fmw .download .btn {

-   margin-top: 35px;

-   background-color: #7BCF3E;

- }


- #fmw .btn-success {

-   background-color: #7BCF3E;

- }


- #fmw .linux .btn {

-   background-color: #7BCF3E;

- }


- #fmw .jumbotron {

-   padding-top: 10px;

- }


- #fmw .fedora {

-   padding-left: 10px;

-   padding-right: 10px;

-   padding-bottom: 5px;

-   margin-bottom: 5px;

- }


- #fmw .linux {

-   padding-left: 10px;

-   padding-right: 10px;

-   padding-bottom: 5px;

- }


- @media (max-width:530px)

- {

-     #fmw .jumbotron {

-       padding-top: 10px;

-       margin-top: 20px;

-   }

-     #fmw .download {

-       margin-top: 0px;

-   }

-     #fmw .linux {

-       margin-top: 5px;

-   }

- }


- @media (max-width: 1380px) {

-   .main-head-index h1 {

-     font-size: 44px;

-   }

- }


- /* Utility classes */

- .hidden { display: none; }


- .mb-0{

-   margin-bottom:0;

- }


- .mt-1{

-   margin-top:1em;

- }


- .bg-light{

-   background: #f6f6f6;

- }


- .download-cloud-sm.download-cloud{

-   padding:0.5em 1em;

- }



+ @media (max-width:530px)

+ {

+     .mymenu .navbar-header {

+         float: none;

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-left,.navbar-right {

+         float: none !important;

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-toggle {

+         display: block;

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-collapse {

+         border-top: 1px solid transparent;

+         box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.1);

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-fixed-top {

+ 		top: 0;

+ 		border-width: 0 0 1px;

+ 	}

+     .mymenu .navbar-collapse.collapse {

+         display: none!important;

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-nav {

+         float: none!important;

+ 		margin-top: 7.5px;

+ 	}

+ 	.mymenu .navbar-nav>li {

+         float: none;

+     }

+     .mymenu .navbar-nav>li>a {

+         padding-top: 10px;

+         padding-bottom: 10px;

+     }

+     .mymenu .collapse.in{

+   		display:block !important;

+ 	}


+ }

+ /*bootstrap xs*/

+ @media (min-width:530px) and (max-width:767px)

+ {

+     .mymenu .navbar-collapse ul

+     {

+         padding-bottom:0px;

+     }


+     .mymenu .navbar-toggle {

+         display: none!important;

+     }

+     .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li {

+         display: table-cell;

+         width: 1%;

+      }

+      .mymenu .collapse

+      {

+         display:block;

+         height:100%!important;

+      }


+     .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a{

+         margin-bottom:0px;

+         border-radius:0px;

+      }


+      .downloadheader .container

+      {

+         background-size:260px;

+      }


+      .downloadheader .container h2

+      {

+         font-size: 20px;

+      }


+ }


+ /*bootstrap sm*/

+ @media(min-width:768px)

+ {

+ }


+ /*bootstrap md*/

+ @media(min-width:992px)

+ {

+   .downloadheader .container

+   {

+     min-height:200px;

+   }

+ }


+ /*bootstrap lg*/

+ @media(min-width:1200px)

+ {

+ }

+ body

+ {

+ background-color:#E6E6E6;

+ }


+ #site-content

+ {

+ background-color:white;

+ }

+ /* Navbar */

+ .navbar { border: 0px none; }


+ /* Navbar Cloud */

+ .navbar-custom {

+   background-color:#60605b;

+   border-radius: 0px;

+ }


+ #cloud .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {

+   color:#fff;

+   font-size: 16px;

+ }


+ #cloud .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a.active {

+   color:#fff;

+   font-size: 16px;

+   font-weight: bolder;

+   background-color: #A07CBC;

+ }


+ #cloud .navbar-nav li a {

+   line-height: 45px;

+   height: 45px;

+   padding-top: 0;

+ }


+ #cloud .navbar {

+   height: 45px;

+ }


+ /* Modal boxes */

+ .modal { overflow-y: auto; }

+ .modal-cloud { width: 550px; }


+ /* Custom buttons */

+ .btn-cloud {

+   color: #FFEFD7;

