#186 Register models in admin.py
Closed 5 years ago by jflory7. Opened 5 years ago by anasustic.
fedora-commops/ anasustic/fedora-happiness-packets master  into  master

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ 

  It includes troubleshooting steps and other project details.



- ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker deamon at http+docker://localhost-is it running?

+ ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker deamon at http+docker://localhost-is it running? 

      Verify the logged in user is member of the docker group.

      To verify logged in user run::


-  	sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}


+  	    sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}


      If logged in user is not member of the docker group add it using::


- 	sudo gpasswd -a${USER}

+ 	    sudo gpasswd -a${USER}


  No sample messages on the main page and no messages in Archives, even though both sender and receiver approved to display message publicily.


@@ -23,8 +23,13 @@ 

  Setting up the development environment



+ <<<<<<< HEAD

  #. Fork the `current repository <https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/fedora-happiness-packets>`_ to your profile.

  #. Clone this forked repository (ssh method is recommended, the steps can be found `here <https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/first_steps.html>`_) to your system using Git with the following command::

+ =======

+ #. Fork the `current repository <https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/fedora-happiness-packets>`_ to your profile .

+ #. Clone this forked repository to your system using Git with the following command::

+ >>>>>>> Revert "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pagure.io/forks/anasustic/fedora-commops/fedora-happiness-packets"


      git clone "https://pagure.io/forks/<user_name>/fedora-commops/fedora-happiness-packets.git"

@@ -78,12 +83,11 @@ 

      docker-compose exec web sh


  Then the terminal will show a ``#`` symbol.

- Simply type in ``./t`` (or ``t``) to initiate the test suite.

+ Simply type in ``t`` to initiate the test suite.


- (The test suite are run by running the ``./t`` script, which runs the tests with the appropriate testing settings and provides a coverage report.)

+ (The test suite are run by running the ``t`` script, which runs the tests with the appropriate testing settings and provides a coverage report.)


  Integration tests are run via the following command::


-     docker-compose exec web ./manage.py test -v 2 -p integration_test*.py --settings=happinesspackets.settings.tsting

+     manage.py test -v 2 -p integration_test*.py --settings=happinesspackets.settings.tsting


- If a ``file not found`` error occurs, try removing the ``./`` from the command and try again.

Register models for Message and BlacklistedEmail in Django Admin. This is first part of #157.

Hi @anasustic
The changes look good to me! :confetti_ball:
I was searching why \ No newline at end of file is reported and came across this. Could you please add a new line at the eof?

Also, just a reminder, you might wanna rebase/squash your commits to resolve conflicts :)

1 new commit added

  • Add new line at the eof
5 years ago

Hi @shraddhaag Thanks :raised_hands: I rebased/squashed my commits. I believe I am now up to date with upstream/master :blush:

@anasustic seems like there are still merge conflicts. Here are some helpful resources to help you get the job done:

  1. You can refer this while you rebase and then squash your commits.
  2. If during rebase you encounter a merge conflict, this can be helpful.

1 new commit added

  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
5 years ago

Hi @shraddhaag. I believe I am up to date now with the commits :blush:

@anasustic Great job done! :confetti_ball:
Just one tiny thing, could you please also squash these commits into one commit? It becomes easy to merge that way. Here is a helpful guide for the same :)

Hi @shraddhaag I am not sure anymore :sweat_smile: but when I run git rebase -i master the rebase I get Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master

@anasustic Oh! You've made all your changes on the master branch. What you've done here is merge all the commits that you got from upstream into your commit.

What you want to do now is rollback the previous rebase you did. You should do that following this.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Pull-request tagged with: improvement, needs changes, type - backend, type - summer coding
- Request assigned

5 years ago

Hi @anasustic, thanks for the PR! :raised_hands:

Looks like the PR fell out of sync with the master branch. It is hard to review because the files changed shows other files not changed by you, but by others in already-merged pull requests. This happens when new commits are added to the original project after you make your commits.

