#492 Setup voting system for FLSCo elections -- Apr 14-21 2008
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by glezos.

The L10n project is having its first elections on the $subj dates.



We need to have the voting system available in this period. This is a ticket to track this request.

After reading the README file from Toshio (CCed), I realize I could handle this.

FWIW, I could go on and update the files/DB right away.

If you want to give it a try, go ahead. We have the elections db backed up and the software in cvs so everything's recoverable if something goes wrong.

Feel free to ping me if you need help, though.

glezos: Please give this a try:

It should ask for your fas username and password using apache basic auth. Then it should let you get the ballot and vote. If there's any issues (either with the program or the people on the ballot) let me know so we can fix this before the election is scheduled to start. I'll be able to clear any votes that are made before the election starts.

(Try and break things like voting for too many people or voting twice as well just to be safe.)

P.S.: Thank ricky for doing most of the work on porting this :-)

Toshio, it seems to work as it should. I disabled JS and the test for >7 num_of_votes worked on the server-side as well, cool.

We'll need to have one more person added to the people list on the ballot:

# Pablo Martin-Gomez

Replying to [comment:4 glezos]:

We'll need to have one more person added to the people list on the ballot:

# Pablo Martin-Gomez

Whoops, didn't mean to close it.



Okay! Dates for open and close are updated and the test ballots have been cleared out. We're all ready for this to run::

2008-04-22 00:00:00+00 => 2008-04-29 00:00:00+00

Alrighty, glezos and ricky tested this morning and it seems votes are being recorded. Let us know if you notice any issues.

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