+   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #914EBB 0%, #9E61B7 100%);

+   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #914EBB 0%, #9E61B7 100%);

+   filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ff914EBB', endColorstr='#ffA77CC6', GradientType=0);

+   filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);

+   background-repeat: repeat-x;

+   border:0 none;

+ }


+ .btn-cloud:hover,

+ .btn-cloud:focus {

+   color: #FFFFFF;

+   background: #7C59BB;

+ }

+ .btn-cloud:active { background: #7C6ADD; }


+ .btn-checksum {

+   width: 250px;

+   margin-left: auto;

+   margin-right: auto;

+ }


+ .btn-verify {

+   padding: 10px;

+ }


+ .btn-fix {

+   width: 250px;

+ }


+ /* Product Front Pages (General Classes) */


+ .product-testimonial, .header-splash, .product-features

+ {

+   padding-bottom: 36px;

+   color: white;

+ }


+ .product-definition

+ {

+   background-color:#e7e8e9;

+   color: #294172;

+   font-size: large;

+   font-weight: 500 !important;

+ }


+ .product-testimonial blockquote {

+   text-align: left;

+   color: black;

+   font-size: 180%;

+   border-left: none;

+   font-style: normal;

+ }


+ .product-testimonial blockquote cite {

+   color: #777;

+   font-weight: 300;

+ }


+ .bluebox

+ {

+   background-color: #3c6eb4;

+   color: #f8f8f8;

+ }


+ .sponsorbox

+ {

+   background:-webkit-gradient(radial, 30% 30%, 0, 30% 30%, 900, from(#A07CBC), to(#755B8A)) #A07CBC;

+   background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

+   background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

+   background-image: -o-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

+   background-image: -ms-radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

+   background-image: radial-gradient(30% 30% 45deg, circle farthest-side, #a07cbc, #755B8A);

+   color: #f8f8f8;

+ }


+ .product-feature {

+   font-size: large;

+ }


+ .productlogo

+ {

+   margin-top:5px;

+   height: 3.5em;

+ }


+ .download-lower {

+   background: #3c6eb4;

+   text-align: center;

+   color: white;

+ }


+ .download-lower h3 {

+   margin-top: 14px;

+ }


+ .download-lower .btn {

+   color: white;

+   margin-left: 4em;

+ }


+ .download-lower .btn-visible-xs {

+   margin: 0px;

+ }


+ /*bottom products selector*/


+ .moretofedora

+ {

+ 	background-color:white;

+ }


+ .moretofedora .inlinelogo

+ {

+ padding-left:2px;

+ padding-bottom:10px;

+ height:50px;

+ margin-top:4px;

+ }


+ .product-selector {

+ 	color: #333;

+ }


+ .bottom-products

+ {

+ 	background-color:white;

+ }


+ .bottom-products .productname

+ {

+ 	font-family: "Montserrat";

+ 	text-align: center;

+ }


+ .newsbox {

+   background-color: #a07cbc;

+   color: #fff;

+   padding: 20px;

+ }


+ .newsbox h2,

+ .newsbox h3 {

+   margin-top: 22px;

+   color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);

+ }


+ .newsbox .index h3 {

+   margin-top: 10px;

+   color: #fff;

+ }


+ .newsbox a{

+   color: rgba(255,255,255,1);

+   border-bottom: 1px dotted rgba(255,255,255,0.4);

+ }


+ .newsbox a:hover,

+ .newsbox a:active {

+   text-decoration: none;

+   color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);

+ }


+ .newsbox a.news,

+ .newsbox a.news,

+ .newsbox a.news {

+   text-decoration: none;

+   border: none;

+ }



+ .product-box {

+   position: relative;

+   margin-left: auto;

+   margin-right: auto;

+ }

+ .product-box a {

+   background-image: url("../images/product-sprite.png");

+ }


+ .product-box .greyscale,

+ .product-box .color

+ {

+   left:0;

+   width:  100%;

+   height: 100%;

+   position:absolute;

+   background-size: 70px 70px;

