#254 Seach on Magazine Home Page
Closed: Moved 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.

Why don't we have a search box on the front of magazine? I went to find an article today and accidentally discovered the search box in the article view. I had never noticed it before and didn't think of it while staring at the homepage and debating how to construct my google search string ...

Hello @bex ,

Looking carefully at the front-page, the search box is in the footer, It's hard to see it, it's certainly not the best place (Maybe it's new, I have some memories where I think it was the subscription box place)

I think move it to a best place like the header may breaks the look and feel of the magazine (the header is small and the search box not) so we might need to modify the wordpress theme to include the search box in a better position.

I think we should open a ticket with the design team to discuss it with them.

@bt0dotninja It'd be great if you would champion this. I am a huge fan of great design, and Fedora has a lot of that, however we cannot design ourselves away from usability.

I'm wondering if this should be a work for design, websites or infrastructure.

@bex @bt0dotninja As a reference, for tickets on the Fedora Magazine theme, please file those on the Fedora Magazine theme repo. You can see that there's a couple of issues already open there as well. :)

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017)
- Issue tagged with: Fedora Magazine, blocked

7 years ago

ok, I added a new ticket in Fedora Magazine theme repo.


Thanks @jflory7

ok, I added a new ticket in Fedora Magazine theme repo.


Great, thanks @bt0dotninja!

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: blocked
- Issue close_status updated to: Moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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