#3508 Ask Fedora badge requirements are too low
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by mattdm.

= phenomenon =

The activity requirements for various badges are too low.

= reason =

I'm for lowering some things to get more early involvement, but I think the requirements for some of our badges are so low that they're too easy, wasting the gamification.

There are three kinds of badges, bronze, silver, and gold. Bronze badges should be awarded for basic tasks -- they exist to help one learn new features in the system. Silver badges should be something people work for, and Gold should indicate real engagement with the site. These should be aspirational, and making them too low undermines the purpose.

= recommendation =

Leave the bronze badges alone. Some of the silver badges are also file. But other badges should be adjusted like this:


Enlightened: is 3; recommend 10
Famous Question: is 500; recommend 5,000
Favorite Question: is 3; recommend 10
Good Answer: is 3; recommend 10
Good Question: is 3; recommend 10
Great Answer: is 5; recommend 25
Great Question: is 5; recommend 25
Guru: is 5; recommend 42
Necromancer: is 1; recommend 3
Nice Answer: is 2; recommend 5
Nice Question: is 2; recommend 5
Notable Question: is 250; recommend 1,000
Pundit: is 10/10; recommend 10/5 (this is lowering things)
Stellar Question: is 5; recommend 25


You should now be able to just adjust this yourself if you like. ;)

However, it might be good to have some feedback from other active folks before changing things...

Replying to [comment:1 kevin]:

You should now be able to just adjust this yourself if you like. ;)

However, it might be good to have some feedback from other active folks before changing things...

Yeah, I ''did'' adjust them by myself, as I feel this one has a little bit of urgency. I'm still open to feedback and tweaks, of course!

Lets just close this out and discussion can take place ongoing... ;)

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