+ }


+ .product-box .product-server,

+ .product-box .product-workstation,

+ .product-box .product-atomic

+ {

+   margin: 20px auto;

+   display: block;

+   position:relative;

+   width:70px;

+   height: 70px;


+ }


+ .product-box .product-server .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-server.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-server .color

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-server.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-workstation .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-workstation.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-workstation .color

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-workstation.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-atomic .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-grey-atomic.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-atomic .color

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/smalllogo-color-atomic.png);

+ }


+ .product-box .product-server .greyscale,

+ .product-box .product-server:hover .color,

+ .product-box .product-workstation .greyscale,

+ .product-box .product-workstation:hover .color,

+ .product-box .product-atomic .greyscale,

+ .product-box .product-atomic:hover .color

+ {

+   opacity:1;

+  transition: opacity 0.3s ease;

+ }


+ .product-box .product-server .color,

+ .product-box .product-workstation .color,

+ .product-box .product-atomic .color

+ {

+   opacity:0;

+   transition: opacity 0.3s ease;

+ }


+ .product-box .product-server:hover .greyscale,

+ .product-box .product-workstation:hover .greyscale,

+ .product-box .product-atomic:hover .greyscale

+ {

+  opacity:0;

+ }


+ /*End Bottom products selector*/



+ /* Download */


+ #workstation .downloadheader .btn,

+ #workstation .download-lower .btn {

+   background-color: #7bcf3e;

+ }


+ #workstation .splashheader {

+   background-color: #ccc;

+   min-height: 116px;

+ }


+ #cloud .download-cloud-splash.btn {

+   background-color: #a07cbc;

+ }


+ #cloud .download-cloud {

+   background-color: #a07cbc;

+ }


+ /*Nav*/


+ .mymenu

+ {

+   background-color:#b2b4b5;

+   box-shadow:0px 30px 30px -15px #aaa inset, 0px -1px 0px 0px #aaa inset;

+ }


+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a,

+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a:hover

+ {

+   border:none;

+   background-color:transparent;

+ }

+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li > a

+ {

+   color:#fff;

+   font-weight:bold;

+   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #777;

+ }


+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

+ {

+   background-color:transparent;

+   color:#111;

+   text-shadow: none;

+ }

+ .mymenu.workstationmenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

+ .mymenu.workstationmenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

+ {

+   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px rgb(121,219,50) inset;

+ }


+ .mymenu.servermenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a,

+ .mymenu.servermenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active:hover > a

+ {

+   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px rgb(229,151,40) inset;

+ }


+ .mymenu .nav-tabs.nav-justified > li:hover > a

+ {

+   background-color:transparent;

+   box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px 0px #555 inset;

+   text-shadow: none;

+   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #bbb;

+   color:#555;

+ }



+ .downloadheader .container

+ {

+   background-image: url(../images/downloadicon.svg);

+   background-repeat: no-repeat;

+   background-position: 50px center;

+ }


+ /* Header */

+ #head { text-align: center; font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; font-weight:300; }

+ #head h1 { font-size: 36px; margin-bottom: 42px; }

+ #head.secondary { height:100px; min-height: 100px; padding-top:0px; }

+ 	#head .lead { font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; font-size:24px; color:white; line-height:1.15em; }

+ 	#head .tagline { color:rgba(255,255,255,0.75); margin-bottom:25px; font-size: 16px;}

+ 		#head .tagline a { color:#fff; }

+ 	#head .btn { margin-bottom:10px;}

+ 	#head .btn-default { text-shadow: none; background:transparent; color:rgba(255,255,255,.5); -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5); background: transparent; }

+ 		#head .btn-default:hover,

+ 		#head .btn-default:focus { color:rgba(255,255,255,.8); -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(255,255,255,.8); background: transparent; }

+ 		#head .btn-default:active,

+ 		#head .btn-default.active { color:#fff; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 0px 3px #fff; background: transparent; }

+   #head .btn-edition,

+   #head .btn-edition:hover,

+   #head .btn-edition:focus,

+   #head .btn-edition:active,

+   #head .btn-edition.active a { background-color: #294172; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 20px;}


+ .downloadheader

+ {

+     background: url(../images/greybg.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

+     -webkit-background-size: cover;

