#11962 Login issues on site, missing download links, others...
Opened 19 days ago by dreadstorm. Modified 11 hours ago


If your issue is for security or deals with sensitive info please
mark it as private using the checkbox below.

Describe what you would like us to do:

---- Fix the Labs download links on the website. No way to obtain v40 Design lab version, has no links.
---- Logins to various areas on Fedora sites fail regularly. Most commonly public forums.
---- Can't get into anywhere else to post this, so here it is.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

---- No rush, after all these problems, I don't think I'll be in any hurry to use your products anytime soon.

The design suite was not produced for f40 due to problems with the blender package. Since thats a non blocking deliverable, the entire release wasn't blocked on it.

You could use the f39 one: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/releases/39/Labs/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Design_suite-Live-x86_64-39-1.5.iso and upgrade.

We will need more information on which "public forums" you are seeing failures on? Also, how does it fail? time out? error message?

This latest error was...

400 - Bad Request
Invalid transaction id

...And that was trying to get in here to reply. On the third refresh of this page to view, the login link worked and popped me in without prompts. Previous errors were usually invalid username/password messages. They came from these forums, the GitLab site, and another I can't remember.

I wanted to thank you for that link to download. Going previous and upgrading is a perfectly acceptable solution.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: Needs investigation

17 days ago

Strangely I can't seem to find any errors in the identity provider logs. All the entries there show successful.

Perhaps @zlopez or @abompard can see where this might be going awry?

I noticed that as well, it throws 400 - Bad Request and after visiting the service again you are logged in.

I got one of the login errors yesterday on notifications.fedoraproject.org. I got the same error again today when logging in to post this.

Yesterday I pasted "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/rules/246" into Firefox (because that program is too fancy to work in Seamonkey). The login form was displayed. Credentials were filled in from my keyring. I submitted the form and got 400 Bad Request. I then pasted the same URL again, and saw the notification rule without logging in again.

A log from Firefox follows. I have redacted everything that looked like it might possibly be secret. Some of the messages are translated, but those look like they're only warnings about things that will stop working in some future version. What they say is that some cookies lack valid "SameSite" attributes and that sizeToContent is deprecated.

11:41:16,919 Fetched service configuration
Object { authorizationEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization", tokenEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Token", revocationEndpoint: undefined, userInfoEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/UserInfo", endSessionEndpoint: undefined }
11:41:16,926 Making authorization request
Object { authorizationEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization", tokenEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Token", revocationEndpoint: undefined, userInfoEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/UserInfo", endSessionEndpoint: undefined }

