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This one was initially reported many years ago on the marketing trac as an idea, and while recently going through that queue, i found it and thought that it might be suitable for a hubs widget.
The initial comment was:
Is there a web-page or is it possible to have one that shows the Fedora distro release and its stage in the release cycle? For example, if a release such as Fedora 9, is not supported, one can have it shown with a red circle. If a release is in freeze, it can be in marked in an yellow circle, and when we can push packages to a release, it can be in a green circle, similar to traffic signal lights? While, we do receive e-mails on freeze updates, I thought it will be simpler to just check a web-page rather than having to go through mailing list archives? Suggestions welcome. SK -- Shakthi Kannan http://www.shakthimaan.com
Is there a web-page or is it possible to have one that shows the Fedora distro release and its stage in the release cycle?
For example, if a release such as Fedora 9, is not supported, one can have it shown with a red circle. If a release is in freeze, it can be in marked in an yellow circle, and when we can push packages to a release, it can be in a green circle, similar to traffic signal lights?
While, we do receive e-mails on freeze updates, I thought it will be simpler to just check a web-page rather than having to go through mailing list archives?
Suggestions welcome.
-- Shakthi Kannan http://www.shakthimaan.com
So, we don't yet have a backend system that models this... but PDC will be that database/API.
Hubs can then just re-display the data in a widget for this.
TODO first - stand up and populate PDC.
This is my design process behind this infograph, I tried to incorporate the major milestones in this time line design. For the purpose of indicating the various stages, I used the breadcrumbs navigation pattern. Further, I followed this (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/24/Schedule) documentation for the purpose of designing this info-graph. The font and color palette are all according to the fedora standard guidelines. Any feedback and suggestions welcome.
<img alt="InfoReleaseCycle.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/617533f88f45f5e41dc55e160f00d5a857ffdb3414d43a8606ac534e682ea079-InfoReleaseCycle.png" />
<img alt="InfoReleaseCycle.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/617533f88f45f5e41dc55e160f00d5a857ffdb3414d43a8606ac534e682ea079-InfoReleaseCycle.png" />
Further, thinking in terms of mobile responsiveness, I believe this time line can be condensed vertically to allow for more effective representation in smaller screen sizes
What if we made the time line vertical on mobile? just throwing out some ideas
I am actually mocking up the design for the smaller screen sizes and will upload the same shortly. For smaller screen sizes, I believe the vertical time line pattern will suit better.Perhaps a visual mobile mockup would provide more information
https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/63#comment-3256 looks quite nice but looking at it it's like the release and the freeze are right behind each other, while there is time in between.
The release is punctual (one day) while freeze and there is time between the release and the next freeze which I find missing from the current view.
Maybe the green arrow with the green circle could be replaced by just a green circle and following it there would be a blue arrow representing the time period between a release and the next freeze.
Does that make sense?
Correct me if I am wrong, my understanding is that you want to show the timeline between the alpha release and beta freeze? Perhaps inserting the blue arrow in between would make the timeline more understandable ?
If that is what you meant, then I believe there is some space gap between the two currently, but making it more prominent would be better ? Perhaps a date timeline indicating the time period in between makes sense ?
For example there are 3 weeks between the alpha freeze and the alpha release and then another 3 weeks between alpha release and beta freeze.
So depending on how you look at it, either you consider the second 3 weeks as being "This is the alpha release time period" or you consider them as "the time between the alpha release and the beta freeze". I normally see things as the later while the graph currently looks more like the former.
I made some improvements to the original mockup
Further, I have also included the mobile view mockup with the vertical pattern. <img alt="InfoReleaseCycleRework.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/322da5f90ca0b89b8895d0a76c4a4640aafe1f76f3d278d7f1983e41833c043a-InfoReleaseCycleRework.png" />
Further, I have also included the mobile view mockup with the vertical pattern. <img alt="InfoReleaseCycleRework.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/322da5f90ca0b89b8895d0a76c4a4640aafe1f76f3d278d7f1983e41833c043a-InfoReleaseCycleRework.png" />
<img alt="Mobile-View.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/27e0d39c13adb6952a474ca5e2bb69f84c82187b6167ecc5c34a3b5335b4f236-Mobile-View.png" />
<img alt="Mobile-View.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/27e0d39c13adb6952a474ca5e2bb69f84c82187b6167ecc5c34a3b5335b4f236-Mobile-View.png" />
Hey Radhika, this looks nice! The blue/orange/green look great. I would use the Fedora magenta for the rocket and the lightbulb though - although maybe the lightbulb is extraneous.
