#9114 Remove multiple forks of same package from my account
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by pingou. Opened 3 years ago by tdawson.

Describe what you would like us to do:

Somehow I have gotten multiple forks of the same package in my account (tdawson).
It is easiest to seem there at the package fork areas:

If you want to investigate why, I believe all of these have happened when I have clicked on the "Fork and Edit" button. I want to create pull requests for minor spec file changes, so I go to branch -> Master, click on the spec file, and then "Fork and Edit".
I've done this one several other packages, I don't know why it's messed up on these ones.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)


Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue assigned to pingou

3 years ago

I've add a few reports about this occurring and the "fix" for this is to delete the project from the DB and let the user fork the project again.

I'll check that the git repo hasn't been created then clean the DB for these forks.

If you want to investigate why, I believe all of these have happened when I have clicked on the "Fork and Edit" button. I want to create pull requests for minor spec file changes, so I go to branch -> Master, click on the spec file, and then "Fork and Edit".

This is really interesting, as so far no-one was able to tell me how they did it, so thanks! :)

# select id, namespace, name, user_id, is_fork from projects where name in ('python-pid', 'nodejs-asap', 'python-psutil', 'rpmdevtools') order by name, user_id;
  id   | namespace |     name      | user_id | is_fork 
 43494 | rpms      | nodejs-asap   |    1394 | t
 10940 | rpms      | nodejs-asap   |    1502 | f
 43444 | rpms      | nodejs-asap   |    1505 | t
 43445 | rpms      | nodejs-asap   |    1505 | t
 18651 | rpms      | python-pid    |     364 | f
 27574 | rpms      | python-pid    |     578 | t
 43492 | rpms      | python-pid    |    1505 | t
 43493 | rpms      | python-pid    |    1505 | t
 41256 | rpms      | python-psutil |     209 | t
 27591 | rpms      | python-psutil |     578 | t
 39163 | rpms      | python-psutil |     837 | t
 32435 | rpms      | python-psutil |    1267 | t
 18702 | rpms      | python-psutil |    1357 | f
 42414 | rpms      | python-psutil |    1505 | t
 42413 | rpms      | python-psutil |    1505 | t
 34439 | rpms      | python-psutil |    1669 | t
 20090 | rpms      | rpmdevtools   |    1089 | f
 43078 | rpms      | rpmdevtools   |    1505 | t
 43077 | rpms      | rpmdevtools   |    1505 | t
(19 rows)

For confirmation:

# select "user" from "users" where id = 1505;

So to clean things:

# delete from projects where id in (43078, 43077, 43444, 43445, 43492, 43493, 42414, 42413);

You should be able to re-fork these projects :)

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @pingou:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble

3 years ago

Thank you for the fix.
I am now able to fork those projects.

Sorry, I didn't know my comment would re-open this. I just wanted to say thanks.

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