#11907 403 error on https git push
Opened 19 days ago by ryandesign. Modified 16 days ago

As explained in #9860, git push to an https repository does not work.

I am also unable to push to my repo. Returns a 403 error.

@superkamiguru Has it worked ok for you in the past? Or is this your first push there?

I can't really think of anything that would have changed around this.

I do see the 403's in logs, but they don't provide much insight... I am not sure why you are not being asked for a username/api key. ;(

Does ssh: pushing work as expected for either of you?


I have this issue as well. Note that for me it was yesterday really the very first time I tried to push anything in a git repoitory hosted on pagure.io. I was able to push by moving to ssh (although ssh is blocked by my company's firewall, so I had to push from home).

I am not sure why you are not being asked for a username/api key.

Is this comment inaccurate? It says:

"I think I've found it: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/eb2dac57e1c3c78c21b708740b0a7de81c6b4cb4/f/roles/pagure/templates/pagure.cfg#_425 It's simply not enabled in production :)"

Does ssh: pushing work as expected for either of you?


Hum. I thought it was an out of date comment, but seems perhaps not.

Can one of you setup a test project on stg.pagure.io and see if https pushing works for you there?

The ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH=True isn't enough by itself, it needs something to set the REMOTE_USER and I am not sure there's anything that will do that currently.

I can also try and test as time permits.

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

16 days ago

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