+     -moz-background-size: cover;

+     -o-background-size: cover;

+     background-size: cover;

+     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

+ }


+ .main-head

+ {

+     background: url(../images/greybg.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

+     -webkit-background-size: cover;

+     -moz-background-size: cover;

+     -o-background-size: cover;

+     background-size: cover;

+     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

+     padding-top: 20px;

+     padding-bottom: 20px;

+ }


+ .main-head-index

+ {

+     -webkit-background-size: cover;

+     -moz-background-size: cover;

+     -o-background-size: cover;

+     background-size: cover;

+     box-shadow: 0px 3px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) inset;

+     padding-top: 90px;

+     padding-bottom: 100px;

+     background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) radial-gradient(ellipse at 50% 50% , #294172 15%, #233862 70%) repeat scroll 0 0;

+     text-align: center;

+ }


+ .main-head-index h1

+ {

+     font-family:'Montserrat';

+     font-size: 52px;

+     text-align: center;

+     margin-bottom: 40px;

+ }


+ .main-head-index h4

+ {

+     font-family:'Open Sans';

+     font-size: 22px;

+     text-align: center;

+     line-height: .8;

+ }


+ .main-head-index h1, .main-head-index h4

+ {

+   color: #fff;

+ }


+ .blue-pattern-box {

+   background: url(../images/blue-pattern.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

+   height: 70px;

+   -webkit-background-size: cover;

+   -moz-background-size: cover;

+   -o-background-size: cover;

+   background-size: cover;

+ }


+ .grey-pattern-box {

+   background: url(../images/grey-pattern.png) no-repeat right 0px center;

+   -webkit-background-size: cover;

+   -moz-background-size: cover;

+   -o-background-size: cover;

+   background-size: cover;

+ }


+ .docslink a {

+   color: #777;

+ }


+ .fedora-header h2 {

+   line-height: 50px;

+   font-size: 18pt;

+ }

+ .product-header, .fedora-header{

+   padding: 20px 20px;

+ }


+ .fedoralogotext

+ {

+  height:49px;

+  width: 108px;

+  max-width: 108px;

+ }


+ .fedoralogo

+ {

+   height: 3.5em;

+ }

+ .logo-header{

+ 	margin-top: 19px;

+ }

+ .inline-logo {

+   margin-top: -14px;

+   padding-bottom: 10px;

+   padding-left: 2px;

+ }

+ .language-header {

+   margin-top: 43px;

+ }

+ .btn-topmargin {

+   margin-top: 10px;

+ }

+ .verticalbottom {

+ 	vertical-align: bottom; !important;

+ }

+ .down {

+ 	margin-bottom: -4px;

+ }


+ /* Highlights (in jumbotron in most cases) */

+ .highlight { margin-top:40px; }

+ 	.h-caption { text-align: center; }

+ 	.h-caption img { display:block; font-size: 54px; color:#382526; margin-bottom:36px; }

+ 	.h-caption h4 { color:#382526; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom:20px; }

+ 	.h-body { margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px; }

+   .h-body h4 { line-height: 1.5; }


+ .productitem h4

+ {

+ font-family:'Montserrat';

+ text-align:center;

+ }


+ .productitem .productitem-logo

+ {


+      width:230px;

+      height:230px;

+      display:block;

+      margin-left:auto;

+      margin-right:auto;

+ }

+ .productitem > a

+ {

+     color:#444;

+ }


+ .productitem > a:hover

+ {

+     text-decoration:none;

+ }


+ .productitem .color,

+ .productitem .greyscale

+ {

+      width:230px;

+      height:230px;

+      background-size:cover;

+      position:absolute;

+ }


+ .productitem.workstation .color

+ {

+     background-image:url(../images/workstation-logo-main.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.server .color

+ {

+     background-image:url(../images/server-logo-main.png);

+ }

+ .productitem.cloud .color

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/atomic-logo-main.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.workstation .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-workstation.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.cloud .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-cloud.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.server .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-server.png);

+    opacity:1;

+ }


+ /* Editions logo and download button in main index */


+ .product-logo-row {

+   background: red;

