#74 2 clicks to live cd
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by mmcgrath.

We need to get a way to do two clicks to the live cd from fedoraproject.org/ Can we make sure to have this before f8?

Just to update this ticket. We have had to make changes to mirror manager, this has changed what it's storing in memory which has caused us to make some attempts at making it more efficient.

Also mirrormanager didn't used to look to verify the iso's were on each mirror which caused two problems. This is being corrected and will be ready for the F8 launch. mdomsch has been good about getting these and other changes in.

This is just an idea, I am not sure we want these links here.

Replying to [comment:2 craigt]:

This is just an idea, I am not sure we want these links here.

You've got the right idea there, I'm hoping to get some guys from the art team involved to create some nice icons at the top of our 'get fedora' page. People like pictures :)

We do officially have two-click done. The get-fedora page needs a little work but thats unrelated. Closing ticket.

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