Object { crypto: {}, usePkce: true, clientId: "fmn-frontend", redirectUri: "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora", scope: "openid profile email https://id.fedoraproject.org/scope/groups", responseType: "code", state: "REDACTED", extras: undefined, internal: undefined }
11:41:16,928 Making a request to
Object { crypto: {}, usePkce: true, clientId: "fmn-frontend", redirectUri: "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora", scope: "openid profile email https://id.fedoraproject.org/scope/groups", responseType: "code", state: "REDACTED", extras: {…}, internal: {…} }
 https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization?redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fnotifications.fedoraproject.org%2Flogin%2Ffedora&client_id=fmn-frontend&response_type=code&state=REDACTED&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20https%3A%2F%2Fid.fedoraproject.org%2Fscope%2Fgroups&code_challenge=REDACTED&code_challenge_method=S256 index-ujsPPI9n.js:38:7598
Error: Unable to preload CSS for /assets/TrackingRule-xsjE9iaN.css
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    Qs https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    component https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
    Fu https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    promise callback*N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    O https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    _ https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    install https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    use https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:1
    <anonymous> https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
11:41:16,939 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unable to preload CSS for /assets/TrackingRule-xsjE9iaN.css
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    Qs https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    component https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
    Fu https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    promise callback*N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    O https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    _ https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    install https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    use https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:1
    <anonymous> https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
Vissa kakor missbrukar det rekommenderade attributet "SameSite" 2
11:41:18,148 Kaka "REDACTED" har inte ett korrekt "SameSite" attributvärde. Snart kommer kakor utan attributet "SameSite" eller med ett ogiltigt värde att behandlas som "Lax". Detta innebär att kakan inte längre skickas i externa sammanhang. Om din applikation beror på att denna kaka är tillgänglig i sådana sammanhang, lägg till attributet "SameSite=None" till den. Läs https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite om du vill veta mer om attributet "SameSite" negotiate
11:41:18,148 Kaka "fedora_ipsilon_session_id" har inte ett korrekt "SameSite" attributvärde. Snart kommer kakor utan attributet "SameSite" eller med ett ogiltigt värde att behandlas som "Lax". Detta innebär att kakan inte längre skickas i externa sammanhang. Om din applikation beror på att denna kaka är tillgänglig i sådana sammanhang, lägg till attributet "SameSite=None" till den. Läs https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite om du vill veta mer om attributet "SameSite" negotiate
11:41:18,215 sizeToContent() är föråldrad och kommer att tas bort i framtiden. commonDialog.js:132:10
11:42:00,941 Kaka "fedora_ipsilon_session_id" har inte ett korrekt "SameSite" attributvärde. Snart kommer kakor utan attributet "SameSite" eller med ett ogiltigt värde att behandlas som "Lax". Detta innebär att kakan inte längre skickas i externa sammanhang. Om din applikation beror på att denna kaka är tillgänglig i sådana sammanhang, lägg till attributet "SameSite=None" till den. Läs https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite om du vill veta mer om attributet "SameSite" Continue
AbortError: Actor 'Conduits' destroyed before query 'RuntimeMessage' was resolved ConduitsParent.sys.mjs:379
    _raceResponses resource://gre/modules/ConduitsParent.sys.mjs:379
11:42:44,069 Fetched service configuration
Object { authorizationEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization", tokenEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Token", revocationEndpoint: undefined, userInfoEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/UserInfo", endSessionEndpoint: undefined }
11:42:44,072 Making authorization request
Object { authorizationEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization", tokenEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Token", revocationEndpoint: undefined, userInfoEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/UserInfo", endSessionEndpoint: undefined }

Object { crypto: {}, usePkce: true, clientId: "fmn-frontend", redirectUri: "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora", scope: "openid profile email https://id.fedoraproject.org/scope/groups", responseType: "code", state: "REDACTED", extras: undefined, internal: undefined }
11:42:44,075 Making a request to
Object { crypto: {}, usePkce: true, clientId: "fmn-frontend", redirectUri: "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora", scope: "openid profile email https://id.fedoraproject.org/scope/groups", responseType: "code", state: "REDACTED", extras: {…}, internal: {…} }
 https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization?redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fnotifications.fedoraproject.org%2Flogin%2Ffedora&client_id=fmn-frontend&response_type=code&state=REDACTED&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20https%3A%2F%2Fid.fedoraproject.org%2Fscope%2Fgroups&code_challenge=REDACTED&code_challenge_method=S256 index-ujsPPI9n.js:38:7598
Error: Unable to preload CSS for /assets/TrackingRule-xsjE9iaN.css
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    Qs https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    component https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
    Fu https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    promise callback*N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    O https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    _ https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    install https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    use https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:1
    <anonymous> https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
11:42:44,087 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unable to preload CSS for /assets/TrackingRule-xsjE9iaN.css
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    s https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    Qs https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:14
    component https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
    Fu https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    promise callback*N https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    O https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    _ https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    install https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:34
    use https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:1
    <anonymous> https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/assets/index-ujsPPI9n.js:43
11:42:45,950 Fetched service configuration
Object { authorizationEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Authorization", tokenEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Token", revocationEndpoint: undefined, userInfoEndpoint: "https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/UserInfo", endSessionEndpoint: undefined }
11:42:45,955 Checking to see if there is an authorization response to be delivered. index-ujsPPI9n.js:38:7631
11:42:45,955 Potential authorization request  https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora
Object { code: "REDACTED", state: "REDACTED" }
 REDACTED REDACTED undefined index-ujsPPI9n.js:38:7598
11:42:45,956 Delivering authorization response index-ujsPPI9n.js:38:7631
11:42:45,956 Authorization request complete
Object { crypto: {}, usePkce: true, clientId: "fmn-frontend", redirectUri: "https://notifications.fedoraproject.org/login/fedora", scope: "openid profile email https://id.fedoraproject.org/scope/groups", responseType: "code", state: "REDACTED", extras: {…}, internal: {…} }