To pingou's point - I think it would make more sense to have the circles in between the arrow/lines (maybe right at the arrow head?) When the circle is centered on the line, it makes the whole line seem to represent the circle I think where if the circle is inbetween then the time represented by the arrow is more clear. I'm not sure shrinking the alpha/beta in relation to the freezes reads correctly - I'm not sure how to interpret it.
Hi Mo,
I got your point about the circle being in between the arrows to make the release, freeze stand out more . I however feel it would be useful if we just kept the release cycle circles in between (instead of shrinking) as it is a one day event and rest the of the time line remains same. That way it will represent the circle in between as one day and the rest as a long time period (specially freeze).
Hi Radhika,
Having the circle in between wouldn't just be to make them stand out more - the issue is that right now the line between the two circles is broken, so it's unclear that there's a significant amount of time inbetween them. If there was a longer contiguous line between circles, that would address pingou's concern that right now the graphic reads as having little to no time between milestones.
Based on the feedback, I have made some improvements to the existing design
<img alt="Fedora24RelCycle.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/7e36ae2575527ac13be993be7ed567e591f445a6b5b1b9d073f85022916055b5-Fedora24RelCycle.png" />
<img alt="Fedora24RelCycle.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/7e36ae2575527ac13be993be7ed567e591f445a6b5b1b9d073f85022916055b5-Fedora24RelCycle.png" />
I like that, and the dark grey/light grey indicates where we're at?
Yes , it does
Maybe have it fill in Fedora blue since it's the "path to Fedora" to get released? and the track behind it would be the light grey?
Yes I thought of it but it would contrast with the blue freezes, branch?
You can use the dark Fedora blue, then there should be enough contrast
Hi Mo:
I had changed the track to light Grey and dark blue for the slider. See the image attached below.
Pingou :
Some ideas I have for implementing this widget are as follows ( I am discussing these ideas just for the visual purposes as I am aware using these js features would have some licensing issue)
A simple js which can fill in the circles as the slider moves along along with the description https://codyhouse.co/demo/horizontal-timeline/index.html
Another rain like feature for implementing the time line, though frankly it requires the user to click for further information. (Perhaps for the vertical /mobile view) http://codecanyon.net/item/timelinzjs-lightweight-timeline-maker/full_screen_preview/13847677?ref=jqueryrain
I could probably lose the extra slider on scroll http://cidcode.net/timeline/flik-timeline-5.html
I like this one as well but would like the timeline to be automatic http://cidcode.net/timeline/flik-timeline-8.html
This time line could be a good option too, but we could just slow it down a bit http://www.jqueryrain.com/2013/06/dasky-jquery-timeline-slider/
More useful vertical and horizontal themes can be seen here http://codecanyon.net/item/flik-timeline-10-style-with-generator/full_screen_preview/15080536?ref=jqueryrain
<img alt="Fedora24ReleaseCycleFeedback.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/30ec1b54f72f4b655bd45eec7c2b3b2492015326fa4974a896de15404b8057b4-Fedora24ReleaseCycleFeedback.png" />
<img alt="Fedora24ReleaseCycleFeedback.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/30ec1b54f72f4b655bd45eec7c2b3b2492015326fa4974a896de15404b8057b4-Fedora24ReleaseCycleFeedback.png" />
Update first version of the interactive prototype
Feedback according to today's meeting :
Second Version of the prototype : https://radhikamani88.fedorapeople.org/release/i.html
I've modified the mockups from Radhika to fit the widget format. Here that is:
<img alt="release_cycle-active_devel-63.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/6b8e333b8d95268b5a570ccd03c91a15413d00806c0f1e51c557e2074f2c5ca2-release_cycle-active_devel-63.png" />
I also mocked up an additional widget that shows status across releases, which I think the reporter was looking for as well:
<img alt="release_cycle-active_releases-63.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/31a68e9f46b32a0a6f909170701c009343bd034b1530d1c051e16470372cb2e7-release_cycle-active_releases-63.png" />
Opening this one up for review and for a developer to take on. Any / all constructive feedback greatly appreciated.