+ }


+ .edition-logo {

+   width: 200px;

+   position: absolute;

+   height: auto;

+   left: 0;

+   right: 0;

+   margin: auto;

+   padding-top: 1em;

+   padding-bottom: 1em;

+ }


+ .edition-logo a + a {

+   color: white;

+   border: 1px solid white;

+   padding: 5px;

+   display: none;

+ }


+ .productitem {

+   text-align: center;

+   padding-top: 2em;

+   padding-bottom: 5em;

+   min-height: 290px !important;

+ }


+ .productitem img {

+   height: 150px !important;

+   width: 150px !important;

+   position: relative;

+ }


+ .productitem h3 {

+   color: white;

+   font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;

+   text-transform: uppercase;

+   margin-bottom: 1em;

+ }


+ .productitem a {

+   display: block;

+   font-weight: bolder;

+ }


+ .productitem a, .productitem a:hover {

+   text-decoration: none;

+ }


+ .productitem.workstation {

+   background-image: url("../images/ws-main.png")

+ }


+ .productitem.server {

+   background-image: url("../images/server-main.png")

+ }


+ .productitem.atomic {

+   background-image: url("../images/atomic-main.png")

+ }


+ .productdesc {

+   background-color: none !important;

+   padding: 0;

+   text-align: center;

+ }


+ .productdesc h4 {

+   font-weight: bolder;

+   color: #60605b;

+   padding: 0 60px;

+   margin-top: 0;

+   margin-bottom: 30px;

+   line-height: 1.5;

+ }


+ /* bootstrap sm */

+ @media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) {

+   .productdesc h4 {

+     padding: 0;

+   }

+ }


+ /* bootstrap md */

+ @media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) {

+   .productdesc h4 {

+     padding: 0 30px;

+   }

+ }


+ .productdesc-spacer hr {

+   color: #3c6eb4;

+   background-color: #3c6eb4;

+   width: 80px;

+   height: 4px !important;

+   text-align: center;

+   border: 0;

+   margin-top: 50px;

+   margin-bottom: 50px;

+ }


+ /* end */


+ @media

+ (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),

+ (min-resolution: 192dpi) {

+ .productitem.workstation .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-workstation@2x.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.cloud .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-cloud@2x.png);

+ }


+ .productitem.server .greyscale

+ {

+  background-image:url(../images/logo-grey-server@2x.png);

+ }

+ }


+ .community {

+     background-image: url('../images/community.jpg');

+     color: #FFF;

+     text-shadow: 0em 0em 1em #000;

+     padding-top: 10%;

+     padding-bottom: 10%;

+     background-position: 50% 50%;

+     background-size: cover;

+     background-repeat: no-repeat;

+ }


+ .foundations {

+   height: 150px;

+   width: 150px;

+   margin-top: 40px;

+   margin-bottom: 30px;

+ }


+ .spinsbar {

+   margin: 5px;

+ }


+ /* Workstation */

+ #workstation .header-splash {

+   background: #3c6eb4 url(../images/workstation/workstation-splash.jpg) no-repeat right 0px center;

+ }


+ #workstation .product-testimonial

+ {

+   background: white url(../images/workstation/workstation-testimonial.jpg) no-repeat left top -45px / 80%;

+ }


+ #workstation .product-testimonial blockquote p {

+   color: #555 !important;

+ }


+ #workstation .product-testimonial blockquote cite {

+   color: #777 !important;

+ }


+ #workstation .screenshots:last-child

+ {

+   border-bottom: 15px solid #7bcf3e;

+ }


+ #workstation .gnome3 {

+   background-size: cover;

+   background: #777 url(../images/workstation/workstation-pattern.png);}


+ #workstation .copr {

+   background: #777 url(../images/workstation/workstation-features-user.jpg) no-repeat 50% 50% scroll;

+   background-size: cover;

+   color: white;

+   text-shadow: #777 1px 1px 1px;

+   position:relative;

+ }

+ /*overlay to cover a background image to grey it out a bit to make the text more

+ readable*/

+ .background-overlay

+ {

+   width:100%;

+   height:100%;

+   position:absolute;

+   background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);

+   top:0;

+   left:0;

