#4929 mirrors.its.dal.ca very slow
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by dciarnie.

= phenomenon =
mirrors.its.dal.ca is ridiculously slow

According to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/, this mirror is 1000Mbps and CA*Net 4 connected but I regularly get less than 100kB/s downloads.

= reason =

= recommendation =
Determine why the mirror is so much slower than claimed and fix, if possible.

Thanks for the report. I have added the mirror admin to CC:

I have tested the mirror from various locations and have seen everything from 50KB/s up to 5M/s with wget. Maybe the mirror admin can give details about the existing bandwidth and connection.

Any news here or anything we can do?

At this point might be best to have the user contact the mirror admin directly?

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