fedora-qa / qa-make

Created 5 years ago
Maintained by frantisekz
Provides generic Makefile to be used in Fedora QA projects
Members 2

QA Make

Generic Makefile to be used across all Fedora QA projects.

How to Use it?

Build package:

$ make build

Build just src rpm:

$ make srpm

Build package for Fedora 27 (specific version):

$ make build BUILDTARGET=fedora-27-x86_64 TARGETDIST=fc27

Build package for EPEL 7:

$ make build BUILDTARGET=epel-7-x86_64 TARGETDIST=el7

You can get the latest makefile version by:

$ make update-makefile

All files will be stored in ./build directory structured by the version of the project.

Adding generic Makefile into your project

This Makefile should be placed into your project's root folder, next to .spec file and project's source tree (which should be a git folder).

Then, you can either define all the variables in Makefile.cfg, which should also sit in the project's source tree, or let the Makefile auto-detect all it needs (this works for SRC only for now).

Example Makefile.cfg could look like this:
