#1297 [anaconda] Can't refocus blivet-gui, anaconda crashes on trying to launch it again | rhbz#2238282
Closed 7 months ago by blockerbot. Opened 9 months ago by blockerbot.

Bug details: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2238282
Information from BlockerBugs App:

Current vote summary

Commented but haven't voted yet: adamwill, coremodule

The votes have been last counted at 2023-09-11 18:20 UTC and the last processed comment was #comment-873640

To learn how to vote, see:
A quick example: BetaBlocker +1 (where the tracker name is one of BetaBlocker/FinalBlocker/BetaFE/FinalFE/0Day/PreviousRelease and the vote is one of +1/0/-1)

BetaFE +1
And I think I'm currently also leaning towards
FinalBlocker +1
because it's easy to click outside of the window, and then not being able to go back. And clicking Quit in anaconda reboots the machine, so you can't even restart the whole installation easily. If people are against, I'm fine with just documenting this, but it bothers me how inconvenient this is and it can be probably very simply fixed just by launching blivet-gui maximized.

BetaFE +1
FinalBlocker +1

Though everything will be fine after a reboot in most of the cases,and as a
user who are easily distracted^^,I don't even run into this issue
once,with several days's heavy testing of blivet-gui,
but yes,it's inconvenient,plus good app should be robust,so
BetaFE +1

On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 10:26=E2=80=AFPM Luk=C3=A1=C5=A1 R=C5=AF=C5=BEi=C4=
=8Dka pagure@pagure.io wrote:

lruzicka added a new comment to an issue you are following:
BetaFE +1 FinalBlocker +1

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The following votes have been closed:

AGREED AcceptedFinalBlocker

Discussed during the 2023-09-11 blocker review meeting: [0]

The decision to classify this bug as an "AcceptedBlocker (Final)" was made as it violates all of the disk management criteria, in the case you manage to trigger this by clicking outside of the blivet-gui window.

[0] https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-blocker-review/2023-09-11/f39-blocker-review.2023-09-11-16.00.txt

The following votes have been closed:

Metadata Update from @blockerbot:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 months ago

Release F39 is no longer tracked by BlockerBugs, closing this ticket.

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