#3646 git clone http://fedorapeople.org/groups/armv8/rootfs.git does not appear to work
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by ahs3.

= bug description =

git clone http://fedorapeople.org/groups/armv8/rootfs.git was working
for a while but now seems to hang. I'm not getting any useful info
on why it's hanging, either (but I'll admit I may not know where to
look). ssh+git: seems to work fine, but http: is necessary for several
non-Fedora contributors that are also following the work being done.

git update-server-info seemed to fix an issue where the most recent
commit was not visible; could I have inadvertently changed some ACLs?

Thanks in advance for the help.

= bug analysis =

= fix recommendation =

It seems to work here:

kevin@jelerak ~/git % time git clone -v --progress http://fedorapeople.org/groups/armv8/rootfs.git
Cloning into 'rootfs'...
Checking out files: 100% (189290/189290), done.
git clone -v --progress http://fedorapeople.org/groups/armv8/rootfs.git 153.29s user 45.70s system 13% cpu 23:48.77 total
kevin@jelerak ~/git % du -sh rootfs
8.5G rootfs

It takes a while, but works fine.

Please do reopen this if you are still seeing problems?

I suspect it's the case of: a) people not seeing any output and thinking it hung, where it just takes a long time and b) some kind of change to the repo in the past preventing people from easily git pull.

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