<img alt="release_cycle-active_devel-63.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/6b8e333b8d95268b5a570ccd03c91a15413d00806c0f1e51c557e2074f2c5ca2-release_cycle-active_devel-63.png" />
<img alt="release_cycle-active_releases-63.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/31a68e9f46b32a0a6f909170701c009343bd034b1530d1c051e16470372cb2e7-release_cycle-active_releases-63.png" />
@ralph How was your plan on integrating this with PDC?
@sayanchowdhury told me this morning that @vivekanand1101 was discussing with @ralph how to integrate this widget properly -- whether with PDC or something else. Vivek, can you please update this ticket with some information on the alternatives, and any decision you guys reached about how to do it?
As said by @ralph , PDC doesn't have the data yet and it's better to rely on other release schedule data sources for the purpose. The problem is we didn't reach to any conclusion about which data sources.
Prototype for the release cycle widget: http://saptaks.me/prototypes/fedora_hubs/widget.html I am yet to make it in the widget format.
With help from @jflory7 , the project we should be looking for the data is: https://pagure.io/fedora-project-schedule/
Also, there is this one: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-all-tasks.html
Thanks @ralph and @decause for their time.
Note also, that there is a machine-readable ics file here: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-all-milestones.ics
And a directory full of other stuff here: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/
Here's the icons!
<img alt="release-widget-icons.tar.gz" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/ecba81e0f637a499365712437bb10a4e105534207ba840c43ab6fff2ab52db2c-release-widget-icons.tar.gz" />
<img alt="release-widget-icons.tar.gz" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/ecba81e0f637a499365712437bb10a4e105534207ba840c43ab6fff2ab52db2c-release-widget-icons.tar.gz" />
Updated the front-end design in PR #274
Just a quick update fro today's meeting - mizmo will review the front end UI on this and give saptaks feedback, and vivek is looking into the backend questions.
I just reviewed this and discussed w saptaks - he has a very impressive start here. there are a few css niggles on my end (might be my env's fault) but it's very accurate to the mockup. We talked about making it more responsive for narrow layouts. It's my TODO to mock up a narrow version.
Here are narrow layouts to show how the widget should behave when in a narrow situation:
<img alt="release_cycle-active_releases-63_narrow.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/86164b883bca78b2e6beaa8deb501911e4f336f7e2b92bacd032448ed9345bc6-release_cycle-active_releases-63_narrow.png" />
<img alt="release_cycle-active_releases-63_narrow.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/86164b883bca78b2e6beaa8deb501911e4f336f7e2b92bacd032448ed9345bc6-release_cycle-active_releases-63_narrow.png" />
<img alt="release_cycle-active_devel-63_narrow.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/d0ad40ce3c81572b24536cd5ef70ced53a1d5500cff2e6a72bd7ed7101265741-release_cycle-active_devel-63_narrow.png" />
<img alt="release_cycle-active_devel-63_narrow.png" src="/fedora-hubs/issue/raw/files/d0ad40ce3c81572b24536cd5ef70ced53a1d5500cff2e6a72bd7ed7101265741-release_cycle-active_devel-63_narrow.png" />
@saptaks ^^ hope these help? Can you make the widget responsive as shown in these narrow mockups?
@duffy I will make it responsive to match with the narrow mockups.
thanks @saptaks! keep us posted of your progress here, and let me know as soon as I can review the front end again.
Metadata Update from @vivekanand1101: - Assignee reset
Metadata Update from @ryanlerch: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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