Object { code: "REDACTED", state: "REDACTED" }
 null index-ujsPPI9n.js:39:15987
11:42:46,100 Got OIDC token response:
Object { accessToken: "REDACTED", tokenType: "Bearer", expiresIn: 3600, refreshToken: "REDACTED", scope: undefined, idToken: "REDACTED", issuedAt: 1717494166 }
11:42:47,100 Got user info response:
Object { name: "Björn Persson", nickname: "rombobeorn", preferred_username: "rombobeorn", zoneinfo: "Europe/Stockholm", locale: "sv", email: "bjorn@xn--rombobjrn-67a.se", groups: (5) […], sub: "rombobeorn" }
11:42:47,101 Will redirect to /rules/246 LoginFedora-Zf54K93T.js:1:1206

<Provider> does not support changing `store` on the fly. It is most likely that you see this error because you updated to Redux 2.x and React Redux 2.x which no longer hot reload reducers automatically. See https://github.com/reactjs/react-redux/releases/tag/v2.0.0 for the migration instructions. react-redux.js:881:13

Here on pagure.io I use Seamonkey. I clicked on "Log in" at the bottom of this page. The login form was displayed. Credentials were filled in from my keyring. I submitted the form and got 400:

400 - Bad Request

Invalid transaction id

I then went back and clicked on "Log in" again, and was immediately logged in.

I got a log of many HTTP requests in Seamonkey. Unforunately copying the log works really poorly. I have to edit it extensively to make it readable, which would take too long to do with the whole log. Here are the headers of the two most relevant-looking requests and responses:

POST https://id.fedoraproject.org/login/pam 
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: sv,en;q=0.5
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 130
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: REDACTED=openid; fedora_ipsilon_session_id=REDACTED; REDACTED=login; REDACTED=login
DNT: 1
Host: id.fedoraproject.org
Origin: https://id.fedoraproject.org
Referer: https://id.fedoraproject.org/login/gssapi/negotiate?ipsilon_transaction_id=REDACTED
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0

HTTP/2.0 303 See Other
X-Firefox-Spdy: h2
apptime: D=1874078
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private
content-length: 256
content-security-policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8
date: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:17:51 GMT
location: https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Continue?ipsilon_transaction_id=REDACTED
pragma: no-cache
referrer-policy: same-origin
server: Apache
set-cookie: REDACTED=login; HttpOnly; Max-Age=300; Path=/; Secure fedora_ipsilon_session_id=REDACTED; expires=Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:32:51 GMT; HttpOnly; Max-Age=900; Path=/; Secure ipsilon_default_username=rombobeorn; HttpOnly; Max-Age=1296000; Path=/; Secure
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; preload
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-fedora-appserver: ipsilon02.iad2.fedoraproject.org
x-fedora-proxyserver: proxy36.fedoraproject.org
x-fedora-requestid: REDACTED
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN, deny
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block

GET https://id.fedoraproject.org/openidc/Continue 
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: sv,en;q=0.5
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: REDACTED=openid; fedora_ipsilon_session_id=REDACTED; REDACTED=login; REDACTED=login; REDACTED=login; ipsilon_default_username=rombobeorn
DNT: 1
Host: id.fedoraproject.org
Referer: https://id.fedoraproject.org/login/gssapi/negotiate?ipsilon_transaction_id=REDACTED
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0