+ }


+ #workstation .boxes {

+   background-size: cover;

+   background: #777 url(../images/darktriangles.png);

+   color: white;

+ }


+ #workstation .product-definition {

+   border-bottom: 15px solid #7bcf3e;

+ }



+ /* Server */

+ #server .header-splash {

+   background: black url(../images/server/server-splash.jpg) no-repeat center top 0px;

+   background-size: cover;

+   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+ }


+ #server .header-splash p {

+   font-size: 1.4em;

+ }


+ #server .header-splash h1 {

+   margin-bottom: 12px;

+ }


+ #server .downloadheader .btn,

+ #server .header-splash .btn-success,

+ #server .download-lower .btn,

+ #server .modularity .btn-success {

+   background-color: #e59728;

+ }


+ #server .product-definition {

+   background: white url(../images/server/server-pattern.2.png);

+   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+   color: black;

+ }


+ #server .modularity {

+   background: #143c79 url(../images/server/server-pattern.3.png);

+   color: white;

+   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+ }


+ #server .modularity img {

+   max-width: 300px;

+   margin-left: auto;

+   margin-right: auto;

+   margin-top: 30px;

+ 	display: block;

+ }


+ #server .two-col {

+    background: white url(../images/server/server-splash.2.jpg) no-repeat center center;

+    background-size: cover;

+    color: white;

+    border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+   }


+ #server .cockpit {

+   background-size: cover;

+   background: white url(../images/server/server-features-cockpit-bg.png) no-repeat top center / 100%;

+   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+ }


+ #server .freeipa {

+   background-size: cover;

+   background: white url(../images/server/server-features-freeipa-bg.png) no-repeat top center / 100%;

+   border-bottom: 10px solid #e59728;

+ }


+ /*Cloud*/


+ #cloud #head

+ {

+   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-splash.jpg);

+   background-repeat: repeat-x;

+   background-position: 50% auto;

+   padding-top:40px;

+   padding-bottom:40px;

+   color: white;

+ }


+ #cloud #head h1

+ {

+   margin-bottom: 10px;

+ }


+ #cloud #head .btn

+ {

+ background-color:#A07CBC;

+ margin-top:20px;

+ }


+ #cloud .caption, .atomic-cli, .atomic-ostree {

+   font-size: 125%;

+   text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #fff;

+ }


+ #cloud .atomic-ostree {

+   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-ostree.png);

+   background-position: center center;

+   min-height: 350px;

+ }


+ #cloud .atomic-cli {

+   background-image: url(../images/atomic/atomic-cli.png);

+   min-height: 350px;

+   background-color: #9e8eac;

+   background-repeat: no-repeat !important;

+   background-position: left !important;

+   color: white;

+   text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #555;

+ }


+ #cloud .download-lower .btn

+ {

+   background-color:#A07CBC;

+ }


+ #cloud .btn-tab {

+   padding: 3px 5px;

+   height: 28px;

+   width: 100px;

+   border: #A07CBC 1px solid;

+   border-radius: 8px;

+   color: #A07CBC;

+ }


+ #cloud .btn-tab-active {

+   padding: 3px 5px;

+   height: 28px;

+   width: 100px;

+   border-radius: 8px;

+   color: #fff;

+   background-color: #c7addc;

+ }


+ #cloud .btn-tab:hover,

+ #cloud .btn-tab-active:hover {

+   background-color: #A07CBC;

+   color: #fff;

+ }


+ #cloud .product-testimonial {

+   background-size: cover;

+   border-bottom: 15px solid #A07CBC;

+ }


+ #cloud  .atomic-host {

+   background-image: url(../images/atomic/cloud-pattern.png);

+ }


+ #cloud  .minimalfastflexible {

+   background-image: url(../images/greybg.png);

+ }


+ #cloud .download-container .caption {

+   color: #777;

+   font-size: 90%;

+   margin-top: .5em;

+ }


+ #cloud .downloadheader a,

+ #cloud h5.bold,

+ #cloud h4.bold,

+ #cloud p.bold a {


+   font-weight: bold;

+ }


+ #cloud .download-container .btn {

+ }


+ #cloud .download-container h2.cloudy {

+   color: #A07CBC;