The best way to avoid this is using the feature branch workflow. This is an effective way to use git when you are working on a project with others. It is helpful when changes may be merged while you are working on changes. Feature branches make it easy to "replay" your changes on top of the latest changes in the master branch of a project.

Once you use a feature branch, you need to rebase on top of master branch like @shraddhaag mentioned. git merge and git rebase are two different methods. Using git merge pulls all changes from one branch and puts them on top of the project, after your changes. It creates a merge commit like in this PR. Using git rebase is like a card deck, where your cards (commits) are pulled out and placed on top of the other cards (commits). This does not create a merge commit, but may create a merge conflict which you have to solve by manually editing the files with a conflict.

You can see these two guides I recommend for learning how to rebase:

I hope this explanation is helpful. This was something I didn't learn for a while until after using git. When you rebase this pull request, it will be able to review your changes. :grinning:

@anasustic Hi if want git to not save commits or history of other branch files to your current branch file, you can do this.

git checkout master and git pull origin master #this is to pull the changes in the upstream
git checkout -b < your branch >

To correct your mistake, you can do:

git rebase --onto master < previous branch > < current branch >

Also if you are not familiar about git rebase, there is simpler way to do it to squash your commit into one.

git reset $(git merge-base master branch-name) *don't remove the $sign. paste it the way it is

git push —force origin branch-name.

1 new commit added

  • Revert "Add new line at the eof"
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Revert "Register models to Django Admin"
5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Register models in django admin
5 years ago

rebased onto 9761811

5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Resolve conflict in docs/faq.rst
5 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Resolving conflict in docs/faq.rst
  • Revert "Register models in django admin"
5 years ago

Hi @jflory7, I rebased but had some issues with the two conflicts I ran into while merging. I tried to revert back to a previous commit but that didn't help either. I think I need some assistance :sweat_smile: to clean this pull request.
Thanks :smile:

Hi @anasustic
Okk, let's see what you did.

Firstly, what error are you getting currently..???

Hi @phoenix1796 I am not getting an error. I should have only my admin.py in the pull requests (under files changed). Instead I have two other files (the two files I got errors in the rebase and I had to resolve conflicts).

So as I can see, There are two other files that you have not worked on, and your actual file admin.py is missing.

And these changes occured after you rebased right?

What I think can help you is copy the file contents directly from the main repo and paste it in your local files. This should help resolve any conflicts.

P.S. You tagged the wrong 'phoenix' :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Sorry @phoenixabhishek for tagging you and thanks for your reply :smile:
Yes I have the two files in my change that should not be part of the change and the admin.py missing after reverting back to previous commits.

So assuming that the upstream is set in your local system,
can you try to git fetch upstream followed by git merge upstream/master

@anasustic Hi! Give these a try maybe?
1. git reflog and locate the last known good change that you want to revert back to, lets assume that's HEAD@{3} for this scope.
2. git reset HEAD@{3} --hard This will point the head to the last known good change you want to revert back to. [Be sure to replace the number inside {} with the one you found in step 1]
3. Then update the master using
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
4. Create a new branch. [This is strongly recommended as @jflory7 explained]
5. Switch to the new branch using git checkout insertNameOfNewBranch
6. Make the changes (Add your admin.py file :blush: )
7. Commit those changes
8. Again, repeat step 3 to make sure your master is up to date and then rebase your changes.
9. Finally push those changes and you're good to go!

Hope that is easy to follow and helps understanding the flow better :)

Hi All. Thanks for all your suggestions. I have applied them in #194 Add django admin.py. Please take a look when you have a moment.

Hi All. Thanks for all your suggestions. I have applied them in #194 Add django admin.py. Please take a look when you have a moment.

Thanks, I left a comment there. :thumbsup: I will close this PR as a duplicate of #194.

Pull-Request has been closed by jflory7

5 years ago