#453 Updated command on Postgres docs from gedit to gnome-text-editor
Closed 2 years ago by nikodunk. Opened 2 years ago by nikodunk.
fedora-docs/ nikodunk/quick-docs master  into  master

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ 


  If you’re getting ident errors from your app you’ll probably need to perform the accepted solution described at https://serverfault.com/questions/406606/postgres-error-message-fatal-ident-authentication-failed-for-user?newreg=a4fdc3e21349449985cc65b82399c5b4 


- sudo gedit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

+ sudo gnome-text-editor /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf



  and edit `host all all ident` to `host all all md5`. This should allow most applications to connect with username/password.

no initial comment

rebased onto c09a36e

2 years ago

I think the default editor that is expected to be installed on all Fedora linux installations now is nano. So we should probably use that here, and say something like "edit this file in your preferred editor, e.g. nano".


PS: is this because the workstation replaced gedit with gnome-text-editor in F36? I upgraded so I didn't have a chance to run into changes in default applications this time.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Request assigned

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Pull-request tagged with: improvement, needs committer review

2 years ago

Hmm wouldn't you say that Nano is a lot harder to use though than a
graphical text editor where you can hit ctrl + s to save? I know gnome text
editor doesn't come standard on all spins, but pushing people to nano just
to set up postgres seems a little intense? Postgres is already a lot harder
to set up than MacOS which is what I switched from...

Any chance there's wiggle room to stay with a graphical text editor?

On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 12:22 AM Ankur Sinha pagure@pagure.io wrote:

The pull-request: Updated command on Postgres docs from gedit to gnome-text-editor of project: quick-docs has been assigned to
ankursinha by ankursinha.


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A being harder/easier than B will always be personal preference, unfortunately. We won't ever get to a consensus on that particular question :) (I don't use either myself)

It's more a question of what is available on the system by default. If we want to suggest gnome-text-editor or another one, we'll need to note "please install this if it isn't available" so that users aren't surprised if the command isn't found on their systems, and the down side of something gnome-specific/particular desktop specific is that it'll pull in a lot of gnome dependencies that users on other DEs will not want installed on their systems.

So that's sort of the reasoning behind using a text based editor in these docs---they're usually less desktop environment dependent.

I think it's best to write this as "use your preferred text editor to edit ... e.g." . That way users aren't expected to use what is used there---they're meant to use whatever they prefer.

What do you think?

Good point. It does add to the mental overhead though to have to choose and
install a text editor, and if you're a linux noob like I was, just trying
to get postgres up and running on Fedora you're going to have trouble
opening your text editor of choice with sudo privileges to edit the
postgres configuration file....

Long story short I think if there's no easily recommended path anymore,
it's probably better to rescind my edit suggestion and maybe we should
leave as is and they can simply pre-install Gedit as necessary. Don't want
to contribute to complexity in the docs here :)

Thank you for your inputs, Ankur!

On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 1:36 AM Ankur Sinha pagure@pagure.io wrote:

ankursinha commented on the pull-request: Updated command on Postgres docs from gedit to gnome-text-editor that you are following:
A being harder/easier than B will always be personal preference,
unfortunately. We won't ever get to a consensus on that particular question
:) (I don't use either myself)

It's more a question of what is available on the system by default. If we
want to suggest gnome-text-editor or another one, we'll need to note
"please install this if it isn't available" so that users aren't surprised
if the command isn't found on their systems, and the down side of something
gnome-specific/particular desktop specific is that it'll pull in a lot of
gnome dependencies that users on other DEs will not want installed on their

So that's sort of the reasoning behind using a text based editor in these
docs---they're usually less desktop environment dependent.

I think it's best to write this as "use your preferred text editor to edit
... e.g." . That way users aren't expected to use what is used
there---they're meant to use whatever they prefer.

What do you think?

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Pull-Request has been closed by nikodunk

2 years ago