HTTP/2.0 400 Bad Request
X-Firefox-Spdy: h2
access-control-allow-origin: *
apptime: D=198484
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private
content-length: 4336
content-security-policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:17:53 GMT
pragma: no-cache
referrer-policy: same-origin
server: Apache
set-cookie: fedora_ipsilon_session_id=REDACTED; expires=Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:32:53 GMT; HttpOnly; Max-Age=900; Path=/; Secure
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; preload
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-fedora-appserver: ipsilon01.iad2.fedoraproject.org
x-fedora-proxyserver: proxy36.fedoraproject.org
x-fedora-requestid: REDACTED
sx-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN, deny
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block

I currently had for some time always:

401 - Unauthorized
Transaction expired, or cookies not available

I have never problems with ending up on the FAS login page. But once I entered credentials and then click to login, then the issue occurs. Beyond "unauthorized", I have had "time out" and "bad request" in the past. Sometimes it is only once, and then I try again and it works. But sometimes this condition can remain for many attempts.

Kevin, you asked in the mailing list for information that indicates which proxy it is. Here an extract from tcpdump. The very "click" to login was 13:08:28:

13:08:25.190849 IP fedora.45278 > 192.229.XXX.XXX.http: Flags [.], ack 2230300768, win 497, options [nop,nop,TS val 1368748353 ecr 3202042858], length 0
13:08:25.214931 IP 192.229.XXX.XXX.http > fedora.45278: Flags [.], ack 1, win 131, options [nop,nop,TS val 3202053099 ecr 1368686865], length 0
13:08:25.706740 IP fedora.36036 > dns.google.domain: 62850+ [1au] PTR? (54)
13:08:25.731302 IP dns.google.domain > fedora.36036: 62850 NXDomain 0/0/1 (54)
13:08:28.800132 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [S], seq 1255371569, win 64240, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 4207315726 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
13:08:28.893917 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [S.], seq 3566394504, ack 1255371570, win 26844, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2336283230 ecr 4207315726,nop,wscale 7], length 0
13:08:28.894051 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [.], ack 1, win 502, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315820 ecr 2336283230], length 0
13:08:28.897068 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [P.], seq 1:1298, ack 1, win 502, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315823 ecr 2336283230], length 1297
13:08:28.977992 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [.], ack 1298, win 200, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283315 ecr 4207315823], length 0
13:08:28.979219 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [P.], seq 1:255, ack 1298, win 200, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283316 ecr 4207315823], length 254
13:08:28.979275 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [.], ack 255, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315905 ecr 2336283316], length 0
13:08:28.980379 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [P.], seq 1298:1378, ack 255, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315906 ecr 2336283316], length 80
13:08:28.981300 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [P.], seq 1378:1548, ack 255, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315907 ecr 2336283316], length 170
13:08:28.982262 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [P.], seq 1548:2067, ack 255, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315908 ecr 2336283316], length 519
13:08:29.061108 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [P.], seq 255:305, ack 1378, win 200, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283399 ecr 4207315906], length 50
13:08:29.061524 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [P.], seq 2067:2098, ack 305, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207315988 ecr 2336283399], length 31
13:08:29.062669 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [P.], seq 305:336, ack 1548, win 199, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283400 ecr 4207315907], length 31
13:08:29.098143 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [P.], seq 336:3072, ack 2067, win 195, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283436 ecr 4207315908], length 2736
13:08:29.098147 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [P.], seq 3072:5271, ack 2067, win 195, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283436 ecr 4207315908], length 2199
13:08:29.098267 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [.], ack 3072, win 499, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207316024 ecr 2336283400], length 0
13:08:29.098450 IP fedora.50422 > proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https: Flags [.], ack 5271, win 482, options [nop,nop,TS val 4207316024 ecr 2336283436], length 0
13:08:29.178431 IP proxy-iad02.fedoraproject.org.https > fedora.50422: Flags [.], ack 2098, win 195, options [nop,nop,TS val 2336283516 ecr 4207315988], length 0

This time, after about 4 or 5 attempts, it worked.

Let me know if you prefer something else.

ok, interesting.

Is there any delay from when it redirects you to the id page and when you submit it? ie, you try and login, and don't see the id page for a time? or do you always see it and enter your data right after?

I'll look and see if I can see anything more in logs based on your info. Thanks!

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