#3971 DNS record request
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by jskladan.

= bug description =

Hi, we have some new web-apps in FedoraQA, and I'd like to ask for DNS records.

Thanks, Josef

= fix recommendation =

resultsdb.qa.fedoraproject.org ->

testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org ->

Okay, the records have been created, and should be live in about an hour.

So, these are dev instances in the cloud?

Or is it intended that when they are ready they would be repointed? or keep living in the cloud?

Currently we don't have any release blocking applications running in production in the cloud, so we may want to discuss this. ;)

These are not release blocking applications - testdays app is not even supposed to be, and the resultsdb is a dev instance. I suppose that once we have the production instances (and this is something tflink should also be part of), the resultsdb DNS record will get repointed.

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