+ }


+ #cloud .validate {

+   width: 210px;

+ }


+ #cloud .click {

+   display: block;

+   margin-top: 1.5em;

+   font-weight: bold;

+   font-size: 110%;

+ }


+ #cloud .reveal {

+   margin: 1.5em;

+   padding: 1em 1.5em;

+   background: #eee;

+ }


+ #cloud .img-circle {

+   margin-top: 40px;

+ }


+ /*Pre-release page */

+ .prerelease-header {

+   width: 500px;

+   margin: 50px auto 0 auto;

+ }


+ p.warning {

+     padding: .7em 1em;

+     color: #fff;

+     background: #4c4c4c no-repeat 10px center;

+     margin-bottom: 2.5em;

+     font-size: 110%;

+     display: none;

+     text-align: justify;

+ }


+ p.warning a {

+   color: #fff;

+   font-weight: 600;

+ }


+ .prerelease-box {

+   background-color: #fbfbfb;

+   padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px;

+ }


+ .prerelease-box h4 {

+   color: #3c6eb4;

+   font-weight: bold;

+   text-transform: uppercase;

+   margin-top: 13px;

+ }


+ .prerelease-box h5 {

+   display: inline;

+   position: relative;

+   padding: 0px 8px;

+   color: #fff;

+   font-weight: bold;

+   text-transform: uppercase;

+   background-color: #a7a9ac;

+   margin-top: -20px;

+   margin-left: 10px;

+ }


+ .header-icon {

+   margin-right: 5px;

+ }


+ /*bootstrap xs*/

+ @media max-width:767px

+ {


+ }


+ /*bootstrap sm*/

+ @media(min-width:768px) {

+   #cloud .minimalfastflexible .screenshot {

+     margin-top:40px;

+   }

+   #cloud .navbar-nav {

+     display: inline-block;

+     float: none;

+     vertical-align: top;

+   }

+   #cloud .navbar-collapse {

+     text-align: center;

+     }

+ }


+ /*bootstrap md*/

+ @media(min-width:992px)

+ {

+ #cloud .minimalfastflexible .screenshot

+   {

+     margin-top:0px;

+   }

+ }


+ /*bootstrap lg*/

+ @media(min-width:1200px)

+ {

+ }




+ /* Typography */

+ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family:"Open sans", Helvetica, Arial; }

+ h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3 { margin-top:30px; }

+ h1.nopad, h2.nopad, h3.nopad { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; } /* Sometimes we don't want extra space. */

+ blockquote { font-style: italic; color:#999; margin:30px 0 30px; }

+ label { color: #777; }

+ .thin { font-weight:300; }

+ .page-title { margin-top:20px; font-weight:300; }

+ .text-muted { color:#888; }

+ .breadcrumb { background:none; padding:0; margin:30px 0 0px 0; }

+ ul.list-spaces li{ margin-bottom:10px; }


+ /* Helpers */

+ .container-full { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; }

+ .jumbotron-full { padding: 0;}

+ .top-space { margin-top: 60px; }

+ .top-margin { margin-top:20px; }

+ .bottom-space { margin-bottom: 60px; }

+ .bottom-margin { margin-bottom:20px; }

+ .bottom-margin h4 { line-height: 1.5; }

+ .bottom-step { margin-bottom:10px; }

+ .bottom-margin-edition { margin-bottom:40px; }

+ .recover-heading { padding-bottom: 30px; } /* Recover the margin added by h1-h3 for even-ness. */

+ .uppercase {text-transform: uppercase;}

+ .liveusb {}

+ .pull-right {margin-left: 10px;}

+ .fingerprint {white-space: pre;}


+ img { max-width:100%; }

+ img.pull-right { margin-left: 10px; }

+ img.pull-left { margin-right: 10px; }

+ #map { width:100%; height:280px; }

+ #social { margin-top:50px; margin-bottom:50px; }

+ 	#social .wrapper { width:340px; margin:0 auto; }


+ /* Main content block */

+ .maincontent { }


+ /* Footer */

+ .foot { background-color:#e6e6e6; padding: 30px 0 0 0; font-size: 13px; color: #777; }

+ 	.foot a { color: #333; }

+ 		.foot a:hover {color: #000; }

+ 	.foot .widget { margin-bottom:30px; }

+ 	.foot .widget-title { font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; color: #8d8d8d; margin: 0 0 20px; text-transform: uppercase; }

+ 	.foot .entry-meta { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 0 0 35px 0; padding: 2px 0; color: #888888; font-size: 12px; font-size: 0.75rem; }

+ 		.foot .entry-meta a { color: #333333; }

+ 		.foot .entry-meta .meta-in { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px 0; }

+ 	.follow-me-icons { font-size:30px; }

+ 		.follow-me-icons i { float:left; margin:0 10px 0 0; }

+   .foot dd {

+     line-height: 1.6;

+   }


+   .foot .btn-social {

+     display: inline-block;

+     width: 30px;

+     height: 30px;

+     border: 2px solid #808080;

+     background-color: #808080 !important;

+     border-radius: 100%;

+     text-align: center;

+     font-size: 18px;

+     line-height: 25px;

+ }

+ .foot .btn-outline {

+     font-size: 18px;

+     color: #fff;

+     background: 0 0;

+     transition: all .3s ease-in-out;

+ }


+ .foot .btn-outline:hover,

+ .foot .btn-outline:focus,

+ .foot .btn-outline:active,

+ .foot .btn-outline.active {

+     border: solid 2px #000;

+     color: #000;

+     background-color: #fff !important;

+ }


+ .foot dl {

+   margin-bottom: 8px;

+ }


+ /* special classes for small screens */


+ @media (max-width: 767px) {

+   #workstation .header-splash, .container,

+   #workstation .product-testimonial, .container {

+     background-image: none;

+   }

+   #head .lead { font-size: 34px;

+   }

+   .modal-cloud { width: 300px; }

+ }

+ /* end small screens classes */


+ /* FMW */


+ #fmw .jumbotron h3 {

+   margin-top: 5px;

+ }


+ #fmw .download {

+   height: 125px;

+ }


+ #fmw .download .btn {

+   margin-top: 35px;

+   background-color: #7BCF3E;

+ }


+ #fmw .btn-success {

+   background-color: #7BCF3E;

+ }


+ #fmw .linux .btn {

+   background-color: #7BCF3E;

+ }


+ #fmw .jumbotron {

+   padding-top: 10px;

+ }


+ #fmw .fedora {

+   padding-left: 10px;

+   padding-right: 10px;

+   padding-bottom: 5px;

+   margin-bottom: 5px;

+ }


+ #fmw .linux {

+   padding-left: 10px;

+   padding-right: 10px;

+   padding-bottom: 5px;

+ }


+ @media (max-width:530px)

+ {

+     #fmw .jumbotron {

+       padding-top: 10px;

+       margin-top: 20px;

+   }

+     #fmw .download {

+       margin-top: 0px;

+   }

+     #fmw .linux {

+       margin-top: 5px;

+   }

+ }


+ @media (max-width: 1380px) {

+   .main-head-index h1 {

+     font-size: 44px;

+   }

+ }


+ /* Utility classes */

+ .hidden { display: none; }


+ .mb-0{

+   margin-bottom:0;

+ }


+ .mt-1{

+   margin-top:1em;

+ }


+ .bg-light{

+   background: #f6f6f6;

+ }


+ .download-cloud-sm.download-cloud{

+   padding:0.5em 1em;

+ }



+ /*  Correct alignment for Farsi/Persian */

+ html[lang="fa"] .product-header .col-xs-6.text-left.pull-left {

+     text-align: left !important;

+ }


+ html[lang="fa"] .container .text-left {

+     text-align: right;

+ }


In some pages (e.g. Download pages) of getfedora.org/fa website, the text-align for Farsi (RTL) is left. Need to change them to right.

Sorry for the slow reply on this one, and not sure if it is because of it conflicting, but the diff on this one is huge, and hard to tell what has actaully changed.

Are you able to re-base this one, or re-apply the changes to make it easier to see what is going on here?

rebased onto 9995999

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by bcotton

4 years ago