#44 Talking Points: EDU
Closed: Duplicate 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by decause.

This ticket will likely be owned by Marketing, but until we figure out how best to coordinate this, I'm going to put it here.

This ticket will be a sort of "archetype" for talking-points lists we need to develop for various groups/audiences.

The target audiences we want to reach here are:

  • Students: Potential users and potential contributors. Why contributing to Open Source helps your resume, get's you valuable hands-on experience, etc...
  • Staff: Why using Open Source in the lab is effective (cost-effective and tech ed effective.)
  • Faculty: Why using Open Source in the classroom is helpful to the professor (POSSE content here), and how it is helpful to Students (better educated on latest tools, working in real-world projects, huge distributed teams, revision control, etc...)

No matter where we are. many of the universities have the same kind of problems and interest, let me add a few talking points , only a draft but I hope this will start a brainstorming to add, edit or remove many more talking points.

Mission: To convince students to become active user and contributors.

  • Easy approximation to cutting-edge technologies like Containers, virtualization and development tools.
  • Friendly Community

Mission: To convince professors to use Open Source in the classroom is helpful to the professor and students
* A lot scientific packages available from many areas (Mathematics, Physics, engineering)

Mission: To convince staff to use Open Source in the lab is effective (cost-effective and tech effective) alternative.
Many tools for monitoring and administering large computer labs
Straightforward and very well documented procedures for many administrative tasks by example Network configuration

Putting this onto a backburner for a bit… I think we bit off a little more than we can chew at the moment. We will definitely pick this one up later in 2017…

Discussed during 2017-02-21 meeting.

We agreed and acknowledged that this ticket is more of a marketing task, and it fits into their existing ticket about crafting an education-focused campaign.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Duplicate
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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