#462 Page empty
Closed: Invalid None Opened 10 years ago by giuseppep.

This wiki page [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MarcWiriadisastra] is empty but there are some page that point here, Like this [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors/NewMentors] and this [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors] that are important and are page with guide how to help the project.

I don't really think the mentors project is active any more. Maybe we should contact Patrick or Mark to find out?

Note that the mentors list seems to have been taken over for "Ambassador mentors": https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor#Regional_Ambassador_Mentors

So, the other, "whole Fedora" mentors program is probably inactive.

Replying to [comment:1 ankursinha]:

I don't really think the mentors project is active any more. Maybe we should contact Patrick or Mark to find out?

Ok. If the project isn't active can be good to remove or to move the page.

It's a page on the wiki. Feel free to add an admon that tells people that the mentors project is inactive. Please make it clear that this is the "mentors" project and not the "ambassadors mentors" which is completely different.

I'm closing this as wontfix. Wiki pages can be edited directly to keep the content up to date.

Thanks to ankurshina for bringing up all the informations needed